Sentences with phrase «with gene flow»

Speciation with gene flow in equids despite extensive chromosomal plasticity.
Speciation with gene flow in equids despite extensive chromosomal plasticity Jónsson, H., M. Schubert, A. Seguin - Orlando, A. Ginolhac et al. 2014.
«We see this massive mosaic, with gene flow between east and west and between wild and domesticated.»
We call this process «speciation with gene flow,» and evolutionary biologists have long wondered if the genetic basis for this process is highly repeatable and if the genes involved are spread out across the whole genome or in a few discrete regions.»
«Thus, both palaeo - anthropological and genetic evidence increasingly points to multiregional origins of anatomically modern humans in Africa, i.e. Homo sapiens did not originate in one place in Africa, but might have evolved from older forms in several places on the continent with gene flow between groups from different places,» says Carina Schlebusch.

Not exact matches

The doc - umented gene flow with Neanderthals indicates they were related enough not to reject, at either the molecular or organismal scale, mating with H. sapien.
Our distinct status as species, yet demonstrated gene flow with H. neanderthalis isn't evidence.
Specifically, they have found unnaturally high levels of antibiotic resistance genes in sediments where the river comes into contact with treated municipal wastewater effluent and farm irrigation runoff as it flows 126 miles from Rocky Mountain National Park through Fort Collins and across Colorado's eastern plain, home to some of the country's most densely packed livestock operations.
We show that Neandertals shared more genetic variants with present - day humans in Eurasia than with present - day humans in sub-Saharan Africa, suggesting that gene flow from Neandertals into the ancestors of non-Africans occurred before the divergence of Eurasian groups from each other.
«What happened here was most likely an increase in population size, with increasing fecundity, and higher levels of mobility and gene flow so that, over time, Neolithic Near Eastern villages became more cosmopolitan, and this eventually triggered expansion into Europe.»
They found that the Neanderthal genome shows more similarity with non-African modern humans throughout Europe and Asia than with African modern humans, suggesting that the gene flow between us and Neanderthals most likely occurred outside Africa as humans were en route to Europe, Asia, and New Guinea.
With these new results in hand, researchers should have a better handle on gene flow when canola is modified in other ways, says herbicide physiologist Linda Hall of the University of Alberta, Edmonton.
Castoe and his team used a similar genomic approach to understand gene flow in two closely related species of western rattlesnakes with an intertwined genetic history.
In the early stages of plant regeneration, plants benefit from the interaction with animals: bees pollinate flowers and maintain gene flow among plant populations, while birds disperse seeds that can establish as seedlings at new locations.
He has worked in the biotech industry as a research scientist for over 11 years with a focus on emerging technologies including gene targeting in mice, molecular analysis of transgenes using GFP variants at the single cell level, and developing flow cytometry reagent kits to speed up assay development time for researchers.
The researchers came up with a computational method that allows biological information to literally flow from gene to gene across a massive network across many genomes, known as the «supergenomic» network.
Subsequent gene flow resulted in some Native Americans sharing ancestry with present - day East Asians (including Siberians) and, more distantly, Australo - Melanesians.
The lack of genetic differences in Namibian elephants could also be attributed to their long distance migrations; large home ranges; recent increases in population size and range; or gene flow provided by male elephants breeding with different groups of female elephants.
The samples were then analyzed with a technique called polymerase chain reaction (PCR), used to amplify specific nuclear «microsatellites» for statistically measuring gene flow between the different populations and subpopulations located in the western South Atlantic (Breeding Stock A) and the eastern South Atlantic and Indian Ocean populations (Breeding Stocks B and C, and the Arabian Sea humpback whale population, respectively).
But birdwatchers don't have a new species to add to their life lists yet: Most observers agree with the study authors that further research on mating preferences, gene flow, and behavioral and habitat differences is needed before ornithologists split the common raven into two species.
«The bottom line is if you have a species with compatible relatives that occur in the same area, gene flow will occur,» she says.
