Sentences with phrase «with eternal grace»

«God saw with His eternal grace My sorrow out of measure: He thought upon His tenderness — To save was His good pleasure.

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Before the «Dispensation of Grace» of God, by which we are saved through «Faith in Jesus Christ» as Lord and our personal Savior, Jesus Christ fulfilled the «Law of God» on our behalf during His ministry on earth, died on the «Holy Cross» for the «Remission of Our Sins» once and for all, descended to hell and defeated death, then rose from the dead on the third day bringing us «Eternal Life» and «Reconciliation» with God the Father!
Glen Beck is a Christian if you believe that saved means that we get to live in the afterlife with a chance to have eternal life in the mansion where God the Father and Jesus Christ are if we are worthy enough by doing good works to progress to be there and that God's grace comes after all we can do.
God's people do not take comfort in the eternal punishment for that rejection, but we do take comfort that God will be glorified eternally by all men, whether in heaven with Him by His grace and love, or separated as receivers of His righteous wrath.
My disagreements with the five points of both Calvinism and Arminianism iare not exactly with their theology or understanding of Biblical texts, but with something much more basic than that: their definition of certain biblical words and theological ideas, such as election, grace, salvation, atonement, justification, eternal life, forgiveness of sins, etc, etc..
Therefore, it is only in so far as we are, as Paul expresses it, «in Christ», united with him by faith which responds to God's grace reaching out to us in him, that we may hope to be raised to a share in his risen life of communion with the eternal God.
If you have received this grace through repentance of sin, you have an eternal faith relationship with The Lord Christ Jesus, He dwells in you, you die to self, and it is Christ that lives in you, therefore your works are of Christ, and this is an ongoing, daily process.
All of creation is centered in God's children who by the grace of God enjoy eternal unity with their creator.
I was set free in the gospel of grace and in looking for a Church home, I too was confronted with eternal salvation by the Church Of Christ.
[Reprobation is] God's eternal decree that the destiny of certain men shall be everlasting death, whether one views it as God's passing those men by with the grace of election or as the determination to damn (Engelsma, Hyper - Calvinism, 44).
Lutherans speak of «growth in grace and faith,» with effects in Christian living; eternal life is, biblically speaking, «unmerited «reward,»» a fulfillment of God's promise to the believer.
Man as we know him today, man of metaphysics, of abstract thought, the creator of his own environment, the space - traveller, the moulder of himself, the man of God and of grace and of the promise of eternal life, precisely this man who is radically distinct from any animal and who at the moment of man's origin, though perhaps very slowly, took a path which led him so far away from all that is merely animal, yet in such a fashion that he carried with him the whole inheritance of his biological pre-history into these realms of his existence remote from the animals, was there when man began to exist.18 And what now is historically and externally manifest, was then present as a task and as an active potentiality.
They said they have made «a personal commitment to Jesus Christ that is still important in their life today,» that their faith is very important in their life today; believe that when they die they will go to Heaven because they have confessed their sins and accepted Jesus Christ as their Savior; strongly believe they have a personal responsibility to share their religious beliefs about Christ with non-Christians; firmly believe that Satan exists; strongly believe that eternal salvation is possible only through grace, not works; strong agree that Jesus Christ lived a sinless life on earth; strong assert that the Bible is accurate in all the principles it teaches; and describe God as the all - knowing, all - powerful, perfect deity who created the universe and still rules it today.
Second, since evangelism has to do with people's eternal destiny, then, if a choice has to be made between addressing «physical» and «spiritual» need, we have to say that the supreme and ultimate need of all humankind is the saving grace of Jesus Christ.
«Those who, through no fault of their own, do not know the Gospel of Christ or his Church, but who nevertheless seek God with a sincere heart, and, moved by grace, try in their actions to do his will as they know it through the dictates of their conscience — those too may achieve eternal salvation.»
But I noticed they take the Free Grace view of eternal security, and so I was quite impressed with them.
