Sentences with phrase «with high ideals»

Disillusionment Most couples enter marriage with high ideals and aspirations for their relationship.
Edward Mangano, the former Nassau County executive, entered office with high ideals but was plagued...
In one of the stories that we shall examine in the next chapter, a pastor with high ideals was dismissed because of the way he tried to insert into parish life his personal convictions.
If this «religion without revelation,» as Huxley calls it, can be said to have dogmas, the most important are its faith in the power of science to free Man from all the limitations that beset him, and the power of education to imbue him with high ideals, pure motivations, and self - discipline.
Freshly minted associate pastors, with their high ideals, may collide with senior pastors whom they perceive as lazy, or parishes they perceive as lifeless.
For example, as early as 20 years ago General Frederick Coutts of the Salvation Army wrote: «Salvationists are identified with the high ideals of social justice and acceptance of the unchallenged rights of every man as stated in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights» (Human Rights and the Salvation Army [Campfield Press, 19681, p. 5)
«I'm in harmony with my highest ideals, my worship of great workmanship.»
«What greater expression of faith in the American experiment than this, what greater form of patriotism is there than the belief that America is not yet finished, that we are strong enough to be self - critical, that each successive generation can look upon our imperfections and decide that it is in our power to remake this nation to more closely align with our highest ideals
«The decision to reinstate Jewish nationhood where it might function as a means of securing the maximum welfare and collaboration of all who came within its purview, in keeping with the highest ideals of democracy (FAJ 361).
God is a most sensitive individual, with the highest ideals, constantly thwarted at every turn, yet who resolutely refuses to give up his grip on either ideality or actuality.
Progressive cultural ideals should reign supreme and traditional religion is either best abandoned or brought into line with those higher ideals.
Divorce is always a compromise with the highest ideal of family life.
For the first time, we have the technology to build a food system that aligns with our highest ideals.
The man portrayed here possesses the gifts we should prize most in a president: he takes the long view of history but apprehends the present circumstance, and he has the iron will needed to reconcile the grimy business of governing with the highest ideals of the American experiment.
Small rescue groups, with higher ideals, are typically starved of funding, and in the course of competition for funding, are often the target of harrassing pseudo enforcement tactics used to shut them down.

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«Gender ideals are linked to stature such that tallness is associated with dominance, masculinity, and higher status among men,» the authors said.
Bright wall colors with a high contrast palette are typically ideal for visibility.
one colleague asked with a meaningful look that suggested high - fiving, back - slapping workplaces are great fodder for literary satire but less - than - ideal environments to actually work in.
The pressure to put money into the industry has created ideal conditions for fundraising, which is why we have such a high amount of dry powder and that's creating even more intense competition for deals along with continued favorable credit markets which allow for cheap debt.
It's an ideal choice if you have certain room accents that limit what type of bed setup you can fit, such as rooms with low windows that may be blocked by a higher bed frame, or for those who just prefer to be closer to the ground, where the air is cooler.
Their goal was to gain a more predictable, steady way to target ideal customers and get them onto the email list (the online channel with the highest engagement).
Business cards come with high credit limits — usually of $ 50,000 or higher — which makes them ideal for making large purchases.
Combined with high RS, the high EPS rate makes $ AMBA an ideal buy candidate.
Valuations are the only less - than - ideal factor, with high - yield spreads versus Treasuries — the difference between yields on comparable maturity securities — running around 400 basis points.
Higher priced stocks are ideal, as they allow funds to maneuver in and out of trades with ease (learn why you should never avoid a high - priced stock, even with a small trading account).
With over one hundred years of collective upscale resale experience; and five successful major brands under its belt, NTY (New to You) Franchise Company is an ideal partner to get you fully up, running, and remaining on the path to high - returns success.
With very little maintenance work and a high ROI, this site is ideal for a new buyer.
Even a drug industry consultant, Gary Novack, said it would be ideal to have a smaller drop with a higher concentration of medicine.
