Sentences with phrase «with flea combs»

Safeguard your pet against pests with flea combs and tick removal tools.
Combing your cat or dog daily with a flea comb is an important part of flea control.
For pups younger than 6 weeks, you will need to groom your puppy with a flea comb, or pick fleas off with tweezers.
After the bath, go over the kitten with a flea comb again.
1) Groom your dog with a flea comb on a regular basis.
A quick flash of brown and the flea ran again as I tried to scoop it up with the flea comb.
As the kitten dries, comb through the fur with a flea comb and drop any fleas that it picks up, into some hot water, which will hold them.
Grooming: If she can stand it, bathe your cat regularly and brush with a flea comb to get any stray fleas and ticks.
Comb from we pet's coating with a flea comb.
Then, your vet will comb the cat's fur with a flea comb, looking for signs of «flea dirt.»
If fleas are not found after combing your dog with a flea comb, consider allergy as a possible cause.
They can also easily escape into your home when you're trying to get them off of your dog with a flea comb, making it pertinent to treat your home as well as your pet when you suspect fleas may have made their way onto your canine companion.
My 14 yr old cat has this on and even with combing him everyday with flea comb he has live fleas crawling on him after 1 week of wearing this collar.
We combed the dog with the flea comb but fpund no fleas pr flea dirt at all.
For best results, use this product in combination with a flea comb to try to get rid of any flea eggs while you are doing your treatments.
Comb your cat with the flea comb at least once daily and each time your cat comes in from the outdoors.
I found that one of my rabbits doesn't care for being touched, but she loves to be combed with the flea comb.
To further maximize the grooming process, the dog brush can also be used in conjunction with a flea comb.
You've done a good job of keeping him flea free by being extra diligent with the flea comb and baths, and you don't want to start him on chemicals now.
The other huge benefit of grooming with a flea comb is that it socialises your cat or kitten in a «Mutual Grooming» scenario like mother and child, so both of you enjoy it!
If you've given your dog a flea bath, removed leftover fleas with a flea comb and even administered oral flea medication, most of the fleas that were living on your dog are dead.
Go through with a flea comb and remove any fleas or flea feces you come across.
As stated in «how to prevent fleas», you can get rid of fleas on Dogs using a god Dog shampoo and then brushing thoroughly with a flea comb for Dogs.
My vet told me the trick with the soapy water, but added that it works best with Dawn Dish detergent, so I have always used that, and it does work very well with the flea comb.
Larvae hatch from the eggs and develop in a pet's environment by feeding on adult flea feces (i.e. digested blood) that fall out of the hair coat, as seen here with a flea comb.
You may catch a live flea or dislodge some flea dirt by combing your cat all over with a flea comb.
Check kittens daily with a flea comb.
Comb your cat every other day with a Flea Comb Kill the fleas on the comb by dipping the comb in alcohol or detergent.
A bath and a session with flea comb and tweezers has now made Vera into a real beauty.
While you should be doing your best at home with a flea comb for dogs, a professional groomer can give your dog the extra checkup that's always worth it for your pet's health and your own.
To check if your pet has fleas, comb through their hair with a flea comb or a very fine hair comb.
If the infestation is mild, diligently combing pets with a flea comb daily, and vacuuming every other day can go a long way in controlling the infestation.
The best ways to find fleas are to check pets with a flea comb, place a flea trap in a suspected room, or walk around the room with long white socks and wait for the fleas to jump onto the socks.
Check your pet with a flea comb for fleas and flea dirt regularly.
For all kittens frequent combing with a flea comb is extremely important.
Follow the bath with a grooming session with a flea comb.
If you suspect or know fleas are a problem for your dog, I recommend you comb her at least once daily, every day during pest season with a flea comb.
Then comb with a flea comb daily.
For the lemon water mixture that you use with a flea comb, can you divide the steeped lemon water and save some for use the second day?
Brushing your pet with a flea comb can be helpful in removing existing fleas from their fur while the medication works to destroy itchy irritants.
Very young kittens should be groomed with a flea comb to safely remove fleas.

Not exact matches

Getting rid of adult fleas as well as their eggs, larvae and pupae, means spending weeks bathing and combing your dog, vacuuming every inch of your home, steam cleaning your rugs and carpets, washing your dog's bedding (and yours if he sleeps with you!)
Just make sure to replace your ordinary flea comb with a smaller plastic flea comb to work on the face of your dog.
Another method is to collect scale and hair, using a flea comb or acetate tape, and then examine the material collected with a magnifying glass or microscopically.
The best way to check your pet for fleas is to comb your pet with a fine - toothed flea comb especially over the lower back near the tail base.
But, as we comb our pooch's hair frantically — looking for further proof of the detested vermin — it slowly sinks in (with considerable relief), that our dog is in fact, flea free.
If a comb isn't available, pick off the fleas with the finger and thumb nails or use tweezers.
Make sure to have a bowl of soapy water on hand — you can drown fleas once you pull them up with the comb.
But sometimes you have trouble with fleas escaping just when you thought you had caught it with the comb.
Try dipping the comb with flea aboard quickly into a bowl of water perhaps with some soap in it and watch the fleas drown.
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