Sentences with phrase «with high levels of radiation»

Some evacuees were unaware that they had been relocated to sites with high levels of radiation.
I could sit here and point out how stupid you are for believing in science, a group of people that once believed the Earth was flat as early as a few hundred years ago, or believed that bleeding someone out was the best way to cure the flu... or as early as the 40's and 50's that it was okay for people to drink water with high levels of radiation because it would give you energy and cure what ails ya.

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Researchers blasted rats with full - body doses of RF radiation (mostly at higher levels than those associated with cell phones) from the time they were born until they were two years old for nine hours a day.
Since the results for alcohol, Hispanic heritage, and smoking for white Americans agree well with the literature [Trapido et al., 1995; Thun et al., 2002], they provide a high level of confidence in the approach and its results for UVB radiation.
Miscarriage occurred in 10.4 percent of the women with the lowest measured exposure level (1st quartile) of magnetic field non-ionizing radiation on a typical day, and in 24.2 percent of the women with the higher measured exposure level (2nd, 3rd and 4th quartiles), a nearly three times higher relative risk.
The researchers expect that the new equations will be a basis for formulating more reliable and efficient predictions of the usable lifetime of materials in nuclear reactors and other environments with high levels of ionizing radiation.
He also confirmed that, as a general rule, men produce approximately 50 per cent X-bearing and 50 per cent Y - bearing sperm, with one possible exception: the ratio of male and female sperm may be skewed in men exposed to high levels of hormone - disrupting chemicals or radiation.
The government, armed with reliable maps of where radiation levels were highest, has tailored its advice to local circumstances.
With higher CO2 levels and temperatures, low - level cloud shrank by up to 10 per cent, letting in even more solar radiation (Journal of Climate, vol 23, p 5844).
But Alex Dessler, a space physicist at the University of Arizona, Tucson, says the same area of the planet also produces unusual radio signals, flares of ultraviolet light, and high levels of infrared radiation and even seems to be correlated with a patch in Jupiter's magnetosphere that pumps out high - energy electrons.
In each study, they found that reduced UVB radiation exposure and lower vitamin D levels were associated with higher risks of cancer.
Even with whole genomes, some of the earliest branches in Neoaves proved challenging to resolve, which was best explained by massive protein - coding sequence convergence and high levels of incomplete lineage sorting that occurred during a rapid radiation after the Cretaceous - Paleogene mass extinction event about 66 million years ago.
Because hemiplasy is a hallmark of ILS and 87 % of the variation in indel incongruence is explained by branch length, our indel findings suggest high levels of ILS during the basal radiation of Neoaves, with comparable support for the ExaML or MP - EST * versions of the TENT.
The health literature confirming the links between radon and health include studies of many uranium mining populations, as well as other mining districts and mineralized areas with high levels of naturally occurring radiation sources.
The ozone season is selected because it is the part of the year with highest temperatures and strongest solar radiation and thus the time when photochemical reactions of ozone precursor gases are most likely to produce high ozone levels (Rice, 2014).
«The levels and duration of exposure to radiofrequency radiation were much greater than what people experience with even the highest level of cell phone use, and exposed the rodents» whole bodies,» said NPT in a statement.
What's more, oncologists can program the IMRT machine to deliver these radiation beams with varying levels of intensity, so that the higher toxicity beams are not aimed near healthy tissue.
What's next: Weber and Gao and their colleagues hope to apply the work to more complex materials to look at how trapped electrons affect the way defects move and interact with each other when the material is exposed to more than one blast of radiation over longer times in much larger systems and at higher levels of radiation.
Studies suggest that higher levels of ultraviolet radiation are associated with a lower risk of pancreatic cancer.