This business presents an ideal opportunity for a new owner looking to take over a high - traffic authority site with a strong foothold in a rapidly - growing, evergreen niche
Where the magic happens: once you've found the ideal customer, reach them or lookalikes with high ROI campaigns across Facebook, Twitter, Google, and more.
With a high ROI traffic funnel, three valuable business models, a full team in place and a growing revenue profile, this business is ideal for a buyer interested in the niche, or a buyer experienced in taking affiliate and membership sites to the next level.
My ideal portfolio consists of 12 to 15 high quality blue chip stocks with a bond index, 5 to 10 % money market portion, and the rest in an S&P 500 Index ETF.
This would be an ideal acquisition for an e-commerce buyer looking for a business with high - quality products, an established brand, and a strong foothold in a rapidly growing niche.
If you have high - interest debt, such as credit card balances, but are keeping up with payments and maintaining good credit, you're an ideal candidate for debt consolidation.
With leading stocks cruising steadily higher for months, it can be challenging to find strong stocks at ideal, low - risk entry points.
DiscoverOrg enabled ForeScout reps to easily identify the most ideal opportunities, select the verticals with the highest possibility for success and target the most appropriate people in the right functions, thus producing measurable sales increases.
With a tight weekly base in play and a monthly that is potentially ready to set a new all - time high, $ NEWR is an ideal buy candidate, so let's find an entry.
Financial planner Benjamin S. Offit, partner with Clear Path Advisory in Pikesville, Maryland, said it is ideal for retirees to have all debt paid off by retirement, but especially «bad debt» such as high interest credit cards.
Generally, the ideal candidate to consolidate debt through Payoff will have a relatively high level of income and significant account balances on high interest credit cards, but they may have managed to maintain a high credit score despite their struggles with debt.
Today, as a well - known and regulated broker, BDSwiss became the ideal option for traders who would like to enjoy high standard trading conditions with no troubles and suspicious activities in any way.
«As inflationary pressures develop in coming months, emerging market hedge funds represent an ideal investment vehicle to access such opportunities with these likely to attract high quality, long - term institutional investors.»
A few days ago, we added several new features and tweaks to the MTG Stock Screener, an online technical stock scanner designed to quickly and easily find stocks and ETFs with the highest relative strength that are setting up for ideal swing trade entry points (click here for a basic overview of how our market screener works).
To the Century, a negative answer to this question was theologically incorrect and came into conflict with the Disciples» highest ideal: Christian unity.
Perhaps by carrying out the religious ceremonials, he will feel that he has regained the love he has lost, that he comes to peace with his own conscience which could personify for him the highest internal ideals.
It holds out the highest ideals and promises, and yet faces life with a downright and almost frightening realism.
The problem is, those with high aspirations and ideals often have to handle the reality that life isn't exactly as they pictured.
i agre with Dave and then some - christians (and other folks who are serious in their beliefs too) are comical, believing and praying to someone who can't be seen, can't be proven... (this is from the point of view of an empiricist, who is able to measure things) Christians (well, me for sure) are hypocrits - believing in fantastic ideals and guaranteed to continualy fall short - that is a fairly comical notion, but nonetheless, one I enjoy to continue to strive for - setting high ideals and striving towards them.
But as a statement of solidarity with the underdogs and the oppressed, as a motivation to oppose Social Darwinism, as a light that keeps before our eyes something higher than competition and greed — for all of these reasons, socialism, the ideal not the system, still has its uses.
In comparison with this «modern» world with its demanding cognitive criteria and its high social ideals, the traditional religions seemed anachronistic and outdated, empty and uncertain, narcissistic and undemanding — and incurably white and bourgeois.
The highest task for health education in a society devoted to excellence is to discover and introduce into the cultural stream modes of living that will fully employ bodily energies in ways that are at the same time consonant with the ideals of reason, qualitative judgment, and ethical concern.
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