Sentences with phrase «with him about people»

Recently, a friend who is black shared an insight with me about people who riot (which, by the way, is not something unique to people of color).
I agree with you about people correcting people I disagree with you about God not correcting people.
I also sympathize with you about people mucking up your hard work by focusing on substitutions instead of accepting that some creations must stand as they are intended.
In the meantime, I have fortified my boundaries and learned to get real with myself about the people who truly matter.

Not exact matches

«We see a lot of companies come in with a lot of capital — really good business - minded people — but they're not enthusiasts or enthusiastic about the product they're selling,» says Cobb.
The Levi's initiative — «Improving Worker Well - Being,» officially — is about getting an industry to recognize that workers aren't faceless cogs in giant profit machines, but people with feelings and needs.
The more that people push themselves to think about all the possibilities that could happen, and particularly to visualize and think a little bit on possibilities that might contradict with each other, the more they become attuned to understanding what's really likely and what's less likely.
When a relationship hits a serious stage and couples get married or commit to each other in some big way, people are often too overcome with excitement or too overwhelmed by the prospect of spending forever with this person to have a deep discussion about where their priorities lie.
Especially with matters of business, I'm never afraid that people won't want to talk back to me about what they're up to, or that I might offend them by asking such questions.
Data and research and scholarly journals are great, but people like Dale, people with a pubic platform willing to talk openly about their experiences, spread awareness and create change at a much faster rate than would otherwise have been possible.
So entrenched is this marketing gimmick that Trade Minister François - Philippe Champagne now talks about Canada as a gateway to more than 1 billion people, a figure he derives from adding the populations of North America and the European Union, another big, rich economy with which Canada enjoys preferential access as of earlier this month.
In states lacking non-discrimination policies for LGBT people, gay men tend to be penalized most, Klawitter's research indicates, with gay men in same - sex couples earning about 30 percent less than their counterparts in opposite - sex couples.
The best IT staffers, she found, were the ones who were able to field the calls that start with «I don't know anything about technology,» offer reassurance and empathy, and then walk people through the learning process — the ones, in other words, who offer the users some empowerment.
We seek out self - starters and people who are enthusiastic about collaborating with video producers, social media editors, and other team members.
This is just a page for each person I interact with a lot, where I jot down things I need to talk to them about as they occur to me in between meetings or conversations.
People today are entering the startup realm with far more formal education and experience in entrepreneurship than ever before, and they're doing so from many of the following schools whose degrees in entrepreneurship you might not have heard about yet:
Strange Success is about people who come up with crazy ideas to solve a problems you may not even realize exist.
Big hint: most of the interviews are with HR directors and VPs of HR — great people to reach out to if you're serious about a specific company.
Earlier this year, in an interview with CNBC, House Financial Services Chairman Jeb Hensarling, R - Texas, called the CFPB a «rogue agency» and complained about the power Cordray has as one person overseeing an entire bureau.
I don't want public attention because I don't want the story to be about me... I want it to be about what the US government is doing... I'm willing to sacrifice all of that because I can't in good conscience allow the US government to destroy privacy, internet freedom and basic liberties for people around the world with this massive surveillance machine they're secretly building.
«Ben was trying to create this idea of products that inspire people, that they want to share, that gives them a way to connect with their friends, and it was a BuzzFeed - y way of thinking about commerce,» Peretti tells Fortune.
«The reason I'm here is that I was very excited about the problem that we weren't addressing in pharma — dealing with the 86 million people with pre-diabetes that can lead to a tsunami in health care costs,» he said, adding that «pharma is looking beyond the pill» and that «digital therapeutics will become therapeutics,» particularly when it comes to preventing disease.
«I remember, like, you don't often get so obsessed about something where you drop everything and drive to Boston and meet with people for 14 hours, taking notes, losing your voice, with no idea just to learn,» he said.
The first type of gossip — the type you actually want to encourage — is about making human connections with the people you work with.
She said about 40,000 people submitted workers» compensation claims each year, with half of these resulting in a «lost time» injury.
