Sentences with phrase «with emotional ability»

Studies have shown that an increased consumption of diet soda, which contains aspartame, leads to issues with emotional ability, particularly mood swings and anxiety.

Not exact matches

BlackBerry has traditionally scored high on product performance and innovation but low of emotional connection with consumers, which has hurt its ability to rebound from its iBeating.
Now, I am firmly in a place of courage with my courage compass being set and maintained by a series of activities I do to remind me of the impact I can have, my connection to the emotional outcomes of success and my ability to move beyond my current definition of self when called upon.
Emotional intelligence begins with what is called self - and social awareness, the ability to recognize emotions (and their impact) in both yourself and others.
Their ability to read employees» emotional state, reactions, and stress levels helps these men and women manage their teams with a strategy and approach that is both thoughtful and compassionate, but also direct and with trackable outcomes.
Perhaps $ 75,000 is the threshold beyond which further increases in income no longer improve individuals» ability to do what matters most to their emotional well - being, such as spending time with people they like, avoiding pain and disease, and enjoying leisure.»
Several years ago they published a study in the influential journal Science that showed reading literary fiction was linked with an improved ability to better read fine emotional cues on people's faces.
Emotional intelligence (EQ), or the ability to recognize and understand emotions, and then use that information to guide decision making, is extremely useful in helping you to deal with anger effectively.
If you want to improve your ability to handle high - stakes interactions with more grace and control, building emotional resilience is the answer.
In - demand skills to thrive in today's business environment require flexibility and emotional resilience — along with a wealth of creativity, innovation and problem - solving abilities.
You must have not learned that in school that emotional Maturity is defined as: the ability to express one's own feelings and convictions balanced with consideration for the thoughts and feelings of others.
He believed that a child's emotional and physical well - being depended upon a finely attuned mother - child relationship and that early breaches in this relationship might impede one's ability to bond with others — even in adulthood.
And while a lot of that will involve her hustle, talent and rare ability to play characters with atypical mental and emotional lives, it's also going to involve an even brighter spotlight.
So «Toss my salad» you must have missed this in grade school but emotional maturity is defined as: the ability to express one's own feelings and convictions balanced with consideration for the thoughts and feelings of others.
Having temporarily lost the ability to deal with the conditions of his life and to cope with the stress that he was facing, he was in a state of emotional crisis.
The most successful viral crowdfunding campaigns often have specific emotional pulls: dramatic stories presented by video, the ability to track the progress of where your donation is going, or a sense of familiarity with the person in need (think sites like GoFundMe).
If you're still with me in this ongoing conversation, you clearly connect with the messages I've been espousing, that young basketball players, like Tod, are carrying around mental / emotional baggage that interferes with their ability to perform to their potential.
Noah's Ark Children's Hospice provides clinical, emotional and practical care and support to children and young people with life - limiting and life - threatening conditions, with a central aim of enabling them to live life as fully as possible, regardless of cognitive or sensory ability.
Nourishment of the spiritual, physical, and emotional aspects of each child is integrated with the development of intellectual capacities, allowing learning to become a lifelong passion along with developing an ability to work with others to put that learning to service in the world.
Demonstrate the ability to be responsive to be emotionally congruent with the Restoration Therapy material through individual practice of emotional regulation and growth.
TRU Calm will help you Teach and discipline more effectively, build a beautiful and bulletproof Relationship with your child and Upgrade yourself and your own emotional intelligence and ability to decrease daily stress, feel more relaxed and model healthy self - regulation skills to your children.
My well - rounded education has given me the ability to effectively reach each person I work with on an educational, informational, emotional, and physical level.
The book explores readiness issues dealing with eye sight, hearing, coordination, ability to focus, emotional stability, and others.
The material presented in this course that spans two weeks is based on the premise that every child deserves the opportunity to fulfill her / his highest potential academically, and that hindrances to learning, stemming from physical and / or emotional imbalances, can interfere with a child's ability to achieve that potential.
This is because RAD interferes with the child's ability to form an emotional connection with the therapist, which is a prerequisite for success.
