Sentences with phrase «with genre conventions»

Director Nicolas Winding Refn has rightfully earned a reputation of making films that toy with genre conventions and audience expectations.
He relishes in playing with genre conventions, mining the work of Romero most notably, though less so than his Zombie thriller, Stake Land.
Instead, what we are left with is what feels and looks like a second - tier Scorsese gangster flick with genre conventions so generic and monotonous, you begin to feel as old as James Cagney.
In conclusion, even though You're Next looks painfully generic in the trailers (and still suffers from a fairly boring first act), it plays around with genre conventions in a sly, subtle way, without making that What the Film's About like the self - serving cynicism of Cabin in the Woods.
Here again, Glazer and his screenwriters, Louis Mellis and David Scinto, are toying with genre conventions: Normally, convincing an ex-con to do «one last job» takes a few minutes of screen time, and the rest is devoted to planning and execution.
Scholar Jeff Smith dives into this critically acclaimed gem in the latest episode of Observations on Film Art, exploring its playful experimentation with genre conventions and what it reveals about Altman's love - hate relationship with commercial cinema.
Right off the bat, Swanberg begins by playing with genre conventions.
Awash in the otherworldly atmosphere of a dark fairy tale, The Hallow cleverly toys with genre conventions while unleashing some of the most nightmarishly terrifying creatures in years.
As with Eli Roth's Hostel films, the context should be clear to anyone aware of the role America plays in the developing world and the festering anti-American hostilities out there... or to anyone interested in the politics of horror and / or familiar with the genre conventions in this regard.

