Sentences with phrase «with empirical data»

His thesis is that counsel selection and professional reputation have historically been guided by subjective factors often at odds with empirical data.
The Current Practice section values descriptions of promising ideas with empirical data describing their implementation, as well as formal research studies.
Hence, it so important to combine models based on our understanding of the world with empirical data.
The physics of the matter, together with empirical data, also define the need for a carbon tax.
Since no - one has actually proven with empirical data that humans are causing significant change, why should anyone even bother with proving the opposite?
The ZED - 2 core can be arranged into a wide range of configurations to validate reactor core models with empirical data.
A question that can be answered with empirical data is the extent to which estimates from selected models correlate with each other.
We show further that the model predicts a leverage - dependent moneyness, consistent with empirical data, at which options on positively and negatively leveraged ETFs (LETF) have the same price.
The NAV discount / premium phenomena is one that is difficult to explain and is often more a factor of investor fear and broader market conditions than anything easily explained with empirical data.
I would like to see church schools become nourishers of dreamers and creators of doers, providing growing minds with the insights of Christian hope and with the empirical data of secular futurists, setting imaginations free to create images of wonderful future worlds that could really be.
If you lead with empirical data, however, you've told your audience «here's a problem, here's the data that supports the existence of the problem, here's my suggestion for a solution.»
It really took shape once Juan [Bonachela] started to analyze the model and the results were validated with the empirical data collected by Jen [Guyton] and Tyler [Coverdale], and analyzed by Efrat [Sheffer].»
Students may learn more about environmental issues by wrestling with empirical data for themselves, rather than receiving pre-digested data and analysis from lectures, the media or any other secondary sources.
Unless we constrain our pattern recognition with empirical data, we will be spectacularly wrong.
It's very difficult to summarily dismiss the research conclusions from one of the world's leading solar physicists, especially when it is solidly backed with empirical data.
Groisman, P. Ya, R.S. Bradley and B. Sun, 2000 The relationship of cloud cover to near - surface temperature and humidity: comparison of GCM simulations with empirical data.
Applicants lacking such quantification are at a disadvantage because claims are not verified or substantiated with empirical data.
To constrain models with empirical data we use seven global climate characteristics, which are listed below.
This explanation is definitely at odds with the empirical data, and according to Carl Popper, falsified.
Maybe it's not all that surprising when you hear it all laid out like this, with empirical data to boot.
We then address outstanding questions and the challenges to answering them with empirical data.
Rather than try to build this argument myself, I'll turn things over to Larry Swedroe, who has made it eloquently many times on his blog — backed up with empirical data, as always:
We could probably debate other factors like layout, visibility, features, etc. but with no empirical data to support either side of the discussion, it would be fruitless at best.
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