These mice have their hemoglobin genes removed and replaced with the mutated human version, saddling them with many of the same problems as human sufferers, including immature, short - lived, and sickle - shaped red blood cells; anemia; reduced blood flow; and an enlarged spleen.
Assuming a simple three population model with no post-divergence gene flow, where population C is an outgroup to A and B, the value of this statistic will reflect the amount of shared drift between A and B relative to C.
The researchers compared mice with a normal glymphatic system to those with a disabled gene that prevented glial cells from assisting in the fluid flow.
In the current study, the team asked if the same gene therapy treatment could improve reduced blood flow associated with advanced age.
Asian wild rice is a hybrid swarm with extensive gene flow and feralization from domesticated rice Wang, H., F.G. Vieira, J.E. Crawford, C. Chu, R. Nielsen.
Using nuclear haplotypes with microsatellites to study gene flow between recently separated Cichlid species Hey, J., Y. Won, A. Sivasundar, R. Nielsen, et al. 2004.
Asian wild rice is a hybrid swarm with extensive gene flow and feralization from domesticated rice.
Allopatric speciation holds that species with large central populations are stabilized by their large volume and the process gene flow.
However, gene flow is not usually a concern with non-adaptive traits such as grain biochemical quality.
The comparison suggests that the ancestors of Ancient Beringians and those of other Native Americans descended from a single founding population that first split from East Asians around 36,000 years ago, although gene flow with North Eurasians — possibly centered around Lake Baikal in southern Siberia — continued until about 25,000 years ago.
A more recent study using individuals sampled across the hybrid zone and 22 markers showed that some loci are characterized by concordant and stepped clines that do not co-localize with any obvious physical or ecological barriers [27], suggesting an overall barrier to gene flow likely to be primarily maintained by selection against intrinsically unfit hybrids.
Dr. Muthu Bagavathiannan, weed scientist; Dr. Bill Rooney, sorghum breeder; and Dr. Patricia Klein, sorghum geneticist and molecular biologist, all with AgriLife Research in College Station, have teamed up to study gene flow between sorghum and johnsongrass.
Although treating atherosclerosis with the drug decitabine is not a viable option clinically, Jo's team was able to find several genes that are silenced by disturbed blood flow and that need DNA methylation to stay shut off.
On the basis of 326,000 polymorphisms, we found low to moderate overall levels of differentiation between subspecies, and fewer than 200 genomic regions dispersed throughout the genome showing high differentiation consistent with a signature of reduced gene flow.
Estimates of current and ancestral population sizes (Ne1 = 1,600,000; Ne2 = 780,000; Nancestral = 470,000), divergence time (1,800,000 years and assuming a generation time of 1 year), and gene flow (2Nm1autosomal = 1.69; 2Nm2autosomal = 0.83; 2Nm1X - chromosome = 0.38; 2Nm2X - chromosome = 0.26) were obtained from previous studies and inferred using an Isolation - with - Migration model [21], [26].
First, previous estimates of gene flow between rabbit subspecies using an Isolation - with - Migration model [36], [37] and a similar sampling scheme to the one used here suggest moderate to high levels of gene exchange (2Nm ≈ 1.2 for the autosomes averaged in both directions)[26].
Our approach to identifying islands of divergence relies, in part, in levels of variation within populations and therefore is potentially sensitive to any process that reduces diversity within either subspecies, and thus high divergence may not be directly associated with signatures of reduced gene flow due to incompatibilities.
This interpretation is supported by very high estimates of gene flow for this locus using an isolation - with - migration model [25].
In such cases we need to model population phylogenies with admixture and gene flow, and further development on rarecoal will enable us to study these more complex scenarios.
A genome - wide FST scan comparison with previous sequence data from an area in West Africa with higher infection endemicity indicates that regional gene flow prevents genetic isolation, but revealed allele frequency differentiation at three drug resistance loci and an erythrocyte invasion ligand gene.
With AMG genes that flow into the GTs and «63» models as well, the Mercedes - AMG C 43 Coupé brings the racetrack sensation at drivers» fingertips.
They also find evidence of possible gene flow in the opposite direction (polar bear DNA into the grizzly population) suggesting different scenarios of who was mating with who.
However, inferring dispersal capability from life history characteristics should be undertaken with caution, given that life history only partially explains the observed patterns of gene flow for other marine species [60], [61].
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