Sentences with phrase «with deep pain»

There has been at least one report of a rabbit recovering with no deep pain response with supportive care measures only (i.e., no surgery), so recovery from back fracture is possible.
We nurses were excited, but became baffled when Mike didn't respond to the neurosurgeon, even with deep pain stimulation.

Not exact matches

I sat standing 1 foot away from somebody who's been in prison for 15 years of his life and I had 60 seconds to open up to him about something that causes me pain in my life while he stares into my eyes I found myself going deeper than I would with even friends or family.
Finally, you can enhance your experience with props — the Endometriosis Foundation recommends taking your time with foreplay, experimenting with positions (typically, deeper positions will cause more pain), and using lube to make sex with endometriosis less painful.
MONTREAL — Bombardier is implementing one of the deepest job cuts in its history by eliminating 7,000 positions — including more than a third in Canada — though it took pains Wednesday to instead train the public spotlight on a large CSeries plane order with Air Canada.
It is not always a dogmatic and insensitive cleric that inflicts pain and discouragement on those whose faith calls them to seek a deeper, more meaningful relationship with God than that marketed for mass (lowest common denominator) consumption by the institutional church.
Foreign minister Jorge Faurie said that his heart was with the family and friends of those who had died «at this moment of deep and inexplicable pain».
He begins to experience a deep, crushing pain in the chest as the pericardium slowly fills with serum, and begins to compress the heart.
Unless processed through grief, pain will eventually find a way out in illness or depression, or will lead the griever to avoid all the deep feelings with which it is associated, preventing her from ever again feeling love or enjoying herself as deeply as before.
The Epicurean said: «Seek not to be happy, but rather to escape unhappiness; strong happiness is always linked with pain; therefore hug the safe shore, and do not tempt the deeper raptures.
The first and more important is to mediate to the sufferer the abundant and unfailing resources of God for mastering his pain — a sense of the divine nearness, an assurance of divine concern, confidence that in the midst of it all there is a good to be found which, with the help of God, can lead to richer and deeper living.
Pearls are for tears, too, some people find them a sad reference but my tears when I finally had her safely in my arms tell me something so different and deep about our tears and the way we are baptized in them, too, even in the grief and the pain blending with the most powerful love and strength.
What God does see in those moments is our pain and our brokenness, and He desires to reside with us in those dark, deep places.
I then took that tiny folded paper, which contained more pain and names than I care to share, and wedged it deep into a crack in the ancient red rock where it will disintegrate in time — along with my pain.
The «soil» of our lives is often imbued with struggle, pain and times of very deep distress, but these were all known by the «man of sorrows», who carried these bodily to the cross with all that impedes us now, that, as William Tyndale so richly put it, we might gain that better resurrection.
One minister wrote of his loneliness as a clergyman: «I have driven in the dark in my little silver Accord on more than one occasion, realizing that there is no one within 50 miles of where I live with whom I can share my deepest pain or joy, no place where I can experience the quiet exultation and peace of complete acceptance.»
For example, though it's clear that you say it with deep affection, I would not have written, «Mother was a pain in the ass, but she meant well.»
there are those tortured souls that connect with such deep pain for the rest of us.
Having said that, when I feel deep «pre-verbal» pain I still grapple with it at first and it takes me a while to yield to it and to the work of the Holy Spirit in me — I'm a very «reluctant heroine» at times!
Jesus wants to experience life with you through your eyes, your heart, your dreams, your sorrows and even your deepest pain.
Thrush is often confused with vasospasms of the nipple (Raynaud's) since both cause pain deep in the breasts as well as in the nipples.
Signs: itchy nipples, pink nipples, white patches in your baby's mouth (not to be confused with a milky tongue), and sometimes shooting pain deep in the breast.
Producing too much milk decreases the flow to the baby, along with sharp pain deep in the breasts when nursing.
A woman who is treated with a sense of respect and dignity and whose choices are honored will not only labor well but will be far less likely to look back on her birthing experience with a sense of guilt, shame, failure and deep emotional pain.
