Sentences with phrase «with evangelical institutions»

However, several changes among leadership and priorities have paved the way for other leaders connected with evangelical institutions to take a stance.

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Traditionally, conservative Evangelical schools will have tensions with all or some of these institutions, and vice versa.
Lively, with representation by Liberty Counsel (an evangelical legal organization), responded that in both the U.S. and Uganda he exercised constitutionally protected speech rights; that he opposes violence and neither committed nor plotted any; that Uganda did not in fact pass a proposed draconian anti-gay law, and that in any case Uganda's political institutions, instead of himself, are responsible for its political decisions; and that the court lacks jurisdiction and the plaintiffs lack standing.
Evangelicals insist I MUST believe in the Trinity and JW's don't want to touch me with a barge pole, so I'm stuck in the middle; but you are like a breath of fresh air as you prize away people from orthodoxy of «religion» and a dependence on institutions to the true Church, the Body of Christ.
Having taught a number of years at an undergraduate institution within the evangelical world, I observed on more than one occasion students who wrestled with the particular brand of Christianity in which they had been raised.
Is Packer so famous because many Evangelicals agree with Ryken — that the ideals Packer stands for are discoverable within various institutions, practicable in every church?
Yet, most evangelical institutions remain firmly committed to the older liberal arts model of formation, fusing it with worldview analysis in order to cultivate an educated Christian laity who can then change society.
Messiah College, an evangelical liberal arts institution with roots in the Men - nonite tradition, is sponsoring a project titled «Reforming the Center: Beyond the Two - Party System of American Protestantism.»
As the president of an institution with evangelical in its name, I've had many opportunities to reflect on the mixed legacy that comes with that word.
We can not simply go on with our evangelical concern for the person, he implied, and let other people and other institutions take care of social justice.
I think, then, that most evangelical institutions of higher learning would be happy to say that, in understanding the specific callings of their schools, they are very much in line with Jesuit thinking.
A consultation convened by the WCC in cooperation with the Innere Mission of East Germany's evangelical churches issued this statement: «We affirm the continuing need for institutions in which the most severely disabled experience help, protection and care, even while at the same time we call for the integration of the disabled and the able - bodied within the local congregation.»
What, then, would the twenty - first century look like if we were to bring together the Kuyperian cultural agenda, with its emphasis on institution - building for the kingdom, with the evangelical dynamism of Africa's churches?
We've also been working in concert with other evangelical institutions here at the Council of Christian Colleges and Universities throughout the year on these issues.
Advocates of the Fairness for All approach argue that evangelicals and other faith groups end up with greater protections when actively involved in crafting legislation; if left up to the courts to weigh the rights of either side, Christian - run institutions and businesses — from churches to bakers — risk more severe restrictions.
Following World War II, Pentecostals developed a thriving friendship with the emerging «New Evangelicals» - a welcome recast of souring pre-war Fundamentalism - in which strong roles were played by persons like Harold Ockenga and Billy Graham and by institutions like Christianity Today, Fuller Theological Seminary, and the National Association of Evangelicals (NAE).
It is true that occasionally certain forms, institutions and practices no longer have a meaningful value and the substance or the Church expresses herself in a different way more suited to its evangelical encounter with the world around.
Compared with such a noble complexity, in which ascending and descending movements seem in no way to jar upon stability, in which no single item, however humble, is insignificant, because so many august institutions hold it in its place, how flat does evangelical Protestantism appear, how bare the atmosphere of those isolated religious lives whose boast it is that «man in the bush with God may meet.»
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