Sentences with phrase «with high temperatures»

The male reproduction organs of tomato plants can not cope with high temperatures.
It's finally starting to cool down in our neck of the woods, with high temperatures in the 80s instead of the 90s and most days in the 70s.
Because the military often deals with high temperature processes, there has been a tremendous amount of asbestos exposure.
The temperature was consistently higher when the disposable diapers were worn, with the highest temperatures recorded in the youngest babies.
Solar thermal power with high temperature thermal storage holds promise to become cost effective.
Surface specific humidity has generally increased after 1976 in close association with higher temperatures over both land and ocean.
The migration rate increases with higher temperatures, and with time and use (which is why you should never reuse a disposable plastic water bottle or microwave food in plastic).
Surface specific humidity has generally increased since 1976 in close association with higher temperatures over both land and ocean.
They are also exploring Chinese rice varieties for higher productivity under environments with higher temperatures and high carbon dioxide.
As the globe continues to spin toward a future with higher temperatures, crop yields will likely decrease if farmers do not adapt to new management or technology practices.
Higher altitude destinations and those with more variable temperatures were associated with lower asthma rates, whereas children living in cities with higher temperatures were less likely to have eczema.
Some believe that dogs with high temperatures often have dry noses.
The temperature in which the flea lives will impact the duration of his life cycle with higher temperatures and humidity levels speeding up the process.
Cats with thick coats may feel more uncomfortable with higher temperatures than short - haired cats.
The figures struggle with high temperatures and the 99 % humidity while looking for primitive life forms.
With a high temperature nuclear reactor, we would have plenty of waste heat to use in this chemical process.
The object with a higher temperature gives energy to the body with the lower temperature.
This doesn't indicate if the anomaly happened with the high temperature or the low temperature.
Increased drying linked with higher temperatures and decreased precipitation have contributed to changes in drought.
But in the case of evaporation, with higher temperatures there will then be more water vapour (and more CO2) in the atmosphere.
A simple upgrade is to painting the brass screen with High Temperature / Heat paint.
Summer is almost there and that means we will cope with high temperatures.
«An increase in acute mortality associated with high temperatures has been observed in nearly all populations where it has been studied,» the authors state.
Even small fires can cause a lot of damage, but the engine bay is designed to deal with high temperatures.
On certain 2005 - 2006 Chevrolet Corvette vehicles, the painted roof panel may separate from its frame in some areas if it is exposed to stresses along with high temperature and humidity.
They also include «life source bits» which are pieces of food that are «cold formed», a process that forms the kibble without damaging the nutritional value of the food with the high temperatures of normal processing.
Not to mention that we KNOW levels of CO2 are higher than they have been in hundreds of thousands of years, and data from dendrochronology and ice core studies prove that high levels of CO2 are correlated with higher temperatures.
The scientists attributed part of the change to a rise in temperature and part to reduced precipitation, with high temperatures becoming progressively more important during the latter part of the period.
The pod operates as expected with high temperatures and brews a carafe of coffee when filled.
Straus Family Creamery Organic Milk is gently crafted with a high temperature short time (HTST) pasteurization method at 170 °F for 18 seconds.
Straus» organic milk is crafted with a high temperature short pasteurization method which helps preserve the authentic flavor of the milk.
Yesterday (November 3rd) the high there was 35 degrees, just 16 degrees above normal, though just in the last 5 weeks Fairbanks has seen 7 days with high temperatures more than 25 degrees above normal too.
坩堝 — Third characters mean crucible in ancient Chinese literature, denoting the ceramic material with a higher temperature resistance
Susan is five; she is sick with a high temperature and snuggled tightly in her fleece pajamas under a warm fleece blanket.
Using digital infrared imaging, breast thermography measures and maps heat on the breast's surface, pinpointing areas with higher temperatures and increased blood flow that indicates early stage breast disease.
A1 / B1 Stable, stay - in - grade oil intended for use at extended drain intervals in gasoline engines and car & light van diesel engines specifically designed to be capable of using low friction low viscosity oils with a high temperature / high shear rate viscosity of 2.6 mPa * s for xW / 20 and 2.9 to 3.5 mPa.s for all other viscosity grades.
These scores, combined with the high temperatures recorded while stressing the IGP, make the Twist a poor choice for gamers.
The SSTs they examined were from the «warm pool» — the region with the highest temperatures in the world (~ 30degC) and well above the critical threshold of ~ 27 degC.
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