Sentences with phrase «with dyscalculia»

In addition, unlike their peers, children with dyscalculia showed no difference in IPS activation when they were comparing pairs of numbers that were closer versus further apart in value, suggesting that their brains were less efficient at discerning the relative distance between numbers.
Moreover, scans of people with dyscalculia suggest that their intraparietal sulci are less active when processing numbers and less connected with the rest of the brain compared with numerate children and adults.
When kids with dyscalculia were presented with a series of items to count, their brain activity was indistinguishable from that of normal kids.
Whether adults with dyscalculia, like Steph, can eventually tap into the tools that researchers are currently developing for children remains unknown.
«People with dyscalculia struggle to tell you whether seven is more than five.»
This webpage contains the links to 5 short articles on strategies for teaching students with dyscalculia.
He and his colleagues have found that performing basic numerical and mathematical tasks triggers atypical patterns of brain activation for children with dyscalculia.
Steph is more fortunate than many young people with dyscalculia, whose difficulties in math — and the anxiety their troubles tend to stir — can set them on a path of overall underachievement.
Children with dyscalculia, a disability in math, may take an exceptionally long time to complete work involving numbers, estimation, and math.
After conducting some tests, Butterworth concluded that Moorcraft was «a disaster at arithmetic» and diagnosed him with dyscalculia, a little - known learning disability sometimes called number blindness and likened to dyslexia for maths.
Nonetheless, Hubbard is cautiously optimistic that early and intensive training can help children with dyscalculia.
Many children with dyscalculia, and especially highly intelligent ones, tend to go undiagnosed.
A collection of activities designed for children with dyscalculia / low numeracy.
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