Sentences with phrase «with grammatical»

Scan the resumes with grammatical and spelling errors.
A weakly written letter with grammatical and sentence errors may be resulted in an immediate disqualification.
It is filled with grammatical errors, typos and incorrect word choices that appear to be auto - filled by the writing software.
technical writers presented résumés riddled with grammatical, formatting, and spelling errors.
As an owner / operator, you'll be expected to communicate effectively and clearly with everyone you meet, so treat your cover letter as an example of your professional communication skills, and ensure it's well - written with no grammatical errors.
Do not send a resume with grammatical errors.
Incorporate content with grammatical twists to make it tantalizing, luring people to read.
# 10 Grammar Do not send a resume with grammatical errors.
The other post was loaded with grammatical errors.
Your cover letter should contain enough informative content and should be written with good English with no grammatical errors.
It is a sign of disrespect and a lack of professionalism should you submit a resignation letter that is filled with grammatical errors and incorrect spelling.
As a job seeker, there's no excuse for handing in work samples, job applications or any other communication related to the interview process with grammatical errors and typos.
Keep in mind that if your resume is casual with grammatical or formatting errors, an employer will question how much care and concern you will put into the business.
• Corrected documents with grammatical and spelling errors • Ensured that documents were legible and did not contain any unverified information • Made sure that content portrayed intended message • Reported any inconsistencies in text or misinformation to superiors • Ensured that each illustration and diagram had the correct heading • Suggested logical layouts to made them readable and attractive • Conferred with writers to resolve queries and confusions
This means that cover letters should be created very well with no grammatical issues and misspelled words as this might bring your application in a trash box.
An accurate presentation of details with no grammatical, spelling or typographical errors will help put a positive impact on the employer.
2) Resumes Littered with Grammatical and Spelling Errors ««When one is trying to convince a potential employer that they are a stronger applicant than the next person, one of the worst things one can do is to submit a resume and cover letter without thoroughly proofreading it.
2) Are the «nuances» you plan to integrate into the resume in line with grammatical and structural rules that should never be compromised?
All your hard work will be discounted if your cover letter is filled with grammatical and spelling errors.
If it is poorly written, lacks adequate detail, or is filled with grammatical or spelling errors, the hiring manager may not bother to even look at your resume, having concluded that you are sloppy and careless.
Because nothing is amateurish than sending a cover letter riddled with grammatical and spelling errors.
Many hiring managers disregard applications that contain mistakes, and they likewise won't think much of a candidate who sends a follow - up note with grammatical mistakes or autocorrect fails.
Send a poorly organized cover letter that looks unprofessional in form and design or that is filled with grammatical, punctuation, and spelling errors, and you send a message that you are an inarticulate and disorganized individual who is unable to communicate clearly and concisely.
A poorly written cover letter that's filled with grammatical mistakes signals to employers that you lack attention to detail.
That is why you shouldn't take any risks, since a poorly written resume that lacks clear information and is filled with grammatical mistakes will not only prevent you from getting the job, but will also make you appear sloppy and disheveled, which are not desired qualities for any position.
If you want to proofread effectively, wait a day after you write your resume to proofread it, because proofreading familiar work increases your chances of sending it with grammatical errors.
In today's marketplace, there's no excuse for handing in work samples, resumes and cover letters, or any other communication related to the job - search process with grammatical errors and typos.
A good translator overhauls the text in keeping with the grammatical structure, word meanings and popular expressions of the other language.
Then they tell you that they are writers themselves — and quite good ones at that — even though their emails are often replete with grammatical errors.
The paper, Matus writes, «was so riddled with grammatical errors and mangled writing that some FAMU law students are now using it to help build a case that Dawson is not qualified to teach.»
I just released a series of how - to write, publish & sell your book and who would want to buy these books (or any others) that are riddled with grammatical and punctuation errors?
1) Your book is your ultimate marketing tool; do not publish a book filled with grammatical errors and an incomprehensible story line with conflicting and muddled story progression.
You can also use their proofreading and editing services to ensure you don't submit a substandard paper that's loaded with grammatical, stylistic or structural errors.
Nothing is more frustrating for a reader than reading a book filled with grammatical and typographical errors.
Furthermore, as the understanding of what it means to self - publish evolves, we still sometimes see authors go the self - publishing route with the misunderstanding that their book does not need editing and so books go into print with grammatical and spelling errors.
This is because they are based on high degree of research along with no grammatical error.
Not only were they poorly written, but filled with grammatical and punctuation errors, as well.
Apart from the mailing list, Rich severely criticizes eBooks that have been ridden with grammatical errors.
Have you been struggling to submit a paper with no grammatical and sentence construction errors?
Publishers hate receiving manuscripts riddled with grammatical and other errors.
Agents and traditional publishers will likely reject the work; if you self - publish work rife with grammatical or technical errors, you'll open yourself to criticism and heartache.
Our scholarship essays editing ensures essays with no grammatical errors and also stylistic errors.
Our dissertation literature review editing ensures reviews with no grammatical errors and also stylistic errors.
Her writing is riddled with grammatical errors.
Yes, agents will reject a manuscript riddled with grammatical errors, but if the writer has a good grasp of story, that rejection might turn into a personal one.
Students as they are not well versed with the grammatical senses they can commit some serious mistakes in their assignments which could end them with low grades as there are certain things which should be taken care like proper positioning of punctuation mark, spelling errors, appropriate use of text presentation form all such are the essential features which are not so used to by the students.
Not every student is a skilled wordsmith who can create perfect piece of work after another perfect one; often, even with proofreading, a rushed final assignment can be riddled with grammatical and spelling errors, along with organizational problems and potentially confusing ideas.
A book with grammatical and structural errors looks unprofessional and can turn away readers.
Be sure to write well with no grammatical errors as this can make you lose marks.
It may not have a sufficient market or audience, or it may be laden with grammatical or spelling errors.
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