Sentences with phrase «with effect size»

The mean (± SD) score for low inhibitory control was 4.4 ± 0.6 (range: 2.0 — 5.0), and the mean score for high inhibitory control was 5.5 ± 0.4 (range: 5.1 — 6.8); the means differed with an effect size of 2.17.
According to Dee & Jacob (2011), the No Child Left Behind Act generated increases in the average math performance of fourth and eighth graders with an effect size of.23.
No significant differences with an effect size larger than Cohen's d = 0.10 emerged when respondents were compared with those who actively declined participation and those who ignored the study, and the combination of the latter two groups (non-participants) based on variables derived from their postal addresses.
The source of delinquency was not associated with effect size, indicating that no significant differences were found between studies using self - reported delinquency and studies relying on official delinquency.
According to Hattie's analysis, collective teacher efficacy ranks as the second highest factor influencing student achievement with an effect size of 1.57 (far exceeding the.40 effect size considered to be effective).
This tool contains an additional 11 high - yield «look - fors» identified in Dr. Hattie's (2009) meta analyses, all with an effect size of.40 or greater.
At the very bottom of his list is depression, with an effect size of negative.42, which is really terrible, not unlike depression itself.
Therefore, anything with an effect size greater than 0.40 has an above average impact on students.)
Scores for girls and boys increased significantly over time with an effect size of over one half of a standard deviation, suggesting that students reported higher feelings of self - competence with ICT skills by the end of the week (see Table 4).
The treatment group outscored the control group on reading comprehension, with an effect size of 0.11.
You have «Classroom Behavioural» with an effect size of 0.8
-LSB-...] The work of John Hattie (above) suggests that feedback (with an effect size of 0.73) is well within «the zone of desired effects» i.e. it makes a significant difference to student learning.
At the very bottom of his list is depression, with an effect size of negative.42, which is really -LSB-...]
With an effect size of d = 1.57 Collective Teacher Efficacy is strongly correlated with student achievement.
In addition, Hattie's Visible Learning notes that the teacher - student relationship is a significant factor in student achievement, with an effect size of... -LSB-...]
Professor John Hattie (Fisher, Frey & Hattie, 2016) ranks collective efficacy as the number one factor influencing student achievement, with an effect size of 1.57.
And, from that, you work out the means, the standard deviation, the spread, and from that you come up with this effect size which has the massive advantage of that you can compare it, regardless of the age of the kids, the subject of the kids, whatever the treatment was.
Noting the low level of evidence security, it is calculated that using learning styles within the classroom (for example, to match teaching style to learning style) has a low impact with an effect size of 0.13 or two months» worth of learning progress.
Only 1 report assessed the association of industry sponsorship with effect size estimates, and 2 measured the association with statistical significance of the results.
The effect sizes at 4 h for cumulative urine output compared with still water were 1.04 for full - fat milk, 0.85 for skimmed milk, and 1.09 for ORS (all large effects), with an effect size of 0.65 for orange juice (a medium effect).
Objective To determine whether food industry sponsorship is associated with effect sizes, statistical significance of results, and conclusions of nutrition studies with findings that are favorable to the sponsor and, secondarily, to determine whether nutrition studies differ in their methodological quality depending on whether they are industry sponsored.
While «most studies (90 %) demonstrated significant improvements on at least one outcome indicator,» with effect sizes «moderate to large,» several limitations of the studies are also discussed.
And while 100 subjects used to be considered «a huge data set,» she says, with effect sizes as small as they are in schizophrenia, researchers need to look at thousands to «really get a sense what's going on.»
Egalite found, «The competitive threat of the LSP ranges from negligible to modestly positive in the public schools exposed to the threat of competition, with effect sizes growing in magnitude as the competitive threat looms larger.»
For instance, the What Works Clearinghouse (WWC) currently contains ten evaluations of elementary school math textbooks and software, with effect sizes ranging from roughly − 2 to 17 percentile points.
We find positive effects on reading comprehension among third and fourth graders, with effect sizes of.21 to.29 standard deviations, but no effects for first and second graders.
In their 1998 synthesis of research, Black and Wiliam reported that formative assessment produced significant learning gains, with effect sizes between 0.4 and 0.7.
Results Perceived stress, anxiety and depression significantly decreased at course completion and further decreased at 1 month follow - up, with effect sizes comparable to those found with face - to - face and other online mindfulness courses and to other types of intervention, such as cognitive behavioural therapy for stress.
Specifically, COPE mothers reported significantly less depression 1 month after hospitalization and 6 months after hospitalization, compared with control mothers (Fig 1), with effect sizes ranging from.20 to.45.
The conclusion of the two meta - analyses and the systematic reviews, and the over-all conclusion of the most recent scholarly work on SFBT, is that Solution - Focused Brief Therapy is an effective approach to the treatment of psychological problems, with effect sizes similar to other evidenced - based approaches, such as CBT and IPT, but that these effects are found in fewer average sessions, and using an approach style that is more benign (Gingerich et al, 2012; Trepper & Franklin, 2012).
In both animal and human studies, social support and social contact are significant and reliable predictors of health outcomes and mortality, with effect sizes in humans on par with smoking and lipids (29).
The effect sizes derived from multivariate models with different control variables are therefore not comparable with each other and also not comparable with effect sizes derived from bivariate analyses.
Preseparation differences were found for measures of family process and parent risk factors, with effect sizes ranging from small to trivial.
Statistically significant condition × time interactions were associated with effect sizes ranging from 0.41 to 0.72.