With an abortion, the pain of deep regret and uncertainty can continue for a lifetime.
Kids are making claims that their health can only be served with deep fried foods, claiming that healthy stuff is giving them «headaches, stomach pains and even anemia.»
I agree with you about the recline being a pain in the behind and the basket being not as deep as some others.
Bonus: a deep tissue massage can help with any lingering aches or pains in your back or shoulders from pushing during delivery!
A French lactation consultant checked the records of her private practice during a 6 - week period and found that of the 37 mothers who came to her with nipple pain, a deeper latched resolved the pain completely in 65 % (Darmangeat, V.
These lingering pains of mommy guilt are more deep - seated and we take them with us throughout our motherhood.
- Relief from colic, wind, constipation and teething pain - Develops body awareness and coordination - Helps develop trust and build a sense of security - Increases relaxation and encourages deep sleep - Helps tone floppy muscles - Strengthens bonding and communication - Reduces crying and emotional distress - Boosts circulation and regulates temperature - Stimulates baby's digestion, nervous and lymphatic systems - Helps baby to feel loved, valued and respected - Increases recognition of facial and emotional expressions which supports development of social skills - Helps with language, memory and concentration
As with a vaginal yeast infection, it hurts deep within your breast, and you feel pain whenever your baby sucks.
If you feel you are getting a good deep latch, but still experiencing pain or other issues with the latch, it is important to contact a lactation consultant to evaluate for further issues.
I was diagnosed at that time with thrush by a LC, who recommended all the things you mention here... my baby girl is now 12 weeks, and I'm still experiencing deep shooting pains.
Women with thrush are often plagued with cracked or blistered nipples that are itchy and flakey, or feel deep, shooting pains in the breast.
Shooting, intense or deep breast pain during or after feedings that is not alleviated with a better latch or positioning.
If a shallow latch is causing your nipple pain, try varying the position for feeding and experiment until you find a way to get a deeper latch, with her mouth covering most of your areola.
deep breathing — just as you used breathing techniques to deal with contraction pain during labor, you can rely on these to help you through afterbirth contractions as well.
Applying electricity to the brain with deep - brain stimulation could ease Parkinson's disease, pain, depression and more
«If [a patient] can accept his bodily homoerotic experience while staying connected to the therapist,» he wrote in «The Paradox of Self - Acceptance,» «the sexual feeling soon transforms into something else: the recognition of deeper, pain - generated emotional needs which have nothing to do with sexuality.»
So far, DARPA has released two calls for grant applications, with at least one more likely: The first, called SUBNETS (Systems - Based Neurotechnology for Emerging Therapies), asks researchers to develop novel, wireless devices, such as deep brain stimulators, that can cure neurological disorders such as posttraumatic stress (PTS), major depression, and chronic pain.
By looking at surgical reports, the team found that those who reported worse pain had more extensive disease, with patches of endometriosis deeper in the body.
Feel the belly rise and fall with the breath and imagine your deep breaths relieving any pain and discomfort.
What it looks like in practice: When someone close to me died, deep grief came with physical symptoms such as sharp chest pains.
It's a great restorative pose that many find helpful in dealing with back pain, as well as deep hip opening.
When I started to work with her, she had suffered deep pain for years over having given her daughter away.
Step three is a deep and compassionate process of exploration — of learning about your beliefs and behavior, and about what is happening with a person or situation that may be causing your pain.
Pressure should be deep but not so much that the athlete tightens up with pain.
With a twice daily short session with a deep muscle massage with «MYOBUDDY» relief from the pain is possiWith a twice daily short session with a deep muscle massage with «MYOBUDDY» relief from the pain is possiwith a deep muscle massage with «MYOBUDDY» relief from the pain is possiwith «MYOBUDDY» relief from the pain is possible.
We seek deep and lasting healing through an intensive program that first stabilizes a person in crisis, gradually replaces medication with holistic healing practices, addresses the core issues precipitating pain and then develops skills for growing beyond these issues and becoming an enthusiastic and vital member of their community.
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