Sentences with phrase «with evangelical faith»

After two weeks of interviews with St. Louis faith leaders and advocates, and several days on the ground moving between mobilizing efforts in Ferguson and dialogues with evangelical faith leaders, I see the same dynamic at work here.

Not exact matches

«I could not be more proud to stand with President Trump as he continues to stand shoulder to shoulder with communities of faithevangelical preacher Paula White told Religion News Service, «This order is a historic action, strengthening the relationship between faith and government in the United States and the product will be countless, transformed lives.»
Members of Trump's unofficial evangelical advisory council, a loose umbrella of faith advisers with close access to the president, celebrated the news.
Complicating matters further is Osteen's association with the prosperity gospel movement, and the related «Word of Faith» movement popular in some evangelical circles, which teaches that believing Christians can harness the power of prayerful speech: to reap material and financial rewards in this life as well as the next.
A handful of prominent evangelical activists are defending their decision to attend television host Glenn Beck's conservative rally in Washington this weekend after some Christians complained that evangelicals shouldn't be partnering with Beck because of his Mormon faith.
Since young adults perceive evangelical Christianity to be... «unconcerned with social justice», it's a shame that more evangelical churches don't know about the Just Faith program, which provides «opportunities for individuals to study and be formed by the justice tradition articulated by the Scriptures, the Church's historical witness, theological inquiry and Church social teaching» (from
A number of evangelical leaders with very large constituencies sharply criticized the declaration as a betrayal of the central Reformation belief in «justification by faith alone.»
At the June Faith & Freedom Conference run by former Christian Coalition chief Ralph Reed, Huntsman attempted to endear himself to the evangelical audience by crediting Jesus with bringing his adopted Chinese daughter into his family.
The Protestant evangelical primacy of justification by faith, coupled with an overemphasis on discontinuity between the covenants, has more often than not resulted in the confusion of soteriological and ethical categories, in the end breeding among evangelicals a moral mindset devoid of both foundations and fiber.
As in his earlier volumes, Wells shows himself to be conversant with various streams of social criticism as he wrestles with the present and future of evangelical faith.
He does not help the believer both for these reasons and because the solution he proposes is both lame and inconsistent with any sort of Christian faith, evangelical, liberal or Roman Catholic.
I talk about how the evangelical obsession with sex can make Christian living seem like little more than sticking to a list of rules, and how millennials long for faith communities in which they are safe asking tough questions and wrestling with doubt.
And the next reply slashed at the Mormon faith, and the blog was then filled with «we Evangelicals got it right — the Mormons got it wrong!»
Indeed, just as the world is filled with selfappointed salesmen for God, it is also filled with evangelical atheists who are equally determined to convert anyone who will listen to their belief system, their faith in the non-existence of God.
«I miss that evangelical fire - in - the - belly that makes people talk about their faith with passion and conviction.»
While some evangelicals agree with Trump's efforts to course - correct on behalf of persecuted brothers and sisters, many others worry about the ramifications of privileging Christians above other faiths.
The official news release carefully pointed out that the organization was «not officially connected» with the NAE's convention but that its statement of faith is the same and its membership (open to both homosexuals and heterosexuals) is composed of «members of NAE and various evangelical churches.»
Sometimes I get the idea that folks in the mainline are so frustrated with how evangelicals have wielded the Bible and faith in the public square, they avoid language, practices, and teaching that might be construed as overly religious, overly biblical, or overly exclusive.
Like Protestant evangelicals, he says, such Catholics are strong on authority, clarity of message and eagerness to share the faith with others.
Many evangelicals, Catholics, and others sincerely believe that Christianity's doctrines on marriage and sex are inextricably tied up with the foundations of the faith.
Unfortunately, a lot of young evangelicals grew up with the assumption that Christianity and evolution can not mix, that we have to choose between our faith in Jesus and accepted science.
Finally, it is very very evangelical movement, so it requires a large school of apologetics many of which, like any religion in with new converts are highly zealous and incredibly hostile towards anything outside of the boarders of their particular brand of faith.
Neo-fundamentalists believe they alone are remaining true to the fullness of the gospel and orthodox faith while the rest of the evangelical church is in grave, near - apocalyptic danger of theological drift, moral laxity, and compromise with a postmodern culture — a culture which they see as being characterized by a skepticism towards Enlightenment conceptions of «absolute truth,» a pluralistic blending of diverse beliefs, values, and cultures, and a suspicion of hierarchies and traditional sources of authority.
Entitled The Faith of Donald J. Trump: A Spiritual Biography, the book includes interviews with the Mr Trump and US Vice President Mike Pence about the president's religious beliefs and his relationship with evangelicals during the 2016 election.
Evangelicals are also slightly more likely to report reading Scripture at least weekly (63 % in 2014 vs. 60 % in 2007), participating in a weekly prayer or Bible study group (44 % vs. 41 %), and sharing their faith with others at least weekly (35 % vs. 34 %).
