Sentences with phrase «with dramatic transformations»

Though there are many amazing before and afters, 10 dogs with dramatic transformations, have been selected to participate in the public voting which will determine who takes home the top three prizes.
Once isolated, Tanksley later inserts those genes into other tomato varieties to make his case with a dramatic transformation.
Aspiring model who lost 70 lbs sends fans into a frenzy with his dramatic transformation...
These cases recognize the importance of achieving a proper balance between protecting an individual's reputation and the foundational role of freedom of expression in the development of democratic institutions and values (Grant, at para. 1; Hill, at para. 101)... Interpreting the publication rule to exclude mere references not only accords with a more sophisticated appreciation of Charter values, but also with the dramatic transformation in the technology of communications.

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Yet Magazine Luiza's digital leap, with her son at the helm, may be the most dramatic transformation yet.
It is coping with dramatic changes in the reimbursement environment while undergoing a digital transformation in product design and functional improvement.
The moving account of Helen Keller's transformation from the essentially animal to the truly human level illustrates both the importance of a physiological basis for meaningful human existence and the dramatic contrast between life with and without symbols.
Moving closer to modern times, religion undergoes the dramatic transformations we have associated with the axial age.
If Newcastle United's dramatic transformation from running joke with a dead manager walking into one of the Premier League's form teams and slayers of Chelsea can be narrowed down to one thing, it would have to be Alan Pardew's decision to move French midfielder Moussa Sissoko into the centre of the park, where he has begun to control games with a potent mixture of physicality and creativity.
Even with the most favourable laws, unions will still need to confront the reality of a dramatic transformation in the world of work.
Victoria star Jenna Coleman wows fans with dramatic hair transformation as she heads to Australia.
Dramatic transformation photos show men looking totally unrecognisable after shaving off their beards... so do they look better with or without facial hair?
With only a volleyball companion named Wilson by his side, Chuck undergoes a years - long emotional and psychological transformation that is even more dramatic than his physical one.
With many schools becoming independent entities and local authorities rapidly being replaced by academy clusters as key players in the delivery of education, Chris Wilford, REC Education senior policy advisor, takes stock of this seismic transformation and examines how the dramatic expansion of the academy model will change current resourcing needs
The latest push for education reform has also come — not coincidentally — as the downtown has undergone a dramatic transformation, with an explosion of restaurants and nightlife.
The Secretary visited classrooms and met with students, teachers, school leaders, and community members about McGlone's dramatic academic transformation.
The interior has undergone an even more dramatic transformation, with the late»90s finally giving way to a modern aesthetic that borrows the tiered, horizontal motif of the LFA with the addition of gentler, curved lines and tasteful complements of traditional wood trim.
The show opens with striking photographic images that document early performances in which Mendieta enacted dramatic bodily transformations — applying thick make - up, donning wigs, covering her face with a torn stocking — whose similarity to later works by Cindy Sherman has been noted by more than one critic.
This is a world where the clock is permanently set at two minutes to midnight, and where only a radical transformation of modern society (usually combining dramatic changes in personal behavior along with a heavy dose of state intervention) can save us.
Records were smashed in the energy sector in 2017, with a dramatic drop in solar and wind prices driving a global transformation across the global electricity sector.
In turn, Eli Lilly brought an international arbitration against Canada under Chapter 11 of the NAFTA in 2012 because in «the mid-2000s, after the patents had been examined and granted, but prior to their invalidation by the courts, Canada's patent utility law underwent a dramatic transformation,» which arguably was inconsistent with Canada's obligations to protect patents under NAFTA.
Also to refresh your memory and to appreciate the dramatic transformation, I've included a few before images in combination with the new images.
The transformation is dramatic, with new floors, new sliding doors, and a new closet.
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