Sentences with phrase «with dumb people»

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Or as entrepreneur Kevin Johnson cleverly put it, you need to be OK with sometimes feeling like you're the dumbest person in the room.
Do you agree that successful entrepreneurs need to be willing to spend time with people that make them feel dumb?
In a piece titled: «Dumb Money: Exposing Silicon Valley's Stupidest Investments,» a writer for New York magazine snarked»... what kind of genius decided to throw $ 1.2 million at NaturallyCurly, the «leading social network and community for people with wavy, curly and kinky hair?»»
The problem with waiting, though, is that people generally do dumb things or forget something crucial.
«If someone says something you disagree with, discuss the idea and fall short of discussing why the person who voiced the idea is dumb, selfish, mad, or evil.
The answer is simple, they aren't — it is the white, more Aryan featured Jews in this country who have labeled themselves as «Neocons» who have merged with the 15 % Ethnic German Majority in this country to lead the Genocide against the Iraqi people in the name of land (Palestine), Oil, and ostensibly protecting the Holy land of Israel (this last one is where the Neocon Jews really did some great salesmanship in selling this argument to the dumb Christian Americans who said, Yep!
Do me a favor, get a nice big bumper sticker and put the words «Dumb Idiot brainwashed American» and put it right over your forehead so the people who see you know what kind of person they are dealing with.
If they Do this why do they not do away with the American, America, Name, if you rid God you have no AMERICA, that is what the Liberals, and Terrorist want, people are falling right into their laps, fast and dumb.
When we have to communicate with religious people it is best to dumb things down.
You think like a really dumb person with very poor reasoning skills.
My moral conviction is the more trade you have, the fewer dumb @ $ $ excuses political leaders can get away with for declaring other people enemies.
Just like the protestant preachers with their $ 20 million $ churchs that stand as monuments to themselves while not a mile away people starve everyday and live in cardboard boxes and the dumb sheep keep giving to these conmen.
With very few exceptions, this has got to be the dumbest group of people leaving comments I have ever witnessed.
this is th stuff that makes us relize why we should call god direct, and take the crazy middle man out of the equazsion, and why i strongly belive that their ride on the escalader to heaven is gonna be 20 feet short, but the fall back will shurly be more exiting and faster for them.only a person out of level would even say they belong to this chapter of belive.we have to stop breading dumb with dumber, ya can't fix stupied
Of the 1000's of actual useful inventions and discoveries that real people have made you counter with rose water and call me dumb, i guess i'll call you a horses ass.
What if we want to stand up to him, and say, look, buddy, you made us with great big questioning brains, and so we used our brains to question your existence because you did such a crappy job with that dumb book you call the bible trying to convince people you exist.
Isaiah writes of the wilderness and dry land being glad, of the desert swarming with healthy blossoms, of people once wracked by «fearful hearts, weak hands and feeble knees» — including the blind, the deaf, the lame and the dumb — now forming the first ranks of those who shall possess the new bounty (Isa.
@Atheistsaredumb Are you not the dumb one for subbing an unkown with an imaginary person?
It is with real tenderness and sorrow they confront their former pastor: «For people who want to live holy lives, dumb as that may sound, we've got to go where we get fed.
These are the same people who are too dumb to realize the «unique DNA» argument doesn't work b / c we have twins, the «beating heart» argument doesn't work because we have lower life with beating hearts and the «potential human» argument doesn't work or we'd be saving every sperm and ovum just in case.
You might even hurt millions, or billions (and its just plain dumb luck, as you can see from the war mongering and stupidity of «religious» political leaders, like McCain, et al, who have said it would be a dandy idea to nuke Iran, that the body count has been higher due to people with lots of weapons, and countries full of people, who where duped into following insane people, because they where tired of the failure of priests to make the world better.)
its probably some dumb CNN staff member with no life experience trying to get reactions from people.
The religion in the U.S. is catholic, Sun - day, Saturn - day, moon - day, buildings with obelisk, «sex» on top of so called holy buildings where many people go to hear what one man has to say three time a week while they are kept dumb like sheep being led to slaughter.
and just so you know, i am only using the bible because i ahve realized your scope of referrences blows... so in tring to have a convo with such a person one must dumb down.
I guess on that we'll have to agree to disagree, I find it annoying and dumb to mass post a dumb video that gets taken down soon after when it has nothing to do with the topic at hand and the person posting doesn't have anything whatsoever to contribute.
