Sentences with phrase «with emotional factors»

The practicalities of proceeding with or terminating a pregnancy need to be balanced with these emotional factors to ensure the right decision is made.
It is probably true that the arousal of passion is more closely linked with emotional factors in many women than in many men.

Not exact matches

Environment takes into account both physical and emotional factors, and the average number of hours worked each week; income considers mid-level salary and growth potential; outlook measures potential for employment growth and income growth, as well as unemployment rates; and stress takes into account 11 different factors including travel, deadlines, and interaction with the public.
The primary factors which bear on the question seem to me to be five: (1) the churchgoing habit in these churches is earlier and more persistently associated with religion; (2) the emotional accompaniments of worship are more vivid and dramatic; (3) greater demands — or at least, greater consciously recognized demands — are made on church members; (4) more concrete instruction is given in Christian doctrine; and (5) in spite of some false notes, other notes are struck which in certain great essentials lie closer to the heart of the Christian gospel than the usual liberal emphasis.
But his methods were careful and the results tally with what one might expect; and they seem, on the whole, to justify his practical conclusion, which is that if you should expose to a converting influence a subject in whom three factors unite: first, pronounced emotional sensibility; second, tendency to automatisms; and third, suggestibility of the passive type; you might then safely predict the result: there would be a sudden conversion, a transformation of the striking kind.
With the advances in knowledge that are almost certain to be gained from the Human Genome Initiative — or, if its critics should win the day and it lose support, from more piecemeal genetic - research — we will know more and - more about genetic factors causally related to health and disease and to other important aspects of life, such as intelligence and emotional states.
Some of the other mothers also talked about additional contributing factors, such as the stress caused by unsolicited advice, feeling trapped with family members who are insensitive to the emotional needs of a new mother, or struggling with loneliness or past history of depression as a new mother.
The chapter explains how the book is divided up: building connections so that your child works with you because they want to; knowing yourself and your child by understanding temperament triggers, stress, and medical factors — all impacts behavior; and lastly emotional development.
Together, they are embarking on a mission to provide children in impoverished regions of the country with opportunities and resources to integrate purposeful play into their everyday lives; a factor proven critical in children's emotional, physical and cognitive development and future growth.
Post-partum depression poses substantial adverse consequences for mothers and their infants via multiple direct biological (i.e., medication exposure, maternal genetic factors) and environmental (i.e., life with a depressed mother) mechanisms.8, 9 From the earliest newborn period, infants are very sensitive to the emotional states of their mothers and other caregivers.10, 11 Maternal mood and behaviour appear to compromise infant social, emotional and cognitive functioning.11 - 15 As children grow, the impact of maternal mental illness appears as cognitive compromise, insecure attachment and behavioural difficulties during the preschool and school periods.6,16 - 19
A number of factors that are associated with poverty may exert a negative influence on a child's social and emotional development: a lack of community support, single parenthood, low parental education, maternal depression, nutrition, low birth weight and infant health are just some of the variables.
Understanding the impacts home visiting programs have had on children's social and emotional development begins with identifying those programs that have affected antecedent risk and protective factors associated with child and emotional development in addition to specific social and emotional outcomes.
The research confirms that a father's emotional engagement — not the amount of time fathers spend with children, rather how they interact with them — leads to multiple positive outcomes, and serves as a significant protective factor against high risk behaviors in both girls and boys.
Early childhood teachers and other experienced teachers carefully observe and interact with each child over the course of the last year of kindergarten and evaluate readiness based on a multiplicity of factors such as physical and emotional maturity, fine and gross motor skills, and hand - eye coordination.
Emotional factors: is one parent feeling left out in parenting time, has one parent lost more time with the kids due to previous work or military deployment, is one parent more motivated to stay at home.
These findings are all consistent with the growing body of literature on the impact of adverse childhood experiences on neurological, cognitive, emotional and social development, as well as physical health.38 Although some studies have found no relation between physical punishment and negative outcomes, 35 and others have found the relation to be moderated by other factors, 12 no study has found physical punishment to have a long - term positive effect, and most studies have found negative effects.17
The study, which is funded by the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC), also found that staying out late without telling your parents is unrelated to factors such as family income, the number of children in the family or being in a step - family, but is related to the quality of the emotional relationship the child has with their parents and whether they live in a city or in the country.
The study links a greater incidence of behavioural problems in foster children with various factors, such as emotional relationships within the social and family context and the educational style of foster carers, given that they are experiences that can trigger the appearance of maladaptive behaviour in the children.
The factors included academic challenges, suggesting a learning disability; behavioral challenges, suggesting an emotional disorder; or academic strengths with emotional sensitivity, suggesting that he is gifted and talented.
Consistent with evolutionary perspective, one's reaction to sexual verses emotional infidelity is likely shaped by environmental and personal factors.
However, consistent with the Kahneman and Deaton study, one factor not affected by greater income inequality is an individual's reporting of emotional experiences.
Several studies over the past decade have shown that a strong emotional shock can lead to sudden heart failure in people with no known risk factors for heart disease.
Addresses psychological factors involved in weight loss such as how to deal with emotional triggers that may cause overeating and the need for a system of support.
But you may be ignoring some of the factors that interfere with sleep, including hormonal and neurotransmitter imbalances, chronic infections, wifi (turn that sucker OFF at night), blood sugar issues, sleep apnea and other breathing issues, chronic pain, emotional issues and more.
