Sentences with phrase «with debased»

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A sordid trial is underway in Florida this week, pitting the debased former wrestler Hulk Hogan against the digital tabloid Gawker in a fight over a video showing Hogan having sex with his best friend's wife.
Ever since Bernanke came in with his, «Enrich thy neighbour» and we have rotating debasement that is when we stop debasing, the ECB, and the BoJ.
We have Russia, we have China and we have Brazil, we have India, we have countries that are outside of the formal developed countries with their currencies where they are debasing it, that is the developed countries.
Central bankers around the world are debasing fiat currencies with rounds of quantitative easing, resulting in trillions of government bonds being purchased and swapped.
(129) And who turns away from the religion of Abraham but such as debase their souls with folly?
I am your mastered armature of worded bliss which will ever be your flogging nature wantonly debasing in the orientations of that which you can not find being helpful within such issues of and towards high minded accolades meant as a distillation seminary to those with a meager eyeful of knowledge.
I haven't seen this film, and so can not comment on it - but to all who lump atheists with communists, nazis, hedonists, and every other debased human quality, you are wrong.
The early monastic tradition appears to have inherited this attitude, with the result that work often came to be seen as a debasing and demeaning activity, best left to one's social» and spiritual» inferiors.
If enough people feel that their values (which are consistent with universal values) are being debased, they may well fall into line with the pastors.
However debased Hawking's understanding of basic philosophy, it has been encouraged by the lack of real engagement with modern science by Catholic theologians.
Unlike the silly, anti-Christian liars (like RUFUS) that are perfectly happy to debase themselves with lies, what I've written is the actual TRUTH.
Unlike the silly, anti-Christian liars that are perfectly happy to debase themselves with lies, what I've written is the actual TRUTH.
Family standards are continually subject to erosion from the inflow of debased materials from the mass media — as in the brutality and immorality of many of the so - called «comic» books, the triviality, sensationalism, and distortion of most journalism, and the preoccupation with crime and violence in many television programs.
Plato's account of the slavish / tyrannical soul - type cultivated in the population by a tyrant would suggest that a darker vision of human failure than Hobbes» nightmare is possible: perpetual tyranny, with only dynasty changes possible for a population utterly debased in soul.
With the teaching that man is the highest essence for man, hence with the categoric imperative to overthrow all relations in which man is a debased, enslaved, abandoned, despicable essencWith the teaching that man is the highest essence for man, hence with the categoric imperative to overthrow all relations in which man is a debased, enslaved, abandoned, despicable essencwith the categoric imperative to overthrow all relations in which man is a debased, enslaved, abandoned, despicable essence.38
These qualities and conditions, which constitute the materials and contexts with which and in which the exemplifications of relational power must fulfill their ambiguous destinies, run the gamut from triumphant breakthroughs to crippling regressions, from life - restoring laughter to life - denying despair, from the beauty of the gracious heart to the debasing cruelty of the small mind and smaller soul.
Soon thereafter comes the original, debasing idolatry, described in the enigmatic report in Genesis 6 of the union of sons of God with the daughters of men.
Yet, in light of the prevailing world view in which it was completely permissible to manipulate, cheat, extort, and rob (especially the poor), Amos sees the Day of God as a day of judgment because the community has debased its covenantal relationship with God.
How sad that rather than face their own truth with courage, they debase and hurt innocent people and lie to themselves and others.
Many scholars, ancient and modern, have pointed out that such contact with Christianity is unlikely but that, even if it did happen, the Christianity practiced in that part of the world was so debased that it was indistinguishable from paganism.
So much that is wrong with contemporary Western society — radical individualism, consumerism, the glorification of choice for its own sake — represents the debased enactment of originally rich religious images and philosophical ideas.
But, look into the theology, don't debase it with reductionist thinking.
Why is it just fine with you that people of your ilk can debase and debauch my religion but if I speak out about being your feeling the «right» to your racist biggoted views all over because I am the only «minority» being a white Male Christian conservative who can be «hated»?
Corruption is a great word, a political word with a precise meaning in eighteenth - century discourse even though its use has become narrowed and debased with us.
But unless it can be shown otherwise, any tampering with Communion for the divorced and remarried will corrupt the doctrine of marriage, and — by diminishing the image of the Church as bride of Christ — debase the Church.
