Sentences with phrase «with high expectations»

If you go in with high expectations for the game, you'll be disappointed.
Teachers with high expectations of themselves often want to meet even greater goals — like adhering to a standardized grading process all while utilizing project - based learning techniques.
This impressive hotel is designed to serve every one of your needs and cravings, while making sure you'll be pleasantly surprised even if you come with the highest expectations.
We may have all tuned in with high expectations for the Pilot, but that was enough.
Sending your kids back to school with high expectations for the teachers and administration?
I went into this film with high expectations and felt they were met very well.
Proven strategies, engaged partners, strong school leaders and effective teachers with high expectations for student success are far more relevant to improving outcomes.
Whether you get together to chat or not is entirely up to you, but I would not enter such a meeting with high expectations.
People with high expectations about brain - training apps before their use, still had these positive feelings after they had used them.
You must balance important, meaningful relationships with your students with high expectations for them to do competent work.
Even with high expectations, what we saw was even a bit more than we expected.
Start the school year with high expectations and watch your students soar.
Moreover, they have to deal with higher expectations than an average student.
As expected these also fall right along with my high expectations for this brand.
Both gifted and challenged students are in need of strategies that allow them to work at their own pace with high expectations of success.
Usually these involve coaches / managers on poor teams, but sometimes includes coaches / managers on teams with high expectations.
The reverse is proven to happen with high expectation stocks.
Week by week, individuals gather together voluntarily in congregations, often with high expectations for experiencing what they can not locate in their solitary lives.
The search for a luxury car is filled with high expectations.
Both have similar price tags, and both arrived with high expectations.
With charter schools carrying an inevitable political charge with them, the high expectations within the school are matched with high expectations externally.
This position brings with it some high expectations and responsibilities for the benefit of our beloved sport.
We will offer a breadth of educational opportunity with high expectations for all children and excellent professional learning and development for all staff.
Until education becomes a true profession with high expectations for curriculum and professional practices, we will continue to get the results that we are getting.
You have limited space, countless competitors, and customers with high expectations.
I would prefer a company with high expectations that will challenge me, and take advantage of my superior organization skills and creative problem - solving abilities.
Unfortunately when a player comes into a new situation with high expectations the results are often mixed.
To put it simply, it is warm but firm (setting boundaries with high expectations).
I bought this necklace with high expectation but it was very disappointing.
I entered this website with high expectations and ended up with even better results!
Simply put, the facets of a quality school model with high expectations will work for all students, regardless of race, ethnicity, or immigrant or socioeconomic status.
With high expectations firmly in place for all students, all school staff members have the foundation to support student growth.
Some parents might say no — that a regular class with high expectations, possibly some support, is all that is necessary.
These teachers are equipped with high expectations and high support.
Being consistent with high expectations can be a point of frustration for even the best teachers and school leaders.
But continuing to tie empathetic behaviors with high expectations will eventually allow the emotional wall to crack and break.
A coin with high expectations and a good plan set up to back it.
Who says anything about the finance industry being the only industry with high expectations?
Known for being a dependable team contributor with high expectations of herself and others.
I cracked the book open with high expectations and I am glad to report that it does not disappoint!
Many fresh licensed people leave the business because they are sold a bill of goods with high expectations.
They approach the transaction with high expectations and confidence.
Hire assistance and pay him or her well with high expectations for top performance.
It comes with high expectations and a built - in restriction.
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