Mainline churches looking to retain and attract young people, particularly «homeless» evangelicals like myself, would do well to look to Missiongathering as a model, for, at least from my perspective, they have managed to combine all that is great about the mainline with all that is great about evangelicalism into one faith community.
Meanwhile, a surprising number of evangelicals disagree with faith requirements at public universities, though they also don't want groups like InterVarsity punished.
According to the Faith and Families project published last year, only a minority of the children of mainliners are mainliners, whereas a strong majority of evangelical parents end up with evangelical children.
I've seen this in my own life as my frustrations with the conservative evangelical culture in which I grew up cause me to dismiss its proponents with more anger and disdain than those of any other faith.
But to his credit, Webb speaks for a lot of young evangelicals who feel disconnected from the mainstream and frustrated with current expressions of faith.
The evangelicals, who run through every denomination, are fun to hang out with on occasion, but they anticipate a level of enthusiasm out of me that I just can't muster up every day — I am a person who is chipper some times and acerbic others; I can't handle being happy clappy all the time as some sort of faith statement.
All of this blue - chip evangelical clout is brought to bear in support of the doctrine of biblical «inerrancy» against a growing party of theological compatriots inclined to speak more of the «authority» of Scripture with regard to «faith and practice.»
It is, in particular, the second of evangelicalism's two tenets, i. e., Biblical authority, that sets evangelicals off from their fellow Christians.8 Over against those wanting to make tradition co-normative with Scripture; over against those wanting to update Christianity by conforming it to the current philosophical trends; over against those who view Biblical authority selectively and dissent from what they find unreasonable; over against those who would understand Biblical authority primarily in terms of its writers» religious sensitivity or their proximity to the primal originating events of the faith; over against those who would consider Biblical authority subjectively, stressing the effect on the reader, not the quality of the source — over against all these, evangelicals believe the Biblical text as written to be totally authoritative in all that it affirms.
Evangelicals are those who believe in (1) the need for personal relationship with God through faith in the atoning work of Jesus Christ, and (2) the sole and binding authority of the Bible as God's revelation, but they are at an impasse over the interpretation of major theological matters.
As I use the word in this book, it refers to that group of over forty - five million Americans and millions more worldwide who believe in (1) the need for personal relationship with God through faith in the atoning work of Jesus Christ, and (2) the sole and binding authority of the Bible as God's revelation.5 «Evangelical» is, first of all, a theological term, though its adherents may also have derivative sociological and psychological traits.
Brenda has become what some call «Christian famous» - a renowned evangelical speaker who tours the country with the likes of the 2012 Women of Faith tour, which will reach tens of thousands of Christian women with a message of hope and fFaith tour, which will reach tens of thousands of Christian women with a message of hope and faithfaith.
«6 Evangelicals identify with the orthodox faith of the Reformers in their answers to Christianity's two fundamental questions: (1) «how is it possible for a sinner to be saved and to be reconciled to his Creator and God?»
Moreover, evangelical Christianity is, by definition, a faith that believes all Christians are to share the gospel with our neighbors and friends.
Phillips is the faith relations manager at ONE and an ordained minister with the Evangelical Covenant Church.
This year, the Russian - American Institute, a faith - based educational and support organization (formerly the Russian - American Christian University), helped Hilarion interact with a cross-section of evangelicals around the United States for the first time.
If Iowa's evangelicals disagree on whom to support, interviews with dozens of them reveal a striking consistency in the role their faith plays in shaping that decision.
Newman applied these examples to his own day: the Church in England in the 19th century had to fight with faith against evangelical zealots and face the indifference of politicians.
It is interesting to learn from West that Evangelicals, more than mainline Protestants and Catholics, emphasize staffing their social service agencies with those who espouse their faith.
I doubt this will change many conservative or evangelical Christians» minds though, given that they have hardly demonstrated themselves as capable of learning facts inconsistent with their faith.
Popular stereotypes that emphasize the bizarre nature of the evangelical world will not be dispelled by Balmer's subsequent description of a visit with faith - healer Neal Frisby at Phoenix's Capstone Cathedral.
I myself am inclined to agree with Barr about the poverty of this postfundamentalist theology and tradition for the future of evangelicalism — though I would want my evangelical colleagues to understand clearly that I reject this tradition not to reject biblical or evangelical faith but to seek rather a more adequate conceptual framework through which to be more faithful to the Scriptures.
It remains for evangelical Christianity to state again with power the faith that grace is present, available, victorious over evil.
And i do nt» hear of many muslims converting to the «faith» which he shares with his evangelical brother GWB.
However, as I've spent the past few months talking to others with similar evangelical backgrounds, I've found that many have given up their faith altogether.
It is a good - faith effort on the part of some Roman Catholics and some Evangelicals to say, with as much clarity as possible, how they understand God's gracious gift of salvation on the basis of the Word of God.
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