Sentences with phrase «with happiness of»

Engage in playtime, allowing him get to know your scent and familiarize that scent with the happiness of playing.
They are contented with just a house filled with happiness of a child and a pet.
With the happiness of sending kids back to school comes the concern about the cost of it all

Not exact matches

We can feel more connected and less lonely, and that correlates with long - term measures of happiness and health.
«Past research has found that people grow steadily happier as they age from adolescence to older adulthood, with happiness peaking when people reach their 60s and 70s; the moodiness of youth subsides, and maturity brings more contentment.
Director of ethical hacking, team building genius, data visualization expert, cognitive computing architect, organizational catalyst, digital prophet, chief happiness manager: who would even have been able to come up with such job titles in the early 2000s?
Not only do these people provide the revenue coming into the business but there also is a great feeling that comes with contributing to the success and happiness of your clients.
As for our own group of happiness - seeking employees, we haven't built an entire campaign designed to reimagine our workplace, so it's probably overly ambitious to think that our experiment with the Plasticity app can bring about massive change.
One study found that the presence of flowers has an immediate impact on a person's happiness, and long - term effects too, with people reportedly feeling less anxious, depressed and agitated.
Happiness was then steadily lower with more hours of use.
Through a measurement of happiness and well - being called the «Cantril ladder,» Gallup asked nationally representative populations to value their lives on a scale from 0 to 10, with the worst possible life valued at 0 and the best valued at 10.
Monitoring how walloped employees are feeling by weather or cyclical events is one of the functions of measuring workplace mood so closely: by taking the pulse of a workplace and offering feedback, employers can develop happiness - boosting policies and practices (flexible hours in September, for instance, could help parents deal with the start of the school year).
These links between happiness and time use are worrying news, as the current generation of teens (whom I call «iGen» in my book of the same name) spends more time with screens than any previous generation.
The digital platform we're experimenting with, designed by Waterloo - based Plasticity Labs, asks us to make daily estimates of our happiness on a scale of 1 - 100 and to occasionally answer questions like, How often do you make time for things that make you happy?
Recall times of happiness in your home, such as a birthday party, a get - together with friends, a special holiday or something encouraging a loved one expressed.
Chopra, fresh off of unveiling a new stress - relieving virtual reality meditation experience, which he partnered with VR content studio Wevr to create, says the key to happiness lies in how we cope and calm down.
In a new analysis of 1 million U.S. teens, my co-authors and I looked at how teens were spending their free time and which activities correlated with happiness, and which didn't.
After seven - plus decades of surveys, questions, analysis, and study, what's the single thing they came up with that leads to health and happiness?
Being open and honest, truly listening with an open heart, and always having the intent of delivering happiness is the best way to help others.»
He shared insights of the study with Joshua Wolf Shenk at The Atlantic on how men's social connections made a difference to their overall happiness:
According to Hsieh's widely read book Delivering Happiness, companies with a higher sense of purpose outperform others by 400 percent.
Although most success is ultimately rewarded with a larger paycheck or promotion, the small patterns you create on a daily basis become part of your character and not only increase your overall happiness but showcase skill and establish confidence.
In a study cited in Shawn Achor's book The Happiness Advantage, three groups of patients treated their depression with medication, exercise, or a combination of the two.
In a review co-authored in 2011 by Yale psychologist June Gruber, researchers found that the pursuit of happiness can actually lead to negative outcomes — not because surrounding yourself with positive people, mastering a skill, smiling, getting therapy or practicing self - governance aren't conducive to happiness, in and of themselves, but because «when you're doing it with the motivation or expectation that these things ought to make you happy, that can lead to disappointment and decreased happiness
To many, it is the happiness of these Whole Foods workers, along with the fact that they're usually knowledgeable and personable, that translates into a superior experience for customers.
Gretchen Rubin, the author of three bestsellers on happiness, recently teamed up with Scribd to come out with a list of the books that added the most happiness to Rubin's life.
We board a luxury bus with the logo of his book, Delivering Happiness — a giant smiley - face emoticon — and head out to the Zappos offices in Henderson for the show.
Once HR personnel begin thinking of themselves as a chief happiness officer or even mood coordinator, it opens the door to viewing employees as people with feelings, goals and ambitions both inside and outside the office.