Alternatively — the Church is familiar with the concept of «retroactive grace» (e.g. the Immaculate Conception effected by the once for all time eternal sacrifice of Calvary)-- perhaps the death of the dinosaurs was «similarly» caused by the cosmic primordial event of The Fall rippling out through time and space.
Here, O my Lord, I see thee face to face; Here faith would touch and handle things unseen; Here grasp with firmer hand the eternal grace, And all my weariness upon thee lean.8
Grace means the way in which God deals with our human condition, his active purpose for the creation, his power to redeem and save history from its bloody tragedy, his offer of eternal life.
The benefits are: God's mercy is communicated in a tangible way; Reconciliation with God; Personal encounter with Christ; Divine life is restored in our soul; Grace is given; Confession reminds us of the price of sin; The profits of penance; Remission of eternal punishment; Temporal punishment can be diminished; Merit and virtue restored; Makes our prayers and works more efficacious; We benefit from the priest's prayers and penance; More fruitful participation in other sacraments; Sacrament of healing; Strengthens our faith; Cultivates hope; Increases charity; Fosters growth in humility and in self - knowledge; Helps to form our conscience; Brings psychological benefits; Prevents us from falling into more serious sins; Improves our prayer life; Source of spiritual direction; Helps us becomesaints.
I have been a proponent of the radical free grace of God for about fifteen years now, by which we get eternal life as a completely free gift of God, with no strings attached, and no works required on our part to gain, keep, or prove that we have eternal life.
I minister to many people who struggle with grace and eternal life as a gift.
The whole world is being exposed to God's message of eternal life, there for the asking, without measuring up or meeting some kind of impossible criterion (Grace is unmerited favor with God), just as you are.
Yes, the offer of eternal life by grace through faith originated with God (we will look at the so - called «gift of faith» of Ephesians 2:8 - 9 in the next post), but the fact remains that the way to be transferred from death to life is not by waiting for God to regenerate us, but rather by believing in Jesus for eternal life.
And with the cup, so clear a symbol of his blood in that red wine, he saw, as we did, that his life, poured forth, would seal a new commitment, would form upon the altar of God's grace a whole new covenant that would replace the ancient, worn - out slaughter of the animals with one complete and final act, the sacrifice of God's own son to show the world, to show us all the height and depth and majesty, the eternal glory of God's love, which gives itself forever, or until we come, at last, and offer up our own lives in return.
It gives spouses the grace to love each other with the love with which Christ has loved his Church; the grace of the sacrament thus perfects the human love of the spouses, strengthens their indissoluble unity and sanctifies them on the way to eternal life.»
Luis de Molina S.J. (1535 - 1600) and most of the Jesuits taught that although God calls all to be glorifed, his gift of grace is conditioned by an intermediate knowledge, by which God sees beforehand how individuals freely react to grace and knows infallibly in advance how they will make use of the grace that has been given and elects those who cooperate with grace for eternal glory.
I agree with you wholeheartedly that God has provided everything to mankind in grace, we just have to respond in faith that Jesus offers eternal to all who believe in Him for it, based on who He is and His substitionary death for us.
«Grace» expresses the attitude which governs the dealings of the eternal God with man.
With the grace of God this initiative, and others which may follow it around the world, will help restore the high view of the priesthood so emphasised by Pope John Paul: The priest finds the full truth of his identity in being a derivation, a specific participation in and continuation of Christ himself, the one high priest of the new and eternal covenant....
Norton Perina, a scientist who has recently fallen from grace, recounts in these fictional memoirs an extraordinary journey into a remote Micronesian island where the meat of a turtle called the opa'ivu «eke may hold the key to eternal youth — but it comes with a terrible price.
Presbyterians affirm that God comes to us with grace and love in the person of Jesus Christ, who lived, died, and rose for us so that we might have eternal and abundant life in him.
Presbyterians affirm that God comes to us with grace and love in the person of Jesus Christ, who lived, died, and rose for us so that we might have eternal and abundant life in him.
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