Sentences with phrase «with experts in the field»

Through collaborating with experts in the field of art history and design, its dramatic exhibitions celebrate art from both past and present.
And finding the proper plan can be accomplished by working with an expert in the field.
The toolkit was developed through a series of interviews with experts in the field, as well as through desk research.
When you're looking for life insurance, if you have any health issues at all it is always best to speak with an expert in this field.
Online learners should feel like they are having a chat with an expert in the field from the very first screen.
Connecting students with experts in the field really increases their level of understanding and results in deeper thinking for them.
There is scope to progress within 6 months, you will be working alongside top senior recruitment consultants and work closely with experts in the field.
Often in STEM education, we partner with experts in the field to learn from them.
He targets his continuing education towards sports medicine and rehabilitation and networks with experts in these fields all over the world.
Through the power of online networks, it is now possible to connect our students with experts in every field imaginable.
Watch their films, dive into free resources, and partake in a global Q&A with experts in the field of social and emotional learning.
The focus of this collaborative is on learning about new research - based strategies, engaging with experts in the field, and working together across states to address shared problems.
We have working relationships with experts in this field and are familiar with acceptable national standard operating procedures for police departments and agencies.
I often attempt to develop such an understanding through sessions with experts in their fields, in addition to a significant amount of self - study.
With their interactive nature, these forums provide a suitable opportunity for new traders to discuss openly with experts in the field.
Nearly every episode is a self - contained interview with an expert in the field, so you don't need to listen to them in any particular order.
The only way to really know is for him to consult with an expert in the field.
These groundbreaking artists worked with experts in the field to create these colorful, magnificent, and monumental artworks.
Blogs serve as a way to connect students with experts in the field, who offer advice, encouragement, and even internships and jobs.
This year we will be hosting our 3rd Annual International Microarray Symposium, a 3 - day event that allows microarray users to interact with experts in the field.
It is to be noted here that even after adopting the state of the art technologies as being done in U.S.A. and other advanced economies one can reduce the emission of hazardous and noxious pollutants by only 25 % (verbal communication with experts in this field in U.S.A.).
«Students benefit from connecting with experts in the field who can share personal experiences and challenges associated with our profession,» Dr. Braun said.
In this area of law, prosecutors work closely with experts in this field as part of a multi-disciplinary team, which includes law enforcement, social services, child advocacy centers, medical and mental health providers, the school system and many other partner agencies.
Knowing Rodale Institute is a world class organic research farm, Jeremiah applied for a position to train with experts in the field.
Belly Buttons has recently paired with experts in the fields of breastfeeding and also infant safety.
The Assembly provides a forum where geoscientists from all over the world can present their work and discuss their ideas with experts in all fields of geoscience and is together -LSB-...]
As most hiring managers and recruiters have a Twitter account, Twitter opens the doors to communication with experts in your field.
I have a created a plan for this student to connect with an expert in her field of interest (a veterinarian, which is what she says she wants to be when she gets older) and hopefully develop a relationship that enables this students passions and talents to blossom.
I feel that my Marie Curie mobility experience has been a fantastic chance to work with experts in my field from all over the world, and I expect that this will benefit my future research path.
The Oxford University Politics Blog's special series «Decision 2015» explores these questions with experts in the field.
This workshop is directed at laboratory - based investigators, but the broad - ranging content and highly interactive format is suitable for clinically oriented investigators and is particularly appealing to young investigators, giving them the opportunity to interact directly with experts in the field.
The course is lead by Joshua Rosenthal and is complemented with experts in the field of wellness and nutrition, including Deepak Chopra, MD, Arianna Huffington, Mehmet Oz, MD and David Wolfe, among others.
Explore the Future of Dating interactive timeline > The Future of Dating report is based on more than 100 years of trend data and interviews with experts in the field -LSB-...]
The speakers include executives from online dating companies like Lovestruck, Venntro and Her, along with experts in fields like law and data security.
All of the interactions with experts in the field have led to a conclusion that IDBs or Instructional Design Businesses are possible with an effective business model and strategy.
Dr. Linda Darling - Hammond, former Smarter Balanced Senior Research Advisor and Charles E. Ducommun Professor of Education Emeritus at Stanford University, led the development of the content specifications in collaboration with experts in the field.
Engagement with experts in the field of math is a regular part of meetings.
In dramatic arts, the applied professional development approach of having a teacher co-teaching with an expert in the field of drama - based pedagogy has not only had a positive impact for regular classroom teachers, but we are finding it is also a highly sustainable model.
I'm going to go with the experts in the field as Black and Wiliam have done more to clarify formative assessment through their landmark paper «Inside the Black Box: Raising Standards Through Classroom Assessment» than perhaps any other researchers in the field.
When that is not possible, Dr.Mobley will gather as much information as possible in the exam, and research your case with experts in the field.
Urge your vet to consult with experts in the field if they do not know about DM.
The project grew out of conversations with experts in fields such as zoology and re-enacts «the moment when a gene — FOXP2 — mutated, allowing our ancestors to develop language.»
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