Deal with it and lets move on as a people dealing with facts and reality instead of 1000's of years old voodoo and BS that just gets dumber with the passing of time.
She also seems to just want to revel in self - righteousness, the thought of eternal suffering for people who don't agree with her, and generally just being a dumb on these threads.
wow i hope this isn't what my taxes go to write here this is the dumbest article in the world why would you even bother to publish this cnn its plain and simple people God created sex a beautiful and amazing thing that a husband a wife could come together as one ann have covenant together and if you look in the old testament and study out the blood covenant you will see that one of the steps of the blood covenant is sharing blood and if the girl is a virgin that you marry trust me she will have no problem sharing her blood with you.
We have so many important questions and issue's please don't dumb people down with this stupid question and redric
I used to ask a lot of hard questions when I was beginning my journey... but not so within our church... I got the feeling that people were bored with the dumb questions of a newbie Christian...
This next concept is something that Matt is obsessed with and when we started working together he said «we need to be the dumbest people in this room.»
Some people seem gifted with the product, but I just feel dumb.
Seriously, with all the technological advances going around these days, should they not come up with an error pop up when dumb people like me try to install such software saying that «Sorry you can't download - your system is not suitable for this software».
The allure of two people whacking each other with a big dumb Q - Tip remains strong, even 20 years later.
I'm not sure why I still even come to this site, it seems like mostly the bottom of the bucket plastics or disturbingly dumb «fans» lurk around here with only a few people that actually have any common sense.
Whats the problem with gooners on here who rather than discuss the topic turn it to wenger bashing?are you people this dumb that you do nt know that wenger, players and the board do nt read your comments here.
It's dumbed down rubbish designed for people with the attention span of a goldfish.
They totally dumbed down the super heros and violence and other aspects because people with money who don't like them said so.
The sign language was originally the speech of the deaf and / or dumb people and those who needed to communicate with them.
Since US electorate is considered dumb cattle people with limited attention span for intricacies of policy, the campaigns strongly prefer to hammer only a few very specific messages / bullet points / themes.
Throughout the festival, sight was restored to the blind, wheelchair - bound and crutch - aided people walked unaided, a woman with breast cancer got healed and the deaf and dumb also received hearing and speech.
«The Government's attempts to dumb down teaching by abolishing the requirement for all children to be taught by a teacher with QTS will be bad for children and young people in education and bad for the economy.
Along with Californians, New Yorkers are dumbest people around.
I suggest that labour - uncut, goes off, thinks up a few sensible policies, that are relevant to a government of 2020, maybe has a few ideas on the EU referendum, and accepts that the Corbyn fans of Students who read a article about how, capitalism is bad, because there was enough money for everyone in the 80's, and the Tories only got in because people who voted for them were dumb and read the Daily mail, because you're not going to convince anyone that labour Will be destroyed in 2020 ′ because the Tories may implode over infighting like they did with Westland or ousting Thatcher, but win in 87 ′ and 92 ′ anyway
It is easy to say that people that engage in behaviors they regret are weak, have no self control, or are just plain dumb, but anyone who has ever done something that they look back on with a bad feeling in the pit of their stomachs can relate to the feeling of not being 100 % in control of each situation in their lives, and that it is not a warm and fuzzy place to be.
People who deal with accounting and numbers, they have the worst problems, because when you're seriously hypothyroid and untreated, you feel like you're getting dumb.
Probably, young and dumb people can get away with it, but I've seen way too many people 40 + over the years have high fasting numbers and an inability to eat any appreciable amount of carbs without the meter going bonkers.
Sometimes people act weird when they're feeling insecure as the new person within a group dynamic: they tell dumb jokes, they come on too strong to make a good impression, they sit there silently with a drink in hand not cracking a smile once.
Showing exclusively large groups of people in your photos will trick the dope viewing your profile into thinking you're mega popular and by the time they realize you're not, it's too late, you're married with a bunch of dumb kids!
The horrible thing is that it's a lonely world out there and I know that there's girls are really looking for a nice guy to go out with and it's hard to meet people because nobody knows who anybody is anymore to meet anybody face to face like a long time ago it's terrible being alone at least jerks pray on them under the guise of it being real but all I wanted was just to find a nice girl to go out with I know that sounds sad but that's the truth God I feel dumb that I even entertain this for as long as I have
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