Another factor unknown with intermittent fasting in adults is what impact will it have on one's emotional well - being?
Chronic or persistent pain is both an emotional and sensory experience with many contributing factors.
Emotional eating and feeling hungry all the time are usually the results of some «unconscious factors» and / or years of having poor eating habits and consistently eating bad foods that drive addiction and cause leptin and insulin insensitivity and mess up with the hormonal system too.
Naturopathy can provide people with the tools to take charge of their health and well - being and offers the best hope of preventing some of most serious and life - threatening diseases.Because naturopathy deals with the whole person, encompassing both physical and social - emotional issues, it is the most effective prevention for lifestyle - related diseases such as cancer, diabetes and heart disease, which rate as this country's three biggest killers.Whereas conventional Western medicine tends to deal with physical complaints only, often in isolation, naturopathy takes in complete physical condition plus lifestyle factors such as nutrition and exercise and emotional or stress concerns.
Additionally, emotional and physical stress are also known to be contributing factors to the development of IBS, with a disturbance of gut bacteria being a likely factor.
That means I need to find ways to increase BDNF more than in someone with the normal gene in order to preserve my cognitive function, memory, and emotional regulation.8 Mu, J.S., et al. «Deprivation of Endogenous Brain - Derived Neurotrophic Factor Results in Impairment of Spatial Learning and Memory in Adult... continue 9Cirulli, F., et al. «Intrahippocampal Administration of BDNF in Adult Rats Affects Short - term Behavioral Plasticity in the Morris Water Maze and... continue
Nutritional and Botanical Interventions to Assist with the Adaptation to Stress Alternative Medicine Review 1999 (Aug); 4 (4): 249 — 265 ~ FULL TEXT Prolonged stress, whether a result of mental / emotional upset or due to physical factors such as malnutrition, surgery, chemical exposure, excessive exercise, sleep deprivation, or a host of other environmental causes, results in predictable systemic effects.
Nutritional and Botanical Interventions to Assist With the Adaptation to Stress Alternative Medicine Review 1999 (Aug); 4 (4): 249 — 265 ~ FULL TEXT Prolonged stress, whether a result of mental / emotional upset or due to physical factors such as malnutrition, surgery, chemical exposure, excessive exercise, sleep deprivation, or a host of other environmental causes, results in predictable systemic effects.
Due to the Heart Chakras deep connection with love and your emotional self it is no surprise that the main factors behind it becoming blocked are the actions, inactions, interactions, events and circumstances of life that are most closely related to your feelings, love and relationships.
In order to lose weight more effectively and permanently you also need to learn how stress, depression, existential fears and other negative psycho - emotional factors contribute to the development of obesity and how to successfully cope with them.
Seniors usually want to get to know the person they're talking with on a personal and emotional level, making the looks factor much less important.
Core Traits, like your emotional temperament, social style and sense of humor; and Vital Attributes, such as your communication style, spirituality and family background, all determine your compatibility with another person — and it's these factors we use to help find you a match.
As with most formulaic films, the predictability factor is quite high, and without any new twists, the emotional final scenes ring hollow when it should have been much more uplifting.
Competence models, done by organizational human resources to identify what factors make someone a standout performer, ignore IQ and school performance — they are irrelevant by the time you are competing with others on the job, where emotional intelligence skills like self - awareness, self - management, empathy, teamwork, and the like identify the best workers.
Education with self awareness, cultural values, and morality is the single most important factor contributing to young people's chances of leading productive and responsible lives for the emotional, mental, spiritual and physical well being.
That confusion, coupled with parents» high expectations for success in school and careers, the frustration of having white peers constantly question their «American - ness,» as well as body image and other concerns that are common to all teens are among the factors that put Korean American students at risk for a growing list of emotional and psychological issues.
Having good friends at school is an important protective factor against bullying (Bollmer, Milich, Harris & Maras, 2005) and can also help students cope with emotional consequences of unkind behaviour of peers (Hodges, Boivin, Vitaro & Bukowski, 1999).
With a focus on child and teacher factors, interactional and school wide processes, and community interactions, the Certificate Program employs an ecological approach that fosters child emotional and academic learning through a systemic lens.
This study allows our region to identify student school readiness across multiple competencies in both academic and social - emotional development, as well as determine the demographic and experiential factors most correlated with readiness.
But we also know that the way our students feel about school, along with their confidence, resilience and a host of other socio - emotional factors, strongly influences their success as well.
Both schools took seriously the research indicating that social - emotional factors are among those that influence student learning most, and that students with good social skills and emotional awareness achieve more.
Providing students with a solid foundation of social emotional skills is a key part of all four factors.
The results show a general correlation between schools that had high academic achievement and schools with high scores for school culture - climate / social - emotional factors.
The new formula aims to focus on more than standardized test scores, with 60 percent of student progress measured by academics and 40 percent measured by «social - emotional and culture - climate» factors, such as suspension and expulsion rates and student and parent surveys.
Standardized test results don't take into account how factors outside of a teacher's control impact student performance on the day the test is taken; these include factors such as whether or not the student slept and ate well prior to the test, social and emotional occurrences (e.g., student's parents are going through a divorce, there is a serious illness in the family, student had an argument with a best friend just before the class in which the test is given, student doesn't feel well that day).
Both resiliency assessments provide districts and schools with invaluable insight into the social emotional competencies of their students and how these factors are affecting academic performance.
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