Sentences with phrase «with evading»

However, the IRS has had an eye on virtual currency transactions for several years now, and they aren't letting anyone get away with evading taxes through perceived loopholes in the tax code.
In yet another in a back - to - back - to - back nonstop series of amoral discussions and actions in the Trump White House, now we can watch them wiggle and maneuver to see just how much moral, legal and national responsibility they can get away with evading on the known most critical issue the world faces.
There is a roll that helped with evading enemies, but I wanted a simple block or counter attack to help manage the onslaught of enemies.
Levels are filled to the brim with obstacles and enemies that you are charged with evading in standard platforming style.
For 90 seconds, the Evasion Mantle grants you an increased invulnerability window when dodging — comparable to an armor set with the Evade Window skill maxed out — as well as an attack boost when you dodge an attack at the last moment.
One huge issue I had with the evade is that it only works against high punches.
It uses a basic but very responsive combo based system using both light and heavy attacks along with an evade button.
So you'll have to live with the Evade stat being completely useless, and there are some issues with status effects not behaving properly that might come up, among other things that probably won't matter.

Not exact matches

With Rey as the pilot and Finn manning the weapons, the two manage to evade their pursuers and make it to the oscillator, where Rey's knowledge of mechanics helps get them inside.
Facebook was faced with — and evaded — similar questions about its relationship with Thiel when Forbes revealed the early investor in the social media network and member of its board was bankrolling a lawsuit that ultimately drove Gawker Media into bankruptcy.
With his expert piloting skills, Poe evades the thieves.
So if one won't be able to evade taxes with a Swiss bank account any longer, what good is it?
Prosecutors in Washington, D.C., sought to recover $ 11 million from companies based in China and Singapore that they accused of conspiring with North Korea to evade sanctions.
However, in 2013, the US Department of Justice successfully convinced 100 Swiss banks to cooperate with it by handing over information about US customers suspected of evading taxes.
Former Navy SEAL Clint Emerson, author of» 100 Deadly Skills: The SEAL Operative's Guide to Eluding Pursuers, Evading Capture, and Surviving Any Dangerous Situation,» explains why it can be healthy for you to end a shower with cold water.
To further evade scrutiny, in 2014, Murgio, with Lebedev's help, tried to take over Helping Other People Excel Federal Credit Union of Jackson, N.J., which was linked to HOPE Cathedral.
The Department of Justice has started a criminal investigation into Uber's software called Greyball, a technology that helped drivers evade local regulators, a person familiar with the investigation told The New York Times.
Vincent Ramos, the CEO of the company, along with four associates were accused on Thursday by the Department of Justice (DOJ) of «knowingly and intentionally conspiring with criminal organizations by providing them with the technological tools to evade law enforcement and obstruct justice while committing transnational drug trafficking.»
He evaded police questioning in connection with the murder investigation of his neighbor in Belize only to be arrested in front of VICE's cameras in Guatemala.
Last month, Adobe and Pagefair — a firm that offers software to help publishers detect and evade ad - blockers — came out with a report on the impact of ad - blocking.
Since AstraZeneca ($ AZN) successfully managed to evade an unwanted megamerger with Pfizer last year, harshly criticizing Pfizer's R&D track record in the process, the pharma giant has been busy doing a range of ambitious deals.
The plan creates a massive loophole with which ordinary people can evade taxes.
The 2018 budget largely evades both options in a chapter entitled Path to Balance: it's 15 pages thick with handy - dandy charts, economic assumptions of modest growth, and holds out the expectation that the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion will go ahead and bring further prosperity to Alberta.
The U.S. Department of Justice has begun a criminal investigation into Uber's use of a software tool that helped its drivers evade local transportation regulators, two sources familiar with the situation told Reuters.
Now, Trump is on the hook for failing to disclose campaign donations and debts and for conspiring to evade detection with deliberately small reimbursements, as Giuliani said, «funneled through a law firm.»
If Canadians become more focused on economic risks, the thinking goes, they will pay less attention to the Duffy scandal, and they will be more cautious when casting their ballot. In this world - view, it actually helps the Conservatives to talk up bad economic news. This marks a U-turn from earlier messaging, when Conservatives first tried (futilely) to deny the economy was in any trouble at all. With the negative numbers piling up around them, the Tory spin machine has decided to throw in the towel, and try to make a silk purse from this sow's ear. They now want to emphasize the gloomy economic outlook (while simultaneously, of course, evading blame for contributing to it at all).