But it's a really provocative thing because most people know about Google Glass and what happened with that.
You enjoy providing people with all of the details, the features, and the specs, and that's what people want to read about, isn't it?
With video, your goal is to get certain desirable people (who fit your target market) familiar with your brand and think happy thoughts about you so that later, when they do need to buy the stuff you sell, they'll give you prefereWith video, your goal is to get certain desirable people (who fit your target market) familiar with your brand and think happy thoughts about you so that later, when they do need to buy the stuff you sell, they'll give you preferewith your brand and think happy thoughts about you so that later, when they do need to buy the stuff you sell, they'll give you preference.
JM: I think it'll be an opportunity in the future for people who are more serious about finding someone, especially someone with specific attributes to use Hinge in a more targeted way, either by indicating that they like certain people, or just being able to filter better, like for sure I only want to match with Christian people.
At the University of Southern California this year, Mellody Hobson, president of Ariel Investments and chairwoman on several boards, not only spurred students to find someone to be passionate about — but also to expand their bandwidth of diversity by getting to know people with whom they have seemingly nothing in common.
However, active listening as a leader isn't just about listening to people when they happen to speak with you.
People like to do business with other people, not with faceless corporations, and your About Us page is a great place to humanize your People like to do business with other people, not with faceless corporations, and your About Us page is a great place to humanize your people, not with faceless corporations, and your About Us page is a great place to humanize your brand.
«Young people with this condition have a huge advantage over me — now they know [about it].
Social networks know a lot about consumer interests and demographics, so even though there are hundreds of millions of fans, marketers can accurately target the right people with the right message.
Although there is still some debate about whether the person who grabbed Fields was actually Lewandowski or a Secret Service agent, Fields has filed a police report with respect to the incident, and has resigned from Breitbart.
And talking about how to put people on more equal economic footing can be challenging to reconcile with capitalist principles of private ownership and free markets.
In a recently recovered interview with Steve Jobs, he talks about the disease that grips most people, which he explains is «thinking that a really great idea is 90 percent of the work.
Word spread internally about my candor and I received requests to share it with groups of hundreds of people across the company.
Danielle talks about the power of social media, the difference between networking in person and online, shares her experiences in selling merchandise online, and, of course, talk about the hilarious cast of the Girls With Slingshots strip, how they were created, have evolved and have personalities all their own.
On this day, Aeryon's office on the outskirts of Waterloo, Ont., is a quiet place where about two dozen people toil in cubicles separated by glass walls scrawled with engineering formulas.
Every black parent has had to have «the talk» with their children, a conversation about the dangers that await them because some people might assume them to be a threat.
They're ice breakers and help people put a face and name to the people they're about to do business with.
Razer will not publicly disclose material that it receives or details about respondents, except to those persons with whom Razer is directly working to resolve this matter or as may be required by law.»
I think one of my favorite ads with them was, I made a video about getting sent dick pics on Snapchat and Twitter and like, «how do people expect you to react to that?»
Thiel, a major Donald Trump supporter, is a libertarian who has written that» [p] olitics is about interfering with other people's lives without their consent.»
With people increasingly strapped for time and concerned about nutrition, she says, «there are huge opportunities for us to provide products that consumers haven't even thought of yet.»
People tend to impulse - buy more when they don't spend 10 minutes filling out their card info and thinking about what they're buying, so with one - click ordering its easier to spend without thinking.
When most people think of «shopping experience» they associate it with customer service and, although this does come into it, in ecommerce it's also about whether your site is enjoyable to use.
That's because Generation Z has been less about face - to - face communications — they more commonly communicate via text, emoji and video — and they're unprepared for a field such as customer service, where they could interact with irate people.
The novel begins with General Leia remembering how people failed to take advantage of their newfound freedom and disagreeing about the threat from the First Order, which rose from the fallen Empire.
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