Sentences with phrase «with devastating results»

We know that car accidents, nursing home abuse and doctor errors occur every day, sometimes with devastating results.
Too many people burn out along the way, with devastating results for themselves, their family and friends, and those they were trying to help.
Well, sometimes negative campaigning does capture the mood of the nation with devastating results.
But unfortunately, no matter how many precautions you take, a car accident with an uninsured or underinsured driver can still happen with devastating results.
This is reminiscent of conditions that occurred with devastating results in the mid-1970s and mid-2000s (Burns et al. 1975; Cherry et al. 2009; Harwood et al. 2012, 2015; Pilfold et al. 2012; Stirling 2002, Stirling et al. 1987).
«History is filled with examples of administrations that have implemented trade restrictions with devastating results,» opined Koch.
Defending Champions Chelsea started their 2017 - 18 season with a devastating result against Burnley on Saturday afternoon.
Officials say the statistics could have been even worse if not for a host of initiatives that the government, health officials and medical community have taken to address a drug epidemic that has swept through communities across the United States with devastating results.
Writer / director Clio Barnard eventually revisits this moment in the final act with devastating results.
The movie: Gomorrah director Matteo Garrone returns to grit - paved mean streets for the tale of a gentle dog groomer who's strong - armed into criminal activities with devastating results.
Based on the novel by Michel Faber (The Crimson Petal and the White), Under The Skin examines human experience from the perspective of an unforgettable heroine who grows too comfortable in her borrowed skin, until she is abducted into humanity with devastating results.
Synopsis In just five days, the world we know will change forever with devastating results.
«After I left, principals rotated in and out of George Washington Middle School every two to three years with devastating results.
If your cat is on medications for her own health issues, ingesting additional human medications may interact with those she has already taken with devastating results.
• Extravagant combat Bayonetta wields an impressive arsenal of weapons through an intuitive and fluid combat system, unleashing deadly combos and special attacks with devastating results.
The anomalous nature of the weekend's rainfall and communities» existing vulnerability to flooding came together with devastating results.
A brain injury lawyer Miami FL may have worked with many clients who have suffered with the devastating results of medical malpractice involving injury to the brain.
Severe storms with hail, lightning, strong winds and heavy rain are unpredictable and can strike quickly with devastating results.
Yet autoimmune cells occasionally slip past this barrier, sometimes with devastating results: In multiple sclerosis (MS), for instance, these cells destroy the nerve fibers» protective sheath, crippling their victims.
To the extent that minority students are misclassified, segregated, or inadequately served, special education can contribute to a denial of equality of opportunity, with devastating results in communities throughout the nation.
The new virus can then spread to humans, rapidly infecting the population since few people are immune, with devastating results.
McDormand is a force of nature as the grieving mom whose anger exhibits itself with devastating results — and often, outrageously dry, foul - mouthed humour.
With all six stones assembled, the alien warmonger completed his mission of balancing the universe by snapping his fingers — with devastating results.
Most of this aid was in the form of lethal modern weaponry given to a simple agricultural people who used it with devastating results.
Most of the fighting took place in the north, where most of the Tamil minority reside, but at times fighting spread through the rest of the country, with devastating results, such as suicide bombings in the capitol Colombo.
Both of these laws allow for people to be detained without a court process and without legal representation and as can be seen, with devastating results.
I totally agree that you have to find the right counselor or you can end up with devastating results.
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