Sentences with phrase «with ethnic voters»

The Liberals were similarly successful in ridings rich with ethnic voters in and around Metro Vancouver.

Not exact matches

Bright Blue, which counts Theresa May, Francis Maude, Andrew Mitchell and David Willetts among its members, said the war on drugs had clearly failed and that the Tories could tempt young and ethnic minority voters to the party with a radical proposal on drugs.
She ended the session with a much less irritating attack on changes to the electoral register which will almost certainly see thousands of disadvantaged and ethnic minority voters fall off the list.
This analysis confirms what we might have anticipated from the evidence of the polls — local authorities appear to contain more Leave voters if there was a large vote for UKIP there in the 2014 European elections, if there was a small vote for parties of the «left» (Labour, Liberal Democrats, Scottish and Welsh Nationalists and Greens) on the same occasion, and in places with relatively low proportions of graduates, young people, and people from an ethnic minority background.
«Imagine, for example, tailored advertisements created for individual «swing voters» (selected automatically through profiling), pointing out a party's positive steps in the policy areas that are most likely to interest them (also selected automatically), omitting those areas where party policy doesn't fit, and couching it in a language appropriate to the individual's ethnic, educational, cultural and linguistic background, illustrated with a few appropriate news TV clips, and playing background music exactly to the individual's taste and voiced over by an actor that profiling reveals that individual likes?
While not theoretically an easy needle to thread, Neil O'Brien's Policy Exchange, with its simultaneous focus on improving life in the North and appealing to ethnic minority voters, did just that.
«The party must be careful about the implications of the failure to break through in Scotland, among public sector workers and in seats with large numbers of ethnic voters Main Cameron spent # 111 getting every extra Conservative vote»
Campaigns like the «Go Home» vans or spot checks at London Tube station - or Cameron's photo opportunity with immigration officers in the home of an alleged undocumented immigrant - go down like a bucket of sick with ethnic minority voters.
Celebrations, dinners, galas and voter registration drives for members of the ruling RDPC party (Rassemblement Démocratique du Peuple Camerounais) are taking place in cities across the country, most predominantly in the central regions, i.e. those with geo - political links and a common socio - cultural heritage (more generally but problematically referred to as «ethnic» ties) to the ruling party.
68 % of ethnic minorities voted Labour at the last election compared with 31 % of white voters.
«Lancman said the blatant attempt to deceive Jewish voters would backfire not only with the Jewish community, but with all voters in Queens who will reject this effort to exploit racial, ethnic and religious differences for electoral gain,» the statement said.
Parties still treated ethnic minority's as «bloc votes» to be targeted, it added, claiming that «engaging solely with leading figures within traditional clan - type structures or religious institutions can be divisive and risk creating «community gatekeepers» rather than real engagement with voters».
Labour certainly has to find ways of reaching out to and reconnecting with the so - called «left behind» Ukip voters but without - to borrow a line from activist and commentator Ellie Mae O'Hagan - throwing immigrants - and, for that matter, British - born ethnic minorities - under the bus.
Appealing to the north of England, working class voters and ethnic minorities with an aspirational agenda was at the heart of this launch, with a focus on «bread and butter issues such as the cost of living,» as well as ensuring environmental problems aren't merely seen as a concern of the left.
But widest of all is the ethnic divide where the Labour lead over the Conservatives was a massive 38 points greater among non-white voters compared with whites.
In an interview with the Sunday Telegraph, he said the government was committed to putting things right and he urged ethnic minority voters to look at the bigger picture when it came to Thursday's vote.
«This is the first time in British political history that a multilingual campaign song has been used in order to connect with ethnic minority voters...
The presence of a northern woman in the cabinet will not be the silver bullet to the issue of Tory unpopularity with urban voters and women, just as Sajid Javid's appointment has not made the Tories more appealing to ethnic minorities.
If Corbyn's appeal to young voters is mostly restricted to ethnic minorities and university students / graduates, that won't take him very far in Walsall North - especially with 8,000 Ukip voters from 2015 likely to lean towards the Tories.
The research, conducted by internet polling company Survation, suggested that the longstanding link between ethnic minorities and the Labour party was fraying, and that the Conservatives might at last be breaking through with minority voters, having achieved a 33 % share of the 2015 ethnic minority vote overall or «one million» new voters for the party, and with a lead over Labour among Hindu voters.
Our evidence fits with other research suggesting that traditional partisan loyalties to Labour are fading away among ethnic minority voters, producing an electorate more willing to «shop around» and consider a range of other political options, including the Conservatives, the Greens and UKIP.
The Common Cause proposal would directly task LATFOR with drawing districts for the Senate, Assembly and Congress that consider «communities of interest,» such as ethnic neighborhoods of similar towns, and forbid it from considering addresses of incumbents or the partisan enrollment of voters in a given area.
In an interview with the Sunday Telegraph, Mr Javid said the Government would «put things right» and urged ethnic minority voters to look at the «bigger picture» at the local elections.
It is unique in being a seat that has a majority of ethnic minority voters, but a Conservative Member of Parliament - a sign that the party does not struggle to quite the same extent with Hindu voters as it does with Muslim or black voters.
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