KAI is using its Lockheed connection as a selling point to Israel, especially in view of the company's concern that someone at the Ministry of Defense is evading them and holding secret talks with Alenia Aermacchi, ostensibly following orders to do so.
With the inability to control, monitor, legislate and print, global governments will always likely oppose cyber currency as a way of evading taxes and their legal system.
In addition, the Kushner Companies confirmed longstanding relationships with two major Israeli banks that have been investigated by U.S. authorities for allegedly helping wealthy clients evade U.S. taxes.
Finally, in the justly famous, but very obscure section of «Force and the Understanding» known as the «Inverted World,» the metaphysical distinction inherent in all designations such as inner - outer, intelligible - sensible, noumenal - phenomenal collapses, and with it the attempt of substance or «essence» metaphysics to evade contradiction by locating «contradictories» (or contraries) in ontologically disparate realms.
With that failure, the «world evades us because it becomes itself again» (MS 11).
It is impossible to deny that this division exists, or to point out that there is also a third force at work, or to evade the issue in some other way; for, we are told (and on the whole rightly), such evasion amounts to condoning oppression, therefore siding with the oppressor.
At this moment he loses his monarchy.2 Let us take note that this concerns us all, for now in Jesus Christ we are all invested with this power and we have no right to cloak ourselves in good theology in order to evade our responsibilities.
I'm asking direct questions, you evade them with nonsense and because I call you on it, I'm now a bully?
@HS — Oh, and way to evade my first point with that distracting comment, but it goes to confirm what I was saying.
Most modernist thinking consists of attempts to evade the impasse with superficial resolutions.
The crusaders» attack on Islam provided Muslims with a unity of purpose which had evaded them since the death of Muhammad in the seventh century.
In judgement and mercy, through disaster and renewal, God confronted men conclusively, with a call that could not be evaded.
They analyze with great sensitivity the different modes of existence that are chosen, especially in man's innumerable attempts to evade a full and responsible acceptance of his situation.
Now we may be looking at different problems here, or have different considerations in mind; but from where I view the matter, Bultmann's own statements seem to evade the crucial aspect of change in scientific thinking affecting the vision of our world; and his position, as amplified by Ogden's comments, seems to me simply not to square with the facts, as one may glean them from hearing scientists talk among themselves.
Committed Christians who fuse horizons with those of the godless know they can not evade the questions.
Those who evade books like this because they would rather not encounter extensive clinical accounts have no excuse to avoid this one: Frank treats the medical realities with economy and taste.
This means, he continues, that «we can not avoid the conflicts of human interests or evade the demand always to take sides with the oppressed against all who oppress them.»
produces percepta which are vague, not to be controlled, heavy with emotion: it produces the sense of derivation from an immediate past, and of passage to an immediate future; a sense of emotional feeling, belonging to oneself in the past, passing into oneself in the present, and passing from oneself in the present towards oneself in the future, a sense of influx of influence from other vaguer presences in the past, localized and yet evading local definition....
So far it has succeeded, with the help of Representative Claude Pepper (D., Fla.) and others, in evading Internal Revenue Service taxes.
Nonetheless, the affirmation will not be evaded that the biblical influence has been, and is, of a more potent sort; for it strongly grips human emotions, the driving force in achievement, and sets them aflame with a supreme ideal which by its very loftiness thrills and mocks us.
Now Ahimaaz was confronted with the predicament which Joab foresaw, for he knew well that at that moment Absalom's still warm body lay beneath a great heap of stones where the victorious troops had killed, and in this fashion entombed him; he evaded the issue: «When Joab, the king's servant, sent me, your servant, I saw a great commotion, but I do not know what it was.»
I am sure that any attempt to evade it (e.g. by mock or quasi-marriage with a member of one's own sex even if this does not lead to any carnal act) is the wrong way.»
But that certain sayings of Oriental wisdom and of the psalms make an immediate appeal to the modern man is due to the fact that this religion has recognized clearly and taken account of a reality which modern thinking gladly ignores or seeks to evade with various theories — the reality of death, of mortality.
All that happens is in some way, either directly or permissively, related to His most holy Will: «nothing walks with aimless feet,» and we shall make hash of human life if we assume that we can evade God or get on well enough with only a casual nod at Him; that is not the way the universe is run.
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