Emotions layered with and related to happiness are the top drivers of viral content.
In his moving speech, Catholic Benedictine monk Brother David Steindl - Rast offers a different path to happiness, one that can be patiently drawn from the simple yet potent daily practice of being grateful and sharing your gratitude with others.
We're all familiar with the cliche that money can not buy happiness, but I'm convinced that almost everybody has to learn that lesson the hard way because let's face it; the idea of having enough money to throw at your problems until they're solved is a seductive impulse.
To regain happiness, you might need to figure out how to align with a different group of people.
Gretchen Rubin, the bestselling author of The Happiness Project, Better Than Before and The Four Tendencies, offers advice about how to be happy in her popular podcast which she co-hosts with her younger sister, Elizabeth Craft.
«By engaging in meaningful conversations, we manage to impose meaning on an otherwise pretty chaotic world, and inter-personally, as you find this meaning, you bond with your interactive partner, and we know that interpersonal connection and integration is a core fundamental foundation of happiness,» Mehl told the New York Times.
Money can't buy the happiness of an intern who's stuck with wasteful busywork for months at a time.
True happiness comes from your inner landscape — things like loving yourself, providing for your family, having happy moments with friends and feeling proud of how you are making a living.
Start being grateful: feeling grateful is one of the most medicinal emotions we can feel it elevates your mood and it fills you with happiness, if we are going to be successful at this thing called, life, we have to start being grateful for the things that happen in our live, no matter how good or bad each of us has it, you have to make to start making it a practice to be grateful for your life.
Like Sachs, Whippman believes that «there are many reasons why life in America is likely to produce anxiety compared with other developed nations: long working hours without paid vacation time for many, insecure employment conditions with little legal protection for workers, inequality, and the lack of universal health care coverage, to name a few,» but she stresses that our «happiness - seeking culture» is also part of the problem.
«Socializing with your coworkers is essential for your career,» says Alexander Kjerulf, the founder of Woohoo Inc and one of the world's leading experts on happiness at work.
Ursula Adams, director of employee engagement at United Way for Southeastern Michigan, says using the daily - engagement app Niko Niko — which tracks employees» mood data with its mobile «happiness meter» — has helped her avoid sinking money into fixing the wrong cultural problems.
From building up The Washington Post to finding happiness after her husband's suicide, Katharine Graham's autobiography is written with the same clarity and nuance you'd expect from the former president of the Post.
That much should probably be apparent from a quick Google search or a trip to your local bookstore, but if you need convincing, a host of experts will tell you that, thanks to a cultural fixation on positivity and the economic imperatives of the gigantic self - help industry, Americans are endlessly bombarded with happiness advice these days.
You can collect anonymous feedback to gauge employee happiness, gather actionable, real - time data to help build a healthy culture and foster an environment of appreciation with «Cheers for Peers» messages.
Another way of looking at it is that extroverts are people who associate happiness with excitement, whereas introverts are happiest when at peace.
When I spoke with one handler from Zirtual (she is part of the Client Happiness Team), she had quite a bit of advice for me but didn't really seem too interested in handling my specific issues and complaints.
«As with many great American institutions, i.e., General Motors, American Airlines, and many others who have utilized the strategic business tool called bankruptcy, Gary Busey's filing is the final chapter in a process that began a few years ago of jettisoning the litter of past unfortunate choices, associations, events and circumstances that visited themselves upon this great American icon, to enable the start of a new and clear path to peace, happiness and success with his career and his wonderful new soulmate, Steffanie, and their son, Luke.»
It's the harmonious blend of all four — in association with a positive and supportive work environment — that creates true happiness.
Take a tip or two from these workspace winners, and master the art of creating an office that flourishes with productivity and happiness:
This is perhaps the most obvious of the situations outlined by Newman, but as you'd expect, chasing happiness makes it much more difficult to empathize appropriately with others» suffering.
The takeaway: «Small, concrete goals designed to improve the well being of others are more likely to lead to happiness for the giver than are acts with large, abstract goals — despite people's intuitions to the contrary,» and keeping that fact in mind can provide a considerable boost to your well being.
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