Sentences with phrase «with good taste»

I love people with good taste who are willing to share their talent.
The fridge and you will look like responsible young adults with good taste in food.
He's a man with good taste — all the flavours in this cake sound awesome!
Serve it at your next party to really impress your guests with your good taste.
In short if you can't more than fill up with good tasting food at this resort you must be hard to please.
It feels so good to give them that cold refreshing treat and know they are getting so many health benefits along with the good taste.
We offer the best replica handbags, high quality leather and special design, especially prepared for women with good taste and elegance.
It's pretty much a home run with any crowd with good taste.
We have the best menu and the freshest items with the best tastes and spices.
This full - sized grill is a great value, loaded with features that make outdoor cooking easier, with better tasting results.
Give yogurt and cheese a stronger nutritional profile, and your ability to mix nutrition with a good taste will always be the key to success.
I've just started trying recipes with avocado and must say I was pleasantly surprised with the good taste.
If this aspect is treated with good taste, classic pants can be part of multiple sober and elegant sets.
I am a genuine, kind - hearted, faithful and with a good taste lady.
When it comes to leisure reading, I am quite susceptible to peer pressure — and for good reason: I know many avid readers with good taste.
The owners have beautifully renovated the house with good taste and with the food and wine loving traveller in mind.
This extended vertical loft is the perfect example of how one can decorate one space into differing sections with good taste.
The cabin is just plain gorgeous, laid out very well and decorated by people with good taste and a seemingly unlimited budget.
I still dress the same way, with better taste in clothing I hope but my style has always been the same.
Favorite pancake recipe - tall stacks of golden butter - kissed pancakes with the best tasting blueberry maple syrup.
For republicans, atheists and anyone with good taste God Save the Queen is an awful song set to a funereal dirge.»
For all of the effort Kia reportedly put into making the Stinger a real performer, there's still plenty of room to improve when it comes to the things that really matter — holistic styling with good taste, high - end materials, and fit and finish.
«Children were so enchanted by the presence of the characters that they tended to link the aesthetic appearance with the good taste of those selected foods, without trying them; the relationship with characters is strong enough to influence their preferences,» the team reports.
It can be a little hard to drink aloe vera all by itself, but when you mix it into this strawberry lemonade you'll get all of its benefits with a better taste.
I followed every step exactly and I ended up with the best tasting German Chocolate cake I've ever had.
I am a coleslaw fan and I * love * slaw like this, It looks fab with with a better taste and health benefits to top it off!
Can you recommend another product with good taste and dissolves well?
Mingling and musing with guests on the vast qualities of North America's first distilled drink, he makes suggestions on how to create the perfect margarita, recommends particular varieties to pair with culinary selections, provides guests with best tasting practices and shares the rich history of making tequila.
The New York Restaurant Show will crown the chef with the best tasting meatball on Monday, March 5 at the Meatball Madness Rapid Fire Challenge sponsored by Total Food Service.
You can buy your copy from most newsagents, supermarkets and places with good taste.
My latest endeavor: The Real Food Vegan Kitchen — exquisite dishes exclusively from plants for vegans with good taste &...
I want to show you that by using quality ingredients in your own cooking, you not only end up with a better tasting dish to enjoy, but you also end up feeling good about how you fuel your body.
Because after certain while even with the best tasting ice cream you can imagine, obviously, you're going to get pushback from the body.
When I have BBQ's I love to eat some grilled chicken with a good tasting salad and some baguette that's all I need.
Lily James's natural charm is really growing on me and Ol Parker just might be a director with better taste than Phyllida Lloyd.
It also illustrates the moral of following your own advice — and in that way, leaves us leaving the cinema with a good taste in our mouths if a fissure in our hearts.
Tempt your dog with better tasting foods or hand feed until this side effect wears off.
It is also packed with good tasting vegetables, such as sweet potatoes and fruit to provide immune supporting vitamins, minerals and beta carotenes.
There is a multi-cuisine restaurant cum bar available here with best taste you have ever had.
This may not the perfect game to bid farewell for the Xbox, but it definitely was one that left MK fans with a good taste in their mouth ready to see what Midway may bring us in the next generation.
Titles such as I saw this vase and thought it beautiful, then I looked at it (1995) and Pot Designed for a Wealthy Westerner with Good Taste (1994) reflect Perry's wry, self - satirizing humor.
With the good tasting fair trade and organic chocolate selection remaining fairly thin, I'm still eating my fave Dagoba bars.
The idea that an institution of people with good taste and resources, could find ideas on Monday, edit them on Wednesday, and promote them on Friday, is astonishing, but they're just walking away from that and leaving it on the table.»
The Cookie Couture Cookies are made by Healthy Sensations and have so much going for them, along with their good taste!
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