Sentences with phrase «with human ingenuity»

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Around the world, factory floors and assembly lines are becoming highly automated, combining human ingenuity with data and technology to revolutionize product and productivity outcomes.
Fiber optics technology is a marvel of human ingenuity, not to mention physics and design, and with it comes high - capacity digital communications for a modern age.
This is done, in this remarkable human family of which we are all a part, with demonic craft by the powerful, in an absolutely dazzling array of forms (if necessity is the mother of invention, covetousness and lust are the parents of ingenuity), upon well - established but shamelessly fraudulent justification, usually in the broad sense religious and sometimes even specifically theological.
see what you have to understand about living in a real world — a world where god is just a story and not real — its a world based on scientific and physical laws that are proven to exist and their effects are measurable... us as humans, mere animals, hold no real power or control aside thru ingenuity which allows us to change our environment to suit us... stay with me here... at this point in human history we ceased to change to suit our environment and started changing it to suit us — thats destruction of the earth to suit one species — that should go over well...
«Our destiny,» says the third, «is to replace ourselves with machines, which means that technological ingenuity and human progress are one and the same.»
l) «What, in short, is the «mechanism» by which God makes himself known to man, by which the Almighty touches the mightless, by which the Limitless penetrates the narrow confines of the limited, by which Time enters moment, by which the Holy invades the unholy, and the Word speaks in words» Even when this happens, as ultimately it did, as with finality it always does, in the person of Jesus Christ, all the forms and ingenuity of human language are inadequate to