Sentences with phrase «with hand on hip»

Composed of phosphorescent paint that glows under ultraviolet light, and replete with iridescent black dots, he poses with hand on hip, the luminescent properties of the opulent surface emboldening his bursting muscles outlined in chalky blue.
In these, Sherman harks back to Hollywood actors of the 1920s and 30s: strong women with rigid faces and tight makeup, architectural poses with a hand on hip or cigarette held to the mouth, their imperious eyes staring down the viewer.
Self - Portrait with Hand on Hip, 2016.
I just needed to mention that I am not a photographer... just a poser with a hand on the hip.
It is useful to hold the other arm up in the air or keep it on top of the body, laid down your side or with your hand on your hip.
According to Harvard professor Amy Cuddy, two minutes of power posing — standing tall, holding your arms out or towards the sky, or standing like Superman with your hands on your hips — will dramatically increase your level of confidence.
He bursts into sight in a cloud of energy, dressed in silk pantaloons and tight white stockings, comes to a stop in the middle of the stage with his hands on his hips and his feet apart, and stands with his legs radiating power and purpose.
There is no communication when on the field, as you said, when there is a break in play, they should be talking to each other, not standing around with their hands on their hips, or crouching down, by themselves in the middle of the pitch, they don't even speak to the manager for gods sake!
Get up and walk around with their hands on their hips and voluntarily engage their butt muscles.
His worst trait was he lose thr ball and then stand there with his hands on his hips.
I «m afraid, a gifted professional footballer standing with his hands on hips watching the game go by is unforgivable imo, Maybe he will gain miraculous stamina as did Cesc find an injury curing magic potion away from THOF!
Many a time Henry spent most — sometimes even all — the game standing around looking moody with hands on hips.
It looks like Ozil is standing with his hands on his hips, he's not.
shouts the town crier, Ms. Adelaide, with hands on her hips as she runs through the house and the yard rounding up the crowd.
Stand with your hands on your hips, then breathe out and fold forward.
Hip Circles — Stand with your feet hip - width apart, with your hands on your hips.
To perform them, stand with the hands on your hips and position your feet at hip - width apart.
If you're taking a picture of your whole body, you can also add placing your feet shoulder width apart with the hands on your hips and add a slight twist in your waist by taking a sideways angle pose.
With hands on your hips and feet flat on the floor, slowly squat, making sure your knees do nt go past your toes and keeping your back straight.
Practice your power stance in the bathroom, in front of a mirror - stand with your hands on your hips, your chest lifting, your head up - or find what feels and looks right for you!
Step forward with both hands on your hips, planting your foot solidly on the ground.
To release the pose, bring down the right hand to the floor and the slowly come up to the standing pose with hands on the hips.
To start, explore the alignment of the pose with a preparatory version that allows you to practice the basic shape of Virabhadrasana I. Stand in Tadasana (Mountain Pose) with your hands on your hips.
If you feel ready to grow your Warrior I into the deeper expression of the pose, return to Tadasana with your hands on your hips.
Stand with your hands on your hips as if you were holding a bucket of water.
With your hands on your hips, press down into your hipbones, encouraging the legs to feed into the feet, and the feet to ground into the floor.
With hands on hips, inhale, lift your kneecaps, and roll your upper, inner thighs back.
Try this posture with your hands on your hips and your leg extended in front of you with your foot flexed, directing energy through the standing foot and the foot that is lifted.
Beginning from the ground up, I coach equal weight on both feet, soft knees (meaning this position requires muscular control vs. locking them back), and then with your hands on your hips, you can rock your pelvis like a cradle to find the extremes of your range of motion.
With your hands on your hips, inhale and lengthen your front body; exhale and hinge from your hip joints over your front leg.
My favorite thing for women to do when their body is wanting to produce more testosterone — there's a study out of Harvard that shows that if you stood with your hands on your hips like Wonder Woman for 2 minutes or longer, your testosterone levels went up 20 % to 30 %.
Neck rolls, chin tucks, and bending back with your hands on your hips can unkink muscles.
According to Kimberly, men «accentuate their physical size by standing with their hands on his hips or spreading his legs for an «open» display».
According to Seltzer, men «accentuate their physical size by standing with their hands on his hips or spreading his legs for an «open» display».
Secondely we have taught her commands to help when she is being bad, Leave It is a very good one to teach because any time she touches something she shouldn't we say Leave It in a stern voice and stand with our hands on hips until she releases and then praise her for doing what we ask.
In the 1965 portrait of Lucas Samaras — the artist renowned for repeatedly using himself as the subject of his work — he is positioned in the immediate foreground, with hands on his hips, wearing gold - patterned swimming briefs.
Between the cock and cunt, an impertinent, flatly painted Taylor stands against a brick wall with her hands on her hips, her famous violet eyes gazing disaffectedly beyond the picture's surface.
With your hands on your hips and, erm, never mind.)
«but as it is with life, other more pressing things always got in the way until I finally decided, ok that's it (I said to myself with my hands on my hips), I'm getting this pantry organized for crying out loud!
hahaha I like the «stood with our hand on our hips for a while step».

Not exact matches

The term «newcomers» is code for a couple of demographic subsets, one being women, the other aging boomers — people with time on their hands, replacement hips and money to spend.
Stand tall with your feet spread apart and your hands on your hips like Wonder Woman.
«Lie on your left side with your left forearm on the floor perpendicular to your body and your right hand resting on your side or on your hip.
The power pose is fairly simple: with your feet evenly spread, place your hands on your hips and raise your head high, breathing deeply and evenly.
As the woman shrieks and rails («You there with your fancy man in the garden in the bright light of day... canoodling with him you in nothing but your floral swimming costume and showing your very thighs»), Mantel's mother, in a turn that anticipates Mantel's later descriptions of Anne Boleyn, rises from where she is basking, blinks, and dawdles indifferently indoors, leaving her daughter — small, foursquare, hands planted on her hips — to defend the family honor.
He doesn't shoot the ball the same way attempt - to - attempt, bringing the ball up from his hip, with his elbow flailing out and releasing it from the outside of his hand without much of a wrist snap, sometimes shooting it on the way down.
«They work on fundamentals, working details with their feet, hands and hips constantly.
Long was passed fit, despite missing the Republic of Ireland's win over Wales with a hip injury, while Jonjo Shelvey wore a cast on his hand after breaking a finger trying to break up a training ground row last week.
But she'll often wander and linger far beyond that simple task, and I see her, often hands on her hips, marching to the back of the pasture with a sheep or goat or many following behind her.
These are an integral part of your routine and ideally you should place your hands directly in line with your shoulders on the floor and position your feet so that they are a hip - width apart.
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