Sentences with phrase «with egalitarian»

In addition, couples in which men did most or all of the childcare had just as much sex as couples with egalitarian arrangements, and were just as satisfied with the amount of sex they were having.
Moreover, specialization was related to lower relationship satisfaction for men with egalitarian gender role attitudes.
Our results did show that for men with egalitarian gender role attitudes, equity in hours positively affected relationship satisfaction.
Women who are in relationships with egalitarian men report greater happiness, health, more stability, and greater sexual satisfaction than those in relationships with men who endorse traditional gender roles (Rudman & Phelan, 2007).
History will repeat itself as we evolve to a more efficient services delivery model with an egalitarian pricing structure.
Likewise, a liberal with distrust of big business is inclined to oppose genetically modified organisms, not necessarily because of evidence, but because GMOs are often developed and sold by big corporations, which are seen as incongruent with egalitarian and communitarian mindset.
Rauschenberg challenged this painterly tradition with an egalitarian approach to materials, bringing the stuff of the everyday world into his art.
He challenged this tradition with an egalitarian approach to materials, bringing the stuff of the everyday world into his art.
Give me a break with this egalitarian nonsense.
The study suggests that even in highly stratified societies, there may be an evolutionary benefit to settling disputes with egalitarian rules rather than fisticuffs.
Activation in these areas shows greater attempts to reflectively process the information, control unwanted biases and confront them with egalitarian beliefs and norms.
However, even dual - income families with egalitarian beliefs become less stable if the wife works more than 45 hours a week outside the home.
I mix mine with egalitarian parts melted coconut oil and pure maple syrup.
For Christian conferences to emphasize male teachers «may not line up well with the egalitarian spirit of the age, but it does align well with scripture.»
Some years before Revelation was written, Paul was sending letters to churches in Asia Minor and Greece to build up the Christ - rooted societies with an egalitarian credo, recognizing believers whether they were Greek or Jew, male or female, slave or free, These assemblies stood «in contrast to the hierarchical social relations» in the empire, Horsley wrote in Paul and Empire, a book deemed significant by Wright, a New Testament scholar and the Anglican bishop of Durham.
This is why IMO Tony Jones is so out of touch with the egalitarian movement he purports to be a part of.
With egalitarian relationships, there are fewer prescribed roles, and taking leadership or initiative does not necessarily imply authority or supremacy, it can often just mean someone has a great idea, or a passion to see a movie, and decides to takes the lead.
-- and those who lamented the symbolism of a treasured program with egalitarian principles teaming up with a soulless corporation.

Not exact matches

It's rare that even top managers have office doors anymore; the egalitarian ethos of the early Internet boom — where companies were more likely to equip their offices with foosball tables than boardroom tables — irrevocably changed corporate culture.
It was a shocking change from the egalitarian meritocracy of the military, so to stay balanced I volunteered with the ROTC, taught them mixed martial arts and small unit tactics.
We believe token sales should be aligned with the principles, philosophies, and egalitarian spirit of crypto that makes it special.
The farm reorganizes along ostensibly egalitarian lines with the animal workers being rewarded for their labor according to need.
Governed by a mixture of centre - left and centre - right governments, with a long centre - left interlude between 2005 and 2013, the famously egalitarian Norwegian social contract is coming apart under the twin pressures of increasing income inequality and booming property prices.
FreedomFest is open to all and is purely egalitarian; speakers, attendees, and exhibitors are treated with equal respect and interest.
Instead of a traditional hierarchy with many layers of management, many companies are looking to create a more egalitarian structure.
With a very egalitarian mind - set the Danes believe in independency, equal rights, accessible superiors and that management facilitates and empowers.
Hence, the soft patriarch, the «servant leader» who simultaneously negotiates traditional gender roles and an egalitarian ethos with respect to his spouse.
This is just as true for people with a conservative theology of gender as for egalitarians: we should all be able to agree that, as humans created in God's image, the oppression of women is unacceptable.
But such folly is recorded in the OT Israelites whose greed drove them to give up their relatively egalitarian social system and to emulate the neighboring Amorites with their disparities from fabulous wealth to abject poverty.
Dalahäst So, like I said, you are actually a product of our modern, more liberal, egalitarian society, but you are insisting on giving credit for this to «Christianity», as if Christianity has always lined up with your beliefs.
Best Conversation - Starter: Kate Wallace at the Junia Project with «Why I am a Feminist and an Egalitarian (And Why They Are Not the Same)»
But if egalitarian means that anything a man can do a woman can do with no qualification whatsoever... Part of me cries YES!
The America of «Wall Street» and «The Bonfire of the Vanities» was positively egalitarian compared with the country we live in today.
«Thus an environmentally enlightened development process necessarily demands a new culture, which will be: egalitarian, with reduced disparities between rich and poor and power equally shared by men and women; resource - sharing; participatory; frugal, when compared to the current consumption patterns of the rich; humble, with a respect for the multiplicity of the world's cultures and lifestyles; and, it will aim at greater self - reliance at all levels of society.»
Enjoy the fact that you are eating lunch with both Calvinists and Arminians, sharing a bathroom with both complementarians and egalitarians, and learning history from both Republicans and Democrats.
Egalitarian families may not give the same fantasy for the man, but a team is built between the husband and wife, with one language that has no hidden (or double) meanings.
It's not so much that we detest greatness itself, as is often surmised, because it offends our egalitarian sensibilities, but we struggle with political greatness more particularly.
[I should probably note that while I identify myself as egalitarian, I do not necessarily agree with every position / theological rationale of the CBE.
For example, recent experiments with new patterns of authority seem to show, just as did similar communitarian experiments in the 19th century, that the more egalitarian the group, the more ephemeral it is.
I would not be able to replace the egalitarian notion of God with a computer program.
In Canada, with probably the most egalitarian laws, a child can now have three official parents (not just two parents and a step - parent with equal rights, but three official parents).
With capitalistic globalization the Eucharist would be still more of a challenge to the Christians to follow the teaching of Jesus for an egalitarian, free and just human community of disciples and all persons of good will.
But I suppose it has to be dealt with in this consultation from the point of view of its relevance and relation to the problems raised by the threat of Religious Communalism to the Secular Democratic character of Indian polity and the democratic struggle of the people for an egalitarian community.
(So that's the more egalitarian — rural but not usually agrarian — America for which Dr. Pat Deneen and others want us, with some very good reasons, to have nostalgia.)
For others, many of whom have already left the church, it is but one more sign of the inevitable slide of Anglicanism into a failed cultural accommodation with modernity's egalitarian politics.
I'm a thoroughly liberated beneficiary of the feminist movement, complete with a blossoming career, an egalitarian marriage, and a messy house.
The most violent project of creating an egalitarian society, the Communist one, managed to create a grossly inegalitarian society that curiously resembled feudalism, with the party elite playing the role of the old aristocracy.
Neither would it resonate with those academics and so - called liberals who reduce religion to mere ethics or diversity, to some inner psychoanalytic conversation, or some Marxist egalitarian view of heaven on earth.
Kirk saw the so «called «Straussian» interpretation of the Declaration, with its emphasis upon the inherent equality of all men, as not only unhistorical but as necessarily tending toward egalitarian ideology, and he consequently worked to downplay the Declaration's significance.
Regarding classical cultures as a dialectic of Christian theology and theoria, much work remains to be done in recovering the egalitarian and anti-imperialistic communities of reform - minded Christians, how their orthopraxis in communal experiences of repentance and inclusive wholeness envisaged an orthodoxy expressive of solidarity with the poor and outcast.
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