Sentences with phrase «with electron spins»

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In a neck - and - neck race with their competitors, they showed that quantum information of an electron spin can be transported to a photon, in a silicon quantum chip.
In a technique that could help silicon quantum computers scale up, a particle of light (pink waves) was made to interact with the spin of a single electron (pink circle).
In an ordinary superconductor, electrons, which carry a spin of 1/2, pair up and flow uninhibited with the help of vibrations in the atomic structure.
The researchers concluded that the best explanation for the superconductivity was electrons disguised as particles with a higher spin — a possibility that hadn't even been considered before in the framework of conventional superconductivity.
Then for the bizarre part: Atom C, because it was previously entangled with B, became imprinted with atom A's information — in this case, a pattern in the spin of its electrons.
Each pattern had a different energy associated with it — and the ratio of these energy levels showed that the electron spins were ordering themselves according to mathematical relationships in E8 symmetry (Science, DOI: 10.1126 / science.1180085).
The effect and its brethren — with names like the spin Hall effect, the spin Seebeck effect and the spin Peltier effect — allow scientists to create flows of electron spins, or spin currents.
Awschalom's team recently discovered an effect predicted 35 years ago, called the spin Hall effect: By introducing certain chemical defects into a semiconductor, electrons with opposite spins can be induced to move in opposite directions and line up on the sides of a chip.
«By twisting and controlling the molecular bonds with light,» Awschalom says, «it is possible to operate on the electron spins as they move through the chemical structure.»
Researchers in Spain have discovered that if lead atoms are intercalated on a graphene sheet, a powerful magnetic field is generated by the interaction of the electrons» spin with their orbital movement.
They propose that the electron spins disturbed in the layer where the current was introduced engage in a sort of «cross talk» with spins in the other layer, exerting a force that drags the spins along for the ride.
Practical applications of spintronic devices in information processing require accurate knowledge of the strength of the electron spin interaction with phonons.
«Our paper shows that the angular magnetoelectric interaction also contributes to these effects and that this term, along with spin - orbit coupling, follows naturally from a more exact theory of electron - light.
In terms of applications, it's quite possible that the team's work with double - dot SETs will find future use within quantum electronics to manipulate a single electron and its spin.
Spin transfer torque is the transfer of the spin angular momentum from conduction electrons to the magnetization of a ferromagnet and enables the manipulation of nanomagnets with spin currents rather than magnetic fields,» explained Gyung - Min Choi, who recently completed his PhD in materials science and engineering at IllinSpin transfer torque is the transfer of the spin angular momentum from conduction electrons to the magnetization of a ferromagnet and enables the manipulation of nanomagnets with spin currents rather than magnetic fields,» explained Gyung - Min Choi, who recently completed his PhD in materials science and engineering at Illinspin angular momentum from conduction electrons to the magnetization of a ferromagnet and enables the manipulation of nanomagnets with spin currents rather than magnetic fields,» explained Gyung - Min Choi, who recently completed his PhD in materials science and engineering at Illinspin currents rather than magnetic fields,» explained Gyung - Min Choi, who recently completed his PhD in materials science and engineering at Illinois.
Spin often is compared with a tiny bar magnet like a compass needle, either pointing up or down — representing one or zero — in an electron or an atom's nucleus.
Due to their spins, the electrons act as tiny magnets where their magnetic poles align with their spins.
Researchers have demonstrated how to control the «electron spin» of a nanodiamond while it is levitated with lasers in a vacuum, an advance that could find applications in quantum information processing, sensors and studies into the fundamental physics of quantum mechanics.
These rolling electron waves could then be described as right - moving with spin up, left - moving with spin down, and so on.
The three spins must coordinate their orientations because it cost extra energy to put electrons with the same spin into the same box.
The material of their choice, the compound Ag2BiO3, is exceptional for two reasons; on the one hand it is composed of the heavy element bismuth, which allows the spin of the electron to interact with its own motion (spin - orbit coupling)-- a feature that has no analogy in classical physics.
Such a perturbation is caused by an electron with an opposite spin, relative to the magnetisation.
