Sentences with phrase «with flawed studies»

Another issue with flawed studies is that many studies have lumped artificial trans fat intake together with saturated fat intake, and mistakenly laid the blame on saturated fat despite the overwhelming evidence that artificial trans fat is the REAL health risk.

Not exact matches

The green coffee bean manufacturer, Applied Food Sciences Inc., agreed to pay a $ 3.5 million settlement after the Federal Trade Commission charged the company with using the results of the flawed study to make baseless claims, the agency announced in September.
A China expert with the Centre for Independent Studies is warning of serious flaws in the Chinese economic growth strategy as its economy booms.
A great flaw in turning study into play is that it deprives students of the ability to derive the great enjoyment that follows from substantial knowledge of and affinity with one discipline.
While critics are sure to point out flaws with the study, the fact remains that Diefendorf's work reflects the findings I have come across in my own informal studies of people who make purity pledges.
There appear to be no studies of children brought up by two male parents, and the few studies purporting to show that children with two lesbian mothers are in no way disadvantaged are typically flawed: they are taken from limited samples, have not followed the children's behaviour through time, and have generally been compiled solely on the lesbian parents» opinions.
Like Dr. Andrews, the NATA pointed to potential flaws in the two biomechanical studies: «It is important to note that the participants in these studies were healthy, with no history of arm injury, and in the case of the [2009] study, perhaps slightly older than the players who are generally the target of the recommendations against throwing breaking balls.»
I think we can all agree that the quality of research on planned home birth is varied, and proponents and opponents will find flaws with respective studies.
I didn't see any evidence (1) actually connecting the former to the latter, (2) that the differences at birth are lasting, (3) that the purported diseases associated with the microbiome in adulthood are the same ones associated with c - section (the author cites obesity, but we know that those observational studies re: c - section and obesity are deeply flawed by confounding)(4) that the «microbiotic» benefit of vaginal birth exists regardless of maternal health and matenral microbiome.
The paper by Emma Derbyshire is an opinion piece, not a scientific study, and has been submitted for publication in the British Journal of Midwifery, which we note runs misleading formula advertising (some to be featured in the monitoring report) and published a highly - flawed article on Nestlé's practices with multiple errors.
Incorporating the vast majority of comparative birth studies to date in a contemporary appraisal of elective cesarean delivery in healthy women is flawed, primarily because their data includes outcomes from emergency surgeries and elective surgeries in women (and babies) with pre-existing medical conditions.
Although the Australian work of McIntosh (2010) found that infants under two who spent one night or more a week and toddlers who spend 10 days a month of overnight time in their non-primary caregiver's care are more irritable, more severely distressed and insecure in their relationships with their primary parent, less persistent at tasks, and more physically and emotionally stressed, this study has been largely discredited by a recently published consensus report endorsed by 110 child development experts (Warshak, 2013), which found that McIntosh drew unwarranted conclusions from her unrepresentative and flawed data.
Myth # 1 — Kids raised in single parent households have a hard time with their studies, end up on the wrong side of the law, and have serious social flaws.
However, when the studies with potential flaws in their methods were removed, the three remaining studies showed that such labels could reduce calories consumed by about 12 % per meal.
THERE are grave flaws in a study which claims that replacing conventional cars with electric vehicles will expose people to dangerous levels of lead, according to industry and environmental groups.
Now a study by MIT linguistics professors and a team from Carleton University, based on an experiment with children between the ages of 3 and 6, proposes a new explanation, with a twist: In examining this apparent flaw, the researchers conclude that children deploy a more sophisticated mode of logical analysis than many experts have previously realized.
Two recent studies pointed to possible flaws in the methods used to identify irisin, with commercially available antibodies.
He also notes that he can not find serious flaws with any of the published studies: «All the people involved are doing things exactly as they should be.»
An entomology journal has issued its first retraction during the current editor's nearly 30 - year tenure — for a 2016 study with serious flaws in the analyses.
He added: Continue reading Entomology journal retracts 2016 study with flawed analyses
The paper prompted a MailOnline headline of, «Projections of global drought and flood may be flawed», while the Australian followed suit with, «Climate model projections on rain and drought wrong, study says».
Scientists unaffiliated with the study said it highlights a flaw in climate models and can help update their assumptions about the ability of forests to sequester carbon.
Critics are now calling into question the veracity of the study, claiming it is filled with flawed assumptions.
