Sentences with phrase «with eunuchs»

When Paula travels with her merchant father to Istanbul, she discovers a world filled with eunuchs, pirates, and dervishes, as well as the Other Kingdom.
And, as we will see in future installments of the series, Esther's favor with the eunuchs will prove critical to her efforts in saving the Jews, as God continues to use the powerless to shame the powerful.
After all, Tyrion (Peter Dinklage) escaped a death sentence and took flight with the eunuch Varys (Conleth Hill), producing no end of wonderful exchanges between the two of them.

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I think it's creepy that so many old men are so obcessed with the reproductive functions of young women, especially men who are professional eunuchs.
Student Minister Pam Bakker preached on Acts 8:26 - 40 — the story of Philip's encounter with the Ethiopian eunuch.
to those who, like Philip with the Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8, helped others to understand it and apply it to their own lives.»
Jenny - Anne cites two passages commonly used to argue that Jesus spent time with, and did not judge, eunuchs — representing those who fall outside of gender norms.
In practical application, Kings and Rulers would often use c - a-s-t-r-a-t-e-d men or eunuchs, as those who were charged with the management and care of women's chambers.
When Philip In Acts 8 had finished teaching the Ethiopian Eunuch about Jesus from the old testament till the present moment why did Philip baptise him with water if all it took was belief in Jesus?
The baptism of the Ethiopian Eunuch was a public demonstration that he was making a change in his life and was fully identifying himself with Jesus Christ.
He also faulted churches for coalescing around distinctions of class, race, education, and economic status rather than welcoming outcasts — represented in the biblical passage by «foreigners» and «eunuchs» — on equal terms with ourselves as children of God.
Though Westerners were first scandalized by their omnipresence in society, «their sweet chanting,» as one Western observer put it on a visit to Constantinople in the twelfth century, «the mingling of the voices, the heavier [male] with the light [eunuchs»], softened the hearts of the Franks.
Also remember that kings normally did not let anyone come into contact with their wives except the royal eunuchs.
Also, Persian kings were very protective of their wives, and normally only allowed eunuchs to interact with the women.
While they were still talking with him, the king's eunuchs came, and hastened to bring Haman to the banquet which Esther had prepared.
With respect to marriage, why not allow a eunuch to marry?
Clearly, there were others traveling with the Ethiopian Eunuch who would have seen him get baptized, would have asked him about it on their journey back to Ethiopia, and would have observed his life and actions to see what differences (if any) followed as a result of the Eunuch fully identifying himself with Jesus.
They were not «sinners» in the conventional sense: the call to discipleship, Jesus» table - fellowship with sinners, the «conversion» of Zaccheus; the woman who anointed Jesus» feet (Luke 7:36 - 50): Jesus» healing of the sick: Jesus» acceptance of children, the shepherds, and the wise men who were present at Jesus» birth; the centurion of Capemaum; the rich young ruler; the Eunuch (Acts 8), and Cornelius; Nathaniel, Joseph of Arimathea and the women at the tomb.
2005, Indian passport application forms were updated with three gender options: M, F, and E (for male, female, and eunuch, respectively).1
Alcoholic men with impaired liver function develop a condition called gynecomastia (enlarged breasts), loss of male pubic hair, and eunuch - like features.
The Hateful Eight with seven menopausal women and one abused eunuch?
Extensive breeding programs fell under the auspices of palace eunuchs, with no expense spared.
Him, is an allusive and performative collaboration with the poet Eric Crosley, who identifies as a eunuch.
Her point of departure is an ongoing collaborative research project with Eric Crosley, a self - described eunuch, who has fluctuated genders and undergone radical surgical transformations.
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