After overcoming a few technical hurdles related to this circular motion, they tracked electrons» spin precession over the course of 0.7 seconds — about 1000 times longer than was previously possible with beams, which should open the way to greater sensitivity.
Two years ago, an international team of researchers showed that by manipulating electron spin at a quantum magnetic tunneling junction — a nanoscale sandwich made of two metal electrodes with an insulator in the middle — they could induce a large increase in the junction's capacitance.
In a conventional superconductor electrons with opposite spins are paired together so that a flow of electrons carries zero spin.
Much like an electron, the photon can spin in either of two directions, and it will be entangled with its partner photon that has fallen into the black hole.
Step edges on topological crystalline insulators may lead to electrically conducting pathways where electrons with opposite spin spin move in converse directions — any U-turn is prohibited.
QSLs are strange states achieved in solid materials where the magnetic moments, or «spins,» associated with electrons exhibit a fluidlike behavior.
Starting with an ensemble of spin - down nuclei, the researchers used a specially tuned radio - frequency pulse to make a sort of logic gate: if the electron's spin is down, the nucleus remains unaffected; if the electron's spin is up, the nuclear spin is flipped up as well.
But something is missing: Cooper pairs are made of pairs of electrons with opposite spins, yet in the constriction these two degrees of freedom are not available.
Caesium atoms contain electrons that orbit a nucleus, and it is possible for the direction of an electron's spin to become entangled with that of the nucleus's spin.
«The electrons will travel in one direction, and with one type of spin, which is a useful quality for spintronics devices.»
University of Groningen scientists led by physics professor Bart van Wees have created a graphene - based device, in which electron spins can be injected and detected with unprecedented efficiency.
If the new charge carrier is a spin - up electron, for example, it combines with the spin - down hole of the dark exciton, forming a bright exciton that quickly decays and produces a photon.
Injection means getting electrons with polarized spins into a device.
The team began their experiment with a set of atoms that did not display this kind of entanglement and then checked whether kicking the atoms would provoke the electron and nuclear spins to entangle.
Stacking up two «atomic sandwiches» yields coupled excited charge states across the planar interface with the magnetic direction or «spin state» becoming aligned for a large population of electrons.
Anything that nudges the spins of electrons that line up with the Earth's magnetic field will change the energy of those spins by a small amount.
Controlling the electron spins without destroying the coherent quantum states has proven difficult with other techniques, but a series of experiments by the group has shown the quantum states remain solid.
Electrons and nuclei can act like tiny bar magnets with a spin that is assigned a directional state of either «up» or «down.»
Making use of electron spin for information transmission and storage, enables the development of electronic devices with new functionalities and higher efficiency.
Researchers have discovered that dense ensembles of quantum spins can be created in diamond with high resolution using an electron microscopes, paving the way for enhanced sensors and resources for quantum technologies.
For the spin - Hall effect electron - spins are generated by irradiating the sample with circularly polarised light.
Second, they're drawn by carbon atoms with high spin charge, which interacts with the oxygen atoms» spin - polarized electron orbitals.
That's because in the excited state, two electrons waltz through the molecule, spinning like tops, and only when the electron spins point in opposite directions does the dance end with the release of a photon.
Inside its three - story metal sphere researchers can interpret and interact with their data in new and intriguing ways, including watching electrons spin from inside an atom or «flying» through an MRI scan of a patient's brain as blood density levels play as music.
The neutron star (red sphere) with its strong magnetic field (white lines) spins around itself nearly 30 times per second injecting energetic electrons in the space region around it.
How an electron interacts with other matter depends on which way it's spinning as it zips along — to the right like a football thrown by a right - handed quarterback or the left like a pigskin thrown by a lefty.
The exchange interaction refers to the magnetic interaction between electrons within an atom, which is determined by the orientation of each electron's magnetic «spin» — a quantum mechanical property to describe the intrinsic angular momentum carried by elementary particles, with only two options, either «up» or «down».
Electrons with spin up and electrons with spin down have separate conducting channels on the edges of gElectrons with spin up and electrons with spin down have separate conducting channels on the edges of gelectrons with spin down have separate conducting channels on the edges of germanene.
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