Sentences with phrase «with fewer choices»

That's when I threw her book against the wall with a few choice words.
Add to that the fact that some natural flea remedies are safe for use on dogs but can be toxic for cats and you're left with few choices.
When you decide to lock in your rate, you may be presented with a few choices.
You worked hard, earned your independence, and now feel tied down with few choices because of the cost of child care.
Pair with a few choice accessories, and you will look effortlessly polished and put - together quickly.
You take that away, and production will go down, leaving the consumer with fewer choices.
A typical challenge starts with few choices since the starting conditions are set.
A well - structured email with a few choice questions will be most likely to garner a constructive response.
This has left traders with fewer choices, but good ones.
The next morning, the candy is gone and the bowl is filled with a few choice books.
In other cities with fewer choices, however, smaller proportions of parents were able to prioritize academics.
We've all had those moments when we want to respond to an email from a boss or a colleague with a few choice words.
Set your home apart from the street with a few choice design details that enhance its signature features.
When you decide to lock in your rate, you may be presented with a few choices.
If this ever happens, you are left with a few choices.
Nora's rare blood type leaves Belson with few choices for donors — and they're all still alive.
We'd stick with the standard car with a few choice options, but if you're considering the S with some or all of the upgrades mentioned above, the GTS variant could end up costing you less and be worth more in the future.
The increasing distance between where people work and where they can afford to live is a major factor hampering the quality of life in most urban areas, creating unavoidable traffic snarls and leaving people with few choices in «how to get there from here,» McIlwain said.
This lump is similar to the engine used in the 991 Carrera S, but with a few choice upgrades, including a revamped crankshaft and valvetrain, plus titanium connecting rods and forged pistons.
In early August, Ellison launched a public attack on Hewlett - Packard, throwing what had for decades been an amicable business relationship into jeopardy with a few choice words.
The number of products and services may rise in the short term, but it is likely to drop in the longer term, as dominant players squeeze out less successful competitors in each sub-area, leaving consumers with fewer choices long term.
Wenger has certainly had his fair share of run ins with EPL officials down the years and just recently was banned from the touchline for pushing 4th official Anthony Taylor with a few choice expletives thrown in for good measure.
While bigger sports like football afford more scholarship opportunities to top recruits, wrestlers are often faced with fewer choices.
On the other hand, you still have to say something to your inquisitive relatives and friends, so I did come up with a few choice things in answer to the «What are you going to do when you're done» question: science policy; educational policy; working for funding agencies such as the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, or the Packard Foundation; teaching at a minority - serving institution; university administration.
This year, Ronda Rousey took home two ESPY awards (Best Female Athlete and Fighter of the Year) and made major headlines with a few choice words for...
MGM's 1998 disc was ported over for the first Warners» release, a fairly ugly non-enhanced transfer with a few choice audio problems.
Robespierre and her design team evoke the «Mad About You» era gently, with a few choice signifiers (in - line skating, done awkwardly; foreplay interrupted by a scratched and skipping CD) steering clear of forced comedy.
But that's not the case; Annihilation ends with a few choice moments that make it clear it's had a message all along.
With few choices over the holiday weekend, Deliver Us From Evil provides enough scares to delight horror fans and possibly to make some of the more religious members of the audience want to cleanse themselves by attending church shortly after watching.
KidSmarter has a lite version with a few choices of equations and a complete version for $ 0.99 ~ See Add Strategy in the App Store
Maryland currently has one of the weakest charter school laws in the nation, which has left parents here with fewer choices for educating their children than in many other states.
I countered that the problem wasn't the concept of school choice, but that a weak K - 8 educational system left many teens with few choices by... Continue reading Your Cheat Sheet For Figuring Out All Your NYC High - School Choices — And How To Get Them
So while the range - topping W12 S advertises its 626bhp with a few choice exterior upgrades, the extra power doesn't make it any less relaxing.
There's not room on this page to include these deliciously bad works in their awful entirety, so I'm forced to merely describe them, with a few choice quotes, making it imperative that you consult the source for the full experience.
But it's a good idea to wait and see how that first book sells before you march into your boss» office and hand in your resignation along with a few choice words about where he / she can stick it.
With fewer choices available, Kitty will realize that there are certain places for eating, sleeping and eliminate.
I've spent a lot of time looking through different retro gaming solutions on the web and I've come up with a few choice products that I think are, for one reason or another, the best examples of their categories.
He asked me where I had bought the print and when I told him the name of the gallery he skewered the gallerist with a few choice four - letter epithets.
While the elderly have often filled their space with a lifetime of furniture and memories, the young mainly live in spartan rooms with a few choice purchases from Ikea.
Augmented with a few choice loans, it is an exhibition of a quality and comprehensiveness that SFMOMA could not have mounted from its collection even a year ago.
As with so many other of his cartoons, Toles demonstrates the power of an excellent political cartoonist, combining imagery with a few choice words to send a message with great clarity about a complex issue.
LONDON, 4 November, 2017 — By definition, climate refugees are people with few choices beyond simple survival as sea levels rise, harvests wither and storms batter whatever refuge they have.
The fear was someone might publish the Ten Commandments with a few choice revisions: miss out a «not?
If big banks are allowed to sell or manage real estate, there will be a negative impact on communities, leaving home buyers and sellers with fewer choices, higher loan fees, and reduced customer service from salespeople who don't follow NAR's strict Code of Ethics.
That leaves buyers with few choices for the types of loans available where there is a HERO lien on the property.
With a few choice additions to your home, it can be the most romantic place to be this Valentine's Day.
It might cost you upwards of # 150,000 - with a few choice options it's not hard to spend more than # 200,000 on the top - spec GTC Speed - but few cars offer this much performance and image.
When attempting to achieve a lower monthly payment, you will be presented with a few choices, described below.
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