Sentences with phrase «with high margins of safety»

The most important thing to keep in mind about value investing is to always be disciplined and not driven by emotion, devote time to analysis before investing and to invest in undervalued securities with high margins of safety.
These investors believe the best way is to not fight the crowd but to look for value situations with high margins of safety in obscure places.
He realized that in by investing in companies with a high margin of safety, he reduced his risk while simultaneously increased his potential return.
With a higher margin of safety than many pharmaceutical approaches, appropriate use of natural options is a no - brainer.
He realized that in by investing in companies with a high margin of safety, he reduced his risk while simultaneously increased his potential return.

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«Our dual margin of safety approach combines high business quality with attractive price.
Fluctuation may further occur with some issues as various companies have hard caps on their dividends as a ratio to profits (arguably a higher margin of safety).
But with those companies, I would be more insistent on a value price because, in my opinion, the earnings quality is great, not quite as high as a Johnson & Johnson or a Coca - Cola so it would be more important to create a margin of safety for yourself by getting a good price to ensure satisfactory future returns.
As long as you don't end up with a lot of cash in your portfolio because you have set your expected return too high (or applied too large a margin of safety in your portfolio).
Getting a high - quality stock with a margin of safety attached to it is always something I'm interested in, especially when I have capital available and space in the portfolio.
I am not sure that these historic averages were justified even for a company as great as Garmin, however you are buying with a margin of safety based on P / E and taking into account the company's superb balance sheet, high returns on capital, and high margins.
Some smart beta dividend ETFs do diversify across the safety spectrum of small to large cap stocks, with large cap providing the highest margin of safety.
Fluctuation may further occur with some issues as various companies have hard caps on their dividends as a ratio to profits (arguably a higher margin of safety).
That margin of safety might be a strong balance sheet, or it might be a product with high gross margins that faces little competition.
In retrospect I purchased a bit too high and I'll be looking to complete my position only if and when Mr. Market offers me a price with a bit more margin of safety, around $ 2.25 or less.
High uncertainty in intrinsic value combined with a small margin of safety equals high rHigh uncertainty in intrinsic value combined with a small margin of safety equals high rhigh risk.
PPA has a wide margin of safety; however, it should be used with caution in dogs with heart or kidney failure, or those with high blood pressure, because of its stimulant effect.
The main advantage of this product is a high margin of safety, making it a good product for application on kittens and puppies, as well as in households with infants.
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