Not exact matches

If it conforms to just about all the conventions of its young but growing genre, at least it does so with restraint, humor and compassion.
A buddy - cop thriller recast as Dante's sojourn in Hell, this graphic, allusion - littered film stands the conventions of the genre on end — along with the viewer's hair.
It must have been slightly crushing for the Megamind crew to learn of Despicable Me being developed at the same time, but their similarities can be written off as coincidence — Megamind, from its very beginning, is far more interested in playing with the conventions of the genre.
A clever, witty spoof of spy movies that smartly plays with the conventions of the genre and recreates with perfection the looks of movies in the late»50s, especially the special effects - and Dujardin is hilarious as the stupid, condescending French spy of the title.
Juggling conventions, skewering clichés and referencing genre cues, Stefaniuk packs the film with so many insider jokes that what could have been a wild ride simply isn't.
Twohy moves effortlessly between conventions of the sub and horror genres, with long tracking shots and masterful sound design, shock cuts and mismatched mirrors and reflections.
On the good side, The Proposition does a very good job of demonstrating just how hardy the western genre is, showing how its conventions can be applied to any environment with the same effect.
It does away with the conventions of the genre and makes you believe it was designed for women all along.
There's almost excessively little within Cabin Fever that won't seem all - too - familiar to horror fans, as scripters Randy Pearlstein and Roth have infused the narrative with just about every convention and cliche of the genre imaginable - and yet it's clear that the movie, in its early stages, fares much better than one might've anticipated.
It's an uncomfortable marriage of sentimental genre conventions and real - life tragedy — shown with graphic, shocking detail.
It's a movie that wants to have a little more fun with the genre, and it succeeds, even if it never really veers far from an increasingly familiar conventions of the superhero movie.
Sleeping With Other People, the second feature by writer - director Leslye Headland (Bachelorette), doesn't so much subvert the conventions of its genre as redeem them, one terrific gag and remarkably frank sex scene at a time.
While the movie plays off conventions of the genre (the train robbery sequence is a lively homage to Once Upon a Time in the West) it substitutes the amoral fatalism of Sergio Leone's films with the action choreography of Steven Spielberg circa Raiders, not a bad trade.
Stephen Cone has developed quite a following among fans of indie and arthouse cinema, and he delivers the best work of his career with this gentle, realistic coming - of - age story that defies the conventions of its genre merely by being so truthful with its characters.
At the mid-point this clever play with conventions descends into the kind of torture porn that presently dominates the genre, with a cruelty that drew obvious comparisons with Michael Haneke's Funny Games (1997).
Since Seven Psychopaths is about screenwriting and grappling with the conventions of genre filmmaking, it can still go places while spinning its wheels.
Suggestions abound that Damon's superspy is a cyborg of some sort while the conventions of genre, presented as they are with a deadpan irony, reveal a certain spy franchise to be the doddering dinosaur that it is.
In the wrong hands, Indignation might have become a standard exercise in genre conventions, mixing period drama with a dash of Jewish neuroticism and a pinch of manic pixie dream girl.
Frighteningly realistic at times, with moments that will have you squirming in your seat, and if Marshall could have only had the nerve to break free from staple genre conventions, this could have been one that would please more than horror junkies.
It should come as no surprise to anyone who has even a passing familiarity with the conventions of this genre to learn that both of these people have issues.
The setup is promising, mixing the dark humor of the bizarre characters with the cheesy conventions of the genre.
Altman honored genres by exploding them, discarding expository conventions to refine his character - centric impressionism, imagining the life that exists between the grand beats of oft - told tales, and lingering with especial acuity on subjects that are uncomfortable for American cinema: failure and disaster.
In their previous screenplays, Wright and Pegg have very shrewdly thrown genre conventions on their collective ear; they clearly love horror movies and action flicks and buddy comedies, and they understand the structure of those films with such clarity that they can rewrite the rules, scramble up our expectations and wind up with a creation that's both an homage to and a subversion of past classics.
However, with an idiosyncratic, art - house cinema virtuoso at the helm, it is reasonable to expect that Vinterberg's aberration in directing Far From the Madding Crowd could transgress and alter the conventions of the traditional period drama by bringing a distinctive avant - garde style to a staid and stubborn genre.
Ryan Coogler's #BlackPanther claws through old genre conventions, bringing more faces that live in the present into a future where we can see more inclusion with intersectionally rich drama, action, & incredible experiences that will reach anyone no matter where they come from.
Pitting the titular Appalachian dwellers (Transformers: Dark Of The Moon's Alan Tudyk and serial television supporting player Tyler Labine) against a gang of judgemental college kids on a camping trip (including 30 Rock's Katrina Bowden as an open - minded beauty thrust into peril from an unexpected source, and The Uninvited's Jesse Moss as a trigger happy frat boy obsessed with a previous massacre in the area), it subverts the conventions of the splatter genre to provide a playful paradigm shift of the oft - used (as seen in everything from 2000 Maniacs to The Texas Chainsaw Massacre) evil hillbilly premise, proving that appearances can be deceiving as well as deadly.
Director Daniel Monzon keeps the story briskly moving with several moments of unbearable and skillfully handled suspense and the fact that it avoids the usual genre conventions with many unexpected plot developments, helps in keeping you captivated and wondering what direction it will go in.
James: Yeah, we do get that exposition about Dr. Shane Brown's (Vincent Gallo) past interactions with Dr. Léo (Alex Descas) and his wife Coré (Béatrice Dalle), which seemed almost like a genre convention and suggested a plot that never really materialized.
Ernest Tidyman's script tweaks buddy - cop stereotypes by compelling the audience to identify with a bigoted and obsessive loose cannon whose actions grow increasingly questionable, and subverts the tidy moral resolution demanded by genre convention, reflecting a darker, more ambivalent worldview, simultaneously hearkening back to the post-WWII high tide of film noir and resonant with Vietnam - era anxieties and tensions.
But while her novel may follow many of the typical conventions of the teenage romance genre, «If I Stay» at least wins some points for originality with the whole paranormal angle.
Presented as hand - crafted self - portraits that have agreed to play by certain commercial rules and genre conventions, both teem with eccentric tics and personal energies, giving us the pleasure of contact with an individual intelligence — something that seldom happens with bigger - budget fare.
This is certainly not the first time a film has played fast and loose with both anticipated genre and gender conventions, but Faults approaches the material with a zeal and conviction that energizes its audience and ratchets the tension of the encounter admirably.
This is certainly not the first time a film has played fast and loose with both anticipated genre and gender conventions, but
Too often that obsession with bypassing convention plays a little like convention; over the course of eleven films, it has defined a disquieting genre all its own.
Shandling had previously deconstructed America's other favorite TV genre with his «stand - up sitcom» It's Garry Shandling's Show, a much gentler program that spoofed sitcom conventions as acknowledged the studio audience, the TV cameras and the space between the sets as the shows played out.
Season One played with the fantasy genre's conventions.
This week: While David Wain rips into the conventions of the modern romantic - comedy with They Came Together, we recommend a few unlikely gems of the genre.
The biopic is — with rare but important exceptions — a relatively anaemic film genre, and something here about the reduction of Chubbuck's story to its regimented codes and conventions renders it as little more than a classy TV movie.
In «Shaun of the Dead» and «Hot Fuzz,» the genre conventions not only worked in conjunction with the comedy, but thrived because of it, but here, they seem to be working against it, and that's not just because the jokes flow fewer and farther between.
Sharing some DNA with 2016's «Kate Plays Christine» — another inventive documentary about an infamous death that relies on contemporary performances — the movie doggedly avoids conventions of the non-fiction genre.
This fresh spin on the police procedural takes inspiration from Michael Connelly's novels and plays it pretty safe, smartly integrating genre conventions with its own voice.
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