Sentences with phrase «with dread of»

If you're afraid to answer the phone, if going to the mailbox fills you with the dread of finding another collection notice, don't wait.
I thought with dread of how this trash was on its way to Australia, and how in our case there will be massive deforestation to install and maintain the impotent monsters.
Welling up the growing anticipation and serving it up with the dread of the horrors you know you have to face.
The advantage to getting an early jump on them is that you will live with the dread of the task for a shorter period of time.
As a further exercise, students could read Jennifer Hubbard's Until It Hurts to Stop and compare how that novel's protagonist, Maggie, and Piddy each deal with the dread of bullying.
This can make for a frustrating journey of trying to remember what parts you've read already coupled with the dread of skipping too far and reading spoilers you weren't ready for.
With a German offensive imminently approaching, the officers and their cook use food and the memories of their lives before the war to distract themselves, while Stanhope soaks his fear in whisky, unable to deal with the dread of the inevitable.
Stanhope, meanwhile, soaks his fear in whisky, unable to deal with his dread of the inevitable.
Along with the dread of having to get your legs out (female) or shake off your rusty dance moves (male), the worst thing about the wedding season for a single person is the spew of questions asking for details about your life.
I know for a fact staff members of the AGs office are filled with dread of the prospects of his winning.
But my fantasies of him looking like the newest member of the Jackson 5 have been at war with my dread of the daily battle to detangle.
We were able to embrace him as the loved son he always was and will be... I am sad that he struggled so many years with the dread of rejection of us as his parents and held the «secret» of being gay for way too long.
There is a treacherous opposition in the sufferer himself that is in league with the dread of inevitability, and together they wish to crush him.

Not exact matches

As the leaves turn and the air gets colder, many of us look ahead with a mixture of excitement and a touch of dread.
As I draw up spreadsheets of likely investors and put meetings on the calendar, I'm reminded of the many things I dread about fundraising, beginning with spending hours on traffic - choked 101 from San Francisco to Silicon Valley.
Wrapped in soft leather, they're designed to prevent the dreaded hair - snagging of traditional models and are accented with hand - polished, antiqued metals.
Your company could also earn the dreaded label of «hard to do business with,» which can be difficult to overcome in a fast - moving market.
As much as many of us look forward to yummy turkey and post-meal sloth, we dread the craziness at the airports with just as much fervor.
People have had to sit through so many dull training classes that most of us anticipate the next session with dread, not delight.
I take my commitment to Inc very seriously and the thought of missing a deadline fills me with dread.
I made that initial career switch because I could not go on, waking up each day with dread, facing another day of having the sense that I needed to be somewhere else.
Now that you're 30 - plus or approaching the dreaded 3 - 0, you need a health plan more than ever — and with the passage of the Affordable Care Act in 2010, it's now required, or you'll start being docked on your taxes.
You couldn't blame this year's crop of soon - to - graduate college students if they're looking ahead to the beginning of their professional lives with a degree of dread.
Even if the idea fills you with dread, saying hello only takes a couple of seconds, at most.
April, when many people dread tax time, came and went with few noticing the month is is often referred to (with the best of intentions) as Financial Literacy Month.
Avoid clients who take up too much of your time, who consistently have unrealistic expectations or who you just generally dread working with.
Does the prospect of taking a «Facebook holiday» fill you with dread as you picture a life of social isolation, or does it sound like an appealing and refreshing chance to change priorities?
In short, though the company has expanded to 1,800 employees and two plants with a third opening soon in England, no one has tarnished Amy's with the dreaded label of «selling out.»
And we did so with a sense of relief, not a feeling of dread.
We all get a case of the Mondays from time to time, but if even thinking about your job fills you with dread, it's probably time to leave.
Working a room was never everyone's cup of tea, and the introverts among us are constantly dreading the hand - shaking and small talk of events with strangers.
Science isn't quite there yet, but a recent analysis from dating website Plenty of Fish offers a few useful insights into how to start a conversation and avoid the dreaded «seen» marker with no reply.
The dreaded act of parallel parking could soon become a thing of the past with Chinese inventors backing their new parking robot to take away the stress for anxious drivers.
The dreaded Americanization of Cuba would probably go hand in hand with the enrichment of Cuba.
For me, these are rhetorical questions written with a sense of sickening dread; others will doubtlessly repeat them in earnest and with angry, partisan vigour.
If the thought of the upcoming tax season fills you with dread, don't panic.
With a new Dread Pirate Roberts, the website grew far beyond the original website: the number of vendors, illicit goods and orders soared.
Anyone who has had to speak in public, whether in a class or a board room, is probably familiar with that feeling of dread leading up to the presentation.
Now that you're 30 - plus or approaching the dreaded 3 - 0, you need a health plan more than ever — and with the passage of the Affordable Care Act in 2010, it's now required, or you'll started being docked on your taxes.
With the right amount of knowledge and preparation, business owners can minimize both the stress of the process and that dreaded number at the bottom of the tax bill.
They also said Ulbricht was arrested in October 2013 while logged into Silk Road on his laptop as Dread Pirate Roberts, chatting with an undercover federal investigator posing as a member of the website's staff.
While the thought of having difficult conversations may fill most of us with dread, business social scientist Joseph Grenny says avoiding conflict is a big mistake.
Koba the Dread (2002) is a meditation on the massive cruelties of Stalin, with a particular emphasis on the question of whether we can wrap our minds around the enormity of millions and millions of deaths.
But what if for one moment of one day you weren't as riddled with fear and dread over a decision?
Like the weary sailor, the refugee from wreck and storm, who escapes half «dead, and then, in terror, shudders with dread at the very mention of the name of the «sea»; who swears he'll never sail again, who raves he'll stay home, even on the calmest days, but then, in time, forgets his fearful ways, and seeks, again, his fortune above the waves; I, too, have barely escaped the storms that revolve around you, my love, traveling far away, vowing to avoid another catastrophe, but I can't; the thought of you breaks my resolve, and so, I return to where, on that fateful day, Inearly drowned in your tempestuous sea.
obviously you don't truly agree with what you are going to preach, or you are preaching legalism of some sort, or you're twisting the text to say something it doesn't say, or you really couldn't say what you're planning on saying with integrity, or it's just so frigging boring that you're dreading the thought of keeping yourself awake during it, as well as the people.
Annie, a «spiritual wife» you use because she is much cooler than you, and has tattooed arm sleeves, dread locks, and an air of androgyny to give you street cred with the GLBT community that you have just now decided (and since it has now become mainstream) to reinvent your platform upon.
when roads of light and storm open from darkness in a man or a woman are turned away from in dread, in a wave of weakness, in despair and with relief.
Early stories such as the encounter with Yahweh at the burning bush, where Moses was warned to put off his shoes because the spot was «holy ground,» (Exodus 3:5; cf. Joshua 5:15) reveal the way in which this dread of holy things and places and this need of insulations against their dangerous potency issued in sacred rites and customs.
Certainly death is now seen as something which lls us with dread (together with the expectation of «bodily pains») rather than, as it was meant to be, the gateway to eternal life.
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