Not exact matches

Businesses with more than 50 employees that do not offer coverage will be taxed based on the size of their payrolls, but the cost will be significantly less than the cost of providing insurance benefits, and the tax is not set to go into effect until the 2014 fiscal year.
For example, Warshay worked with a pair of entrepreneurs who spent time in the prenatal vitamin section at Whole Foods, where they discovered women didn't like the large size of vitamin pills and potential side effects of nausea and constipation.
Also noteworthy was the effect of plus - sized models on consumers with average and skinny builds.
When you copy content from the web and paste in your document, it entirely changes your document style with irregular font size, style and text effects.
The second part of SegWit2x, which would increase the size of blocks that underpin bitcoin's network, is set to go into effect next month and not everyone is on board with the proposed change.
Where a work schedule of 60 or more hours per week is continued longer than about two months, the cumulative effect of decreased productivity will cause a delay in the completion date beyond that which could have been realized with the same crew size on a 40 - hour week.
Soon after its discovery in 1981, the size effect reversed for the balance of the century in most countries, with smaller stocks underperforming large ones.
A little more than half of small and medium - size businesses believe the talks will eventually lead to a successful renegotiation of the trade deal or continue to linger on with ultimately little effect to the terms of the agreement.
This is because the 9/11 memorial relies not on symbolism but on sheer magnitude for its effect — the size of the footprints, the volume of water pouring into them, and the number of names on the panels — as if magnitude alone could endow it with sublimity.
The effect of denominational size, we know from other research, can be linked in turn to the effect of immigration to the United States, to competition among denominations and between Protestants and Catholics for members, and to the so - called «baby boom» that followed World War IL In other words, in the United States, sectarianism has been associated with demographic expansion in the world system, just as it appears to have been in Europe in earlier centuries.
Creationists can now bring their kids to their own state - of - the - art museum — with computer - generated effects and life - size displays — where they can gawk at dinosaur bones and hear about how the Tyrannosaurus fits into a literalistic biblical worldview.
This allows for a reduction in the serving size along with a decrease in the negative side effects known to come from excessive protein intake, such as bloating, poor digestion, gas, etc..
3 medium sized eggplants peeled in a zebra effect with some skin on and some skin off, sliced 3/4 inch thick
One report examined effect sizes and found that studies sponsored by the food industry reported significantly smaller harmful effects for the association of soft drink consumption with energy intake and body weight than those not sponsored by the food industry.
We conducted a systematic review of studies examining the association of industry sponsorship with the statistical significance of results, effect sizes, and conclusions of nutrition research.
i know the sample size is incredibly small, but i wonder if being with Rousey somehow creates a Kardashian Effect on fighters... i believe Schaub fell on a huge slump around the time he was dating Rousey too.
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