Sentences with phrase «with fideism»

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Atheists and theists alike share this expectation, with atheists eager to show that their moral knowledge and action are uncompromised by disbelief in God's existence, and theists eager to establish the rational credentials of their moral convictions and protect themselves against charges of fideism.
It may be opposed primarily to mysticism or fideism (or voluntarism), finding itself in full conformity with empiricism, like 18th century French rationalism.
The reduction of the traditional concept of human nature was at the heart of the nominalist rationalism which characterised the Enlightenment, with roots at least as far back as the Reformation's exaltation of the individual and of fideism.
While the pope labels the paradigm technocratic, the criticism is not of technology per se, but of an uncritical techno - fideism — a «blind confidence in technical solutions» — and of the market logic that harnesses it with a single - minded focus on profit, without thinking about the actual goals of human activity.
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