And for a vegan bodybuilder who must unfortunatelly play tetris with the food sources that he choses in order to give to his body the right ammounts of aminos, restricting SPI and soy foods so much does not make his goal any easier.There are sometimes that you need a meal thats complete with aminos and soy provides that meal with the additional benefits of lacking the saturated fats trans cholesterol and other endothelium inflammatory factors.I'm not saying that someone should go all the way to 200gr of SPI everyday or consuming a kilo of soy everyday but some servings of soy now and then even every day or the use of SPI which helps in positive nitrogen balance does not put you in the cancer risk team, thats just OVERexaggeration.Exercise, exposure to sunlight, vegan diet or for those who can not something as close to vegan diet, fruits and vegetables which contains lots of antioxidants and phtochemicals, NO STRESS which is the global killer, healthy social relationships, keeping your cortisol and adrenaline levels down (except the necessary times), good sleep and melatonin function, clean air, no radiation, away from procceced foods and additives like msg etc and many more that i can not even remember is the key to longevity.As long as your immune system is functioning well and your natural killer cells TP53 gene and many other cancer inhibitors are good and well, no cancer will ever show his face to you.With that logic we shouldn't eat ANY ammount of protein and we should go straight to be breatharians living only with little water and sunlight exposure cause you like it or not the raise of IGF1 is inevitable i know that raise the IGF1 sky high MAYBE is not the best thing but we are not talking about external hormones and things like this.Stabby raccoon also has a point.And even if you still worry about the consumption of soy...
We know that those with metabolic states resulting from a high - carbohydrate diet — including high blood sugar levels, high insulin levels, and obesity — have higher rates of cancer and do more poorly during cancer treatment.13 — 16 We also know that multiple pathways that are downregulated by a ketogenic diet also render cells more susceptible to being killed by chemotherapy and radiation therapy.17
If you're a frequent flier be sure to wear a moisturizer with a broad - spectrum SPF — this means you'll help to protect your skin from UVA and UVB rays — for the flight as the plane's windows may expose you to these higher - than - normal levels of UV radiation.
Claims of increases in skin cancer failed to take into account increase in life expectancy or such anomalies as the lowest levels of skin cancer occurred in Colorado, the state with the highest levels of ultraviolet radiation due to altitude.
Until the surface warms to a level that emits radiation at a rate that is balanced with the higher level of energy capture there will continue to be «net energy capture».
It determines how much of the radiation delivered to land goes into warming the near - surface atmosphere compared with how much is released as latent heat fuelling precipitation at higher levels.
The authorities had scanned the area and declared it clean but the Greenpeace team identified hotspots with dangerous levels of radiation, including two places which had levels higher than 5000 times normal background.
Sheep with higher than the permitted level of radiation had to be marked with a special dye that did not wash off in the rain, and had to spend months grazing on uncontaminated grass before being passed as fit to go into the food chain.
The whole concept of direct radiation supposedly heating the surface to observed temperatures is wrong and a totally different paradigm involving entropy maximization and thermodynamics at the molecular level is now known to be what explains planetary surface temperatures being higher than what can be explained with radiation.
What we know of the connection between solar activity and radiation, coupled with high abundances of isotopes in tree - rings and ice - cores (Fig. 2d), supports the likely case that during the Maunder Minimum solar activity remained for over half a century at very low levels.
The maximum permissible radiation level is higher for older microwave ovens, with an allowable level of 5 mW / cm2, measured 5 cm away from the oven surface.
Key: BCC = body corpus callosum; SCC = splenium corpus callosum; CP = cerebral peduncle; PIC = posterior internal capsule; RIC = retrolenticular internal capsule; SCR = superior corona radiata; PTR = posterior thalamic radiation; SS = sagittal stratum; EC = external capsule; SLF = superior longitudinal fasciculus; PCR = posterior corona radiata; ST = stria terminalis; SFOF = superior fronto - occipital fasciculus; UC = uncinate fasciculus; ACR = anterior corona radiata; GCC = genus corpus callosum; CD = Conduct Disorder; CD / CU + = Conduct Disorder with high levels of callous - unemotional traits; CD / CU - = Conduct Disorder with low levels of callous - unemotional traits; HC = Healthy Controls
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