Geneticists argued the study was fundamentally flawed, with a low sample size and conclusions that could not be reasonably attributed to the data gathered.
Well, the diet that I recommend usually freaks people out initially, but it's rooted in sound science and facts, and not influenced by flawed studies funded by companies with ulterior motives.
Some found the study was flawed and believe that with the proper variety and dosage of hormones, the risk should be small.
But two U.S. experts in brain health said the study had flaws, and exercise might still help people with early dementia.
With that in mind, let's swivel our spotlight back to the flawed low - carb studies I mentioned earlier.
It was initially based on flawed studies, but somehow became public policy (with disastrous consequences).
The study could have been flawed; it could have been a freak coincidence that the sunflower group worsened dramatically, but with a 25 - strong sample, it's unlikely.
This is a major part of the solid science you will need to know if anyone seeks to disagree with you when you share this information; this study is really the foundation that triggered the massive emphasis on low - fat diets and the flawed belief that cholesterol and animal fats are so pernicious.
In short, the study had several major design flaws, so the results should be taken with a grain of salt.
You are a person that is well rounded with understanding studies then you of all people would know that many scientific studies are flawed.
Now when dealing with the opposing side, when they present to you evidence, look through the study itself and search for inherent flaws.
The original study that found that cholesterol was deposited in arteries after animals were injected with it was flawed.
An interesting character study of a flawed hero we sympathize with throughout despite reoccurring disappointments.
The basic flaw in the CRP study is that it compares the racial composition of charter schools, which tend to be located in inner cities, with that of traditional public schools, which are located in all different kinds of environments.
I've written previously about methodological flaws in these studies, the most important being that researchers compared children who successfully completed the pre-K program and were just entering kindergarten (the program group), with children who were just starting the pre-k program (the control group), adjusting statistically for the age difference in the two groups.
«Mid-and Late - Career Teachers Struggle With Paltry Incomes» is the latest flawed study to claim that American teachers are underpaid.
A recent study produced by the union - backed National Education Policy Center found «serious flaws with full - time virtual schools.»
The fact that Eden ran with Zarecki's study and conclusions despite all of its flaws isn't shocking.
Notes starting January 14, 2007 Notes starting February 26, 2007 covered the following topics: Simple Path to 5 %, Why It Works, Flaws in the Traditional Theory, A Special Kind of Investment, Dividend Baseline: Expanded, Fluctuating Dividends, Fluctuating Dividends with a Growth Kicker, Income Stream Insights, A Special Kind of Investment Sensitivity Study, A Special Kind of Investment Addendum, Diversifying Risk, TIPS Table, How Did Common - Sense Investing Become Controversial?
We could start by pointing out that studies supporting the idea that cats are responsible for the extinction of bird species are flawed at best, as noted by Jackson Galaxy some time back in an interview with New York Magazine.
Such aggregate figures can typically be traced to small — often flawedstudies, the results of which are subsequently extrapolated from one habitat to another, conflating island populations with those on continents, combining common and rare bird species, and so forth.
ACE thinks that some of HLL's early studies were not conducted as well as they could have been, and that there were problems in some of the write - ups of those studies.262 For example, HLL conducted five studies with the same participant pool, which might have caused the results of some of those studies to be influenced by earlier experimental manipulations.263 Some studies also did not include appropriate control groups, and many studies did not control for desirability bias.264 We think these early studies helped influence animal advocates to see research into animal advocacy methods as possible and desirable, but that their utility is otherwise limited by some of their design flaws.
The flaw in this logic is that there are studies that demonstrate that vaccines for the same virus administered closer to two weeks apart may interfere with each other — and lead to DECREASED immune response.
The paper he wrote together with Friis - Christensen in which he found a correlation between solar activity and clouds had a «slight» flaw: it ignored that the period of the study coincided with a big El Nino, and that large scale changes in ocean surface temperature are going to have an effect on cloud formation.
The Ohio Energy Mandates Study Committee relied on a flawed testimony from Strata Policy, a front group with financial ties to the Koch Brothers.
We see science operating at multiple levels from the «hard» science looking at the molecular basis of disease (analogous to the physics underpinning the climate sciences), drug development, clinical trials of medical interventions with all their methodological flaws, epidemiological studies (again replete with statistical traps and definitional pitfalls — hockey sticks anyone?)
As Table 1 summarizes, there are major flaws with the Health Impact Study.
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