«I laugh at those debased peoples that let themselves be stirred up by agitators, and dare to speak of liberty without so much as having the idea of it; with their hearts still heavy with the vices of slaves, they imagine that they have only to be mutinous in order to be free.
Private Companies like these seem to use their Faith In Christianity to bash and debase people they do not agree with.
Mann is a class act showing a willingness to debase herself with some embarrassing sight gags.
But it's also filled with amoral and corrupt characters in the game for profit, not patriotism, and even the more idealistic players are forced to debase themselves in the line of duty.
In recent years horror directors John Carpenter and Wes Craven have confronted their genre's alleged role in debasing the masses — engaging the conservative's paranoia that Hollywood is a prime polluter of public morality — and in doing so they've both taken interesting risks with their formulas and fans.
There is something sad and yet authentic about her lack of connection with others and in how Lacy's sincere military man is able to break down her defenses, despite her obsessive need to debase his political and religious beliefs (Republican and Christian).
Directed with an awfully heavy hand by Alexandros Avranas, the film has its own obsession with extreme close - ups, characters constantly entering rooms and closing doors, and, more problematically, scenes of naked women in bondage being debased by fully clothed males.
A few days later, Bobby sees an opportunity to purchase the coveted bike himself when the old man with failing eyesight offers to pay Bobby a dollar a day for reading the newspaper out loud and watching for «Low Men» — a debased pack of strangers Ted believes are hounding him.
The proof point is our current debased and divisive national discourse, which is conducted daily with rising intemperance by American adults, nearly all whom attended the traditional public schools that Christakis, in my view, sentimentalizes.
Seventy - five faculty members at Case Western Reserve University wrote in an open letter to voters that incumbent Deborah Owens Fink «has continued to sideline important issues associated with improving public education in her effort to debase and distort the teaching...
So it isn't shocking that Ravitch debases herself further with a piece on her eponymous site on last week's massacre of 26 teachers and children in Newtown, Conn., that shows her to be the kind of intellectual opportunist that would take advantage of tragedy to score points.
When the bombs went off, the solemn silence maintained by the multitude was debased by shouts and cries pitched high with surprise and then with terror.
Aren't you bringing down bloggerdom singlehandedly with rampant typos and debasing insults?
In general we are concerned with what appears to be an addiction to on the part of the US and EU governments to printing money, which unfortunately tends to debase their currencies.
With residential housing prices sagging it may persist for a long while, until the Fed debases the currency such that debtors can pay back their debts in devalued terms.
Furthermore, one can see the surges in bank credit accompanying these periods and tie them to specific policy moves by the authorities: The Treasury stimulated inflation in the early 1900s; the Fed deliberately inflated in the roaring 1920s to take the pressure off the British pound (which had been devalued during World War I); the Roosevelt administration took the reins off inflation by debasing the gold - content of the dollar in 1933; zealous money printing in the 1960s led to the inevitable collapse of the Bretton Woods system (and complete fiat money was born); money printing continued apace with Alan Greenspan in the 1990s and, following the dot - com crash, into the 2000s.
For they said it would be debasing to the human profession to be on a par with the animal nursing profession.
I see bored cows oblivious to each other, blasé to the passing traffic, but none of the 22 million hogs Danish farmers produce each year, that we British then buy in supermarkets and debase with brown sauce.
Taking her cue from»70s body art — particularly its Viennese branch — Krystufek uses her own image, often distorted, debased, disguised, or made sexually explicit, to confront viewers with collective (and mostly suppressed) revulsions and desires.
Although the grid is punctuated by exhibitions with more gravitas, the overall message seems to be that the art world is every bit as corrupt, debased, and narcissistic as the rest of the world.
The critic Robert Hughes recently denounced him in a lecture to the Royal Academy, and this week, writing in the Guardian, again lambasted a debased art world «swollen with currency».
There is the Elephant in the Room: why did Dalton McGuinty push ahead with his now debased legacy of Green Energy?
But those in high dudgeon have to come to grips with reality — this is what happens when scientists and institutions debase the coin of the realm.
And science continues to be debased by men with PhDs and lofty academic connections and financial support.
This has been a well - publicized problem with climate science ever since the Climategate emails leak showed the scientists at the heart of the global warming «consensus» engaging in all manner of skullduggery in order to prop up their debased cod - scientific theory.
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