Sentences with phrase «with ethno»

Reason's Oxymoron features, for instance, interviews with ethno - psychologists about the experience of immigrants adjusting to life in a different culture.
I love this T - shirt with ethno motive.
So cool to combine sneakers with this Ethno - dress — you have great taste!

Not exact matches

Into ecumenicalism, spiritual isolation, or perhaps the ethno - centric heretical movements waiting to affirm our ethnic identity while juxtaposing a caricature of the Church with their loving familial structure?
Dr. Bawumia drew my ire with his work on Togo and ill - fated attempt to join Dzifa Attivor in the ethno - religious gutter but he was solid gold yesterday.
Nationalism, chauvinism, ethno - religious intolerance are incommensurable with the values of an open and tolerant society.
These include the introduction of territorially autonomous regimes that can be formed without the need to have been part of other pre-existing political - administrative divisions, but on the bases of ethno - cultural features; the recognition of community justice as parallel and coexistent with ordinary justice, exercised by the «native indigenous peasant nations and peoples» authorities according to their principles, cultural values, norms and proceedings» (Art. 199); and the consolidation of a system of collective land titling following ethnicity - based criteria.
How to gauge this natural commonness; to what extent does shared genetic lineage imply a shared worldview and a specific, enduring way of interaction with society and the environment; and then — how does the actively promoted modern - day celebration of ethno - diversity and multiculturalism communicate with the «classical» understanding of nation and nationhood; can the two outlooks be reconciled?
The report also found that the Conservatives» electoral appeal among black Caribbeans is far weaker when compared with other ethno - religious groups (such as Indian Hindus and Sikhs).
According to him: «at this time of economic stress, apparent socio - polititical frustrations and rising separatist hate - mongering, we celebrate with our Muslim brothers and sisters, the manifest long - standing peace, harmony and full integration amongst indigeneous and settler populations from different ethno - religious backgrounds in not only my constituency but Enugu state at large».
Even though I didn't announce them explicitly, this one is actually the last of my outfits from Berlin Fashion Week — a winterish color combo of a burgundy midi skirt and a blue turtleneck, mixed with some golden / ethno accessories.
If you are a comfort - loving woman, you can opt for short kurtas and wear them with salwars or patiala pants for the ultimate ethno - chic look.
The white girl with the big hoop earrings, the (fake) diamond stud in her nose, and the tattoo on her left tit of a phoenix, butterfly The Germanic peoples (also called Teutonic, Suebian, or Gothic in older literature) are an Indo - European ethno - linguistic group of Northern European origin
With the help of a few ethno - musicologist narrators, viewers are exposed to the atrocities of a cultural genocide by the U.S. government.
Much of this research has focused on districts serving communities with large numbers of students traditionally portrayed as low performing and hard - to - serve on the basis of ethno - cultural, socioeconomic and linguistic diversity.
«It's a natural evolution that combines the best of YouTube Red with the best of YouTube Gaming to create exactly what a surprisingly large section of gamers want: long, incomprehensible, poorly - delivered ethno - nationalist rants about how feminism is destroying society.»
A group exhibition with new works by Jon Chambers, Cassandra Stadnicki, and Yaloo, «Ethno / graphic» is curated by Brett Swinney.
In the year since her first residency at McColl Center, she developed an ethno - botanical project with Mural Arts Philadelphia, focusing on environmental issues and the sustainable revitalization of community spaces.
Nicholas Faraclas, a linguistics scholar on the Houma, wrote that like other ethno - linguistic groups, the Houma tribe are a community in which «contact between groups with different languages and cultures is the norm, rather than the exception, and in many cases integrated formally into traditional marriage, trading, and ceremonial patterns.»
Along on the Toxico Mission, with David, were photographers Ollie Chanarin and Adam Broomberg of Chopped Liver, filmmaker Dustin Lynn, the world - renowned artist Gabriel Orozco and the ethno biologist Maria Fadiman.
She recently completed a master's degree in ethno - ecology and lives on Haida Gwaii (the Queen Charlotte Islands) in British Columbia with her husband and their 2 - month - old baby.
«Much of ethno - nationalist politics in Sindh, for example, is intimately tied up with successive waves of migration into the province's urban center.
The list further apes the House of Lords with its phoney ethno - spiritual inclusiveness (one green Moslem, one green Hindu property developer, one black activist).
On the AE team with David are photographers Ollie Chanarin and Adam Broomberg of Chopped Liver, filmmaker Dustin Lynn the world - renowned artist Gabriel Orozco and the ethno biologist Maria Fadiman.
Add to this the complexity of dealing with oral history evidence and extensive expert evidence from a range of fields including history, archaeology, linguistics, anthropology and ethno - history and you may start to understand why Aboriginal rights cases can stretch over months, if not years.
Arlene also has much experience working with families from various ethno - cultural and religious communities.
In developing the program, Transport Canada worked with stakeholders and consulted with civil liberties and ethno - cultural groups, and the Office of the Privacy Commissioner on privacy aspects.
Disagreement on principles and behaviours endemic to any and all cultural belief systems, be they business oriented, ethno centric or political in nature, fosters open mindedness... for those willing to embrace an open mind to start with.
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