Sentences with phrase «with deep exhale»

Give yourself 30 seconds to stop, breathe in deeply, notice where you are, and then empty your lungs with a deep exhale.
Hold this position for the target amount of time, and then bring your arms back down to your sides with deep exhale.
Inhale as you lengthen the spine upwards and then fold forward from your hips with a deep exhale.
With each deep exhale and leg thrust she would further jeopardize my standing as a decently respectable member of my middle school.

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«If you do get stuck in an uncomfortably hot environment, taking a few slow, deep diaphragmatic breaths with a long exhale is always going to be the quickest way to engage the «tending - and - befriending» mechanisms of your parasympathetic vagus system [aka the better angels of your nature],» he writes.
Similarly, if you have a conflict with your child at home and you go into another room and take ten deep breaths — that's a seven second inhale, seven second hold your breath, seven second exhale — and you think positively while you're doing that, like «How can I best handle that situation, how important is this to me, how can I make this work without fighting,» you'll have a much better chance of resolving this situation effectively.
Take your breath along for the ride here, taking deep, mindful inhales and exhales while playing around with different yoga poses.
A sigh is mostly an involuntary deep breath, or a regular breath with another added on top before an exhale.
Also, in order to reap the benefits of wearing a weightlifting belt, you have to breathe properly during heavy lifts — for example, when squatting, take a deep breath just before you descend and hold it until you reach the lowest point of the squat, then perform what is known as the Valsava maneuver (the technique you would use when trying to clear your ears with the help of exhaling) or forcefully exhaling against a closed airway.
Take three deep cleansing breaths to release any residual energy, with deep inhales through the nose and exhaling through your mouth.
From here, lift the knees off the floor no more than two inches and hover there for 5 - 8 deep breaths, pulling the abdominals in deeper with each exhale.
Take a deep breath in, open your mouth, stick your tongue out and exhale completely with a «ha» sound.
Take a deep inhale and raise your arms perpendicular to the floor, palms facing each other, and as you exhale, bend your knees parallel with the floor and send your hips back like you are sitting into a chair.
While normally pranayama is more or less silent, encouraging the student with dementia to inhale through the nose and exhale audibly ensures the instructor that deeper breathing is indeed being performed.
«Deep, expansive breathing — with exhales that last longer than inhales — helps oxygenate our blood and lungs and purifies the blood stream by eliminating toxins and carbon dioxide,» say Dilip Sarkar, M.D., a retired vascular surgeon who serves as chairman of the School of Integrative Medicine at Taksha University in Hampton, Virginia, and is a leading expert in Yoga Therapy.
With each exhale, pull belly in towards your spine and fold a little deeper.
Fold deeper into yourself with every exhale to bring the forehead onto the shins and the stomach onto the thighs.
After the next deep breath intakes, exhale forcefully through the nose for 15 - 30 times and, actively draw your belly in with each energetic exhalation.
First, fortify your body with much - needed oxygen by taking three deep breaths, inhaling through the nose and exhaling through the mouth.
Each inhale and exhale during the practice of Ashtanga Yoga's sequences of postures is performed with a deep, resonant sound created at the back of the throat.
Take a deep breath and raise the bar to above the chest with arms extended, exhaling while you push upward and aiming consistently at the same spot on the ceiling.
Deep diaphragmatic breathing — with a long, slow exhale — is key to stimulating the vagus nerve and slowing heart rate and blood pressure, especially in times of performance anxiety.
Take a few deep breaths allowing your belly to drop in toward the floor with your exhales.
She seethes her way through a touchy interview with a profile writer (Billy Crudup, superb), insisting on total control of the piece: «And I don't smoke,» she says, exhaling a deep plume.
Taking just three deep inhales and exhales calms the emotional brain and begins to release the anxiety and fear accompanied with the onslaught of past - trauma - filled memories.
does the 15ppm consider CO2 contributed from deforestation (which as this becomes more extensive against the growing population, the atmosphere breaks well beyond saturation point as trees can not convert CO2 fast enough to combat the production), the burning of peat, the likely disturbances and resulting CO2 emitted from deep sea drilling (i.e. decomposed life forms from the ocean bed reaching the atmosphere) the CO2 deposits from extensive farming, the population of all mammals exhaling CO2, chemical productions with CO2 bi-products and all other man related processes that give off CO2?
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