Most teens don't yet have the ability to cope with the social, emotional, and cognitive fluctuations that accompany the changes in their brains.
Secure attachment in infancy is associated with optimal later development across all domains including emotional, regulating behaviour, ability to develop relationships, ability to learn and succeed.
Instead of the comforts of home and school, your child is suddenly expected to manage a world of chaos, with expectations that may be beyond the abilities of a child with executive functioning, cognitive, emotional, social, and / or sensory challenges.
But, for others, there are health, financial, or emotional barriers that interfere with the ability to make that decision.
Enjoying this closeness with baby leads to a better verbal ability of your child later on, better sense of balance, better emotional balance, better concentration, and better self esteem as baby is on eye level with other adults rather than always looking up.
PPD may interfere with the infant's ability to «use» the cry signal as a way to engage or communicate with its depressed mother, thereby compromising social and emotional development.
A child with a trauma or stress disorder has been exposed to a distressing event and has developed symptoms, ranging from irritability to emotional detachment, that are interfering with his ability to function.
Babies develop an emotional bonding with their caregivers in the initial 18 months, which builds on their ability to sense emotions such as happiness and empathy.
As more mothers are empowered to trust their own maternal instincts and abilities over industry - driven advice, more and more mothers are coming to understand and enjoy their unique capacity to provide superior nutrition along with the emotional attachment that comes with nursing a baby.
However, the emotional strain and worry that can come with having a new born can sometimes reduce their ability to produce milk.
Emotional abuse can impair your child's self - image, self - esteem and interfere with his ability to function adequately in society and with peers.
Whether secure or insecure, the parent - child attachment quality determines that child's ability to maintain emotional balance, enjoy being his - or herself, enjoy being with others, and rebound from disappointment, discouragement, and other life stress.
In order to develop social and emotional skills, parents need to give their children the opportunity to play with others, explore their own abilities and express their feelings.
It ranges from social / emotional wellness — an ability to form satisfying relationships with others, to play, communicate, learn, and experience the full spectrum of human emotions — to the disorders of very early childhood.
This period is marked by fragility of the infant in terms of environmental adaptation to extreme hot and cold temperatures, sucking ability to have an effective feeding pattern, an established sleeping schedule, emotional security with the care takers and proper positioning when sleeping, feeding and burping.
A Rice University study has found a link between emotional stress and diabetes, with roots in the brain's ability to control anxiety.
Previous studies have linked lower emotional complexity with a reduced ability to control one's emotions, and higher incidence of depression.
In her interview she described a connection between her childhood struggles with physical and emotional abuse and her ability to provide for her young daughter today: «So maybe that's how I don't have a job, because I'm thinking I'm nothing.
«This is consistent with the idea that intelligence depends to a large extent on social and emotional abilities, and we should think about intelligence in an integrated fashion rather than making a clear distinction between cognition and emotion and social processing.
Segrin focused on four specific indicators of social skills: the ability to provide emotional support to others; self - disclosure, or the ability to share personal information with others; negative assertion skills, or the ability to stand up to unreasonable requests from others; and relationship initiation skills, or the ability to introduce yourself to others and get to know them.
There also are emotional costs associated with distinguishing right from wrong in moral and ethical gray areas, and personal costs when you begin to question yourself, your motives and your ability to make a difference.
In people with schizophrenia, for example, the ability to perceive another person's emotional state canaccurately predict social functioning more broadly.
Reader Pat Rapp wondered about the implications of an experiment that showed that children who engaged in pretend games displayed a greater ability to control their emotional responses to another person's apparent pain compared with kids who participated in more practical games.
He also cites creative people's ability to handle stress — they tend not to get as easily flustered when faced with an emotional or physical hurdle.
«The ability to coordinate attention with another person without a smile, without an emotional component, seems to be particularly important for high - risk siblings in the development of ASD symptoms,» says Devon Gangi, Ph.D. student in the UM College of Arts and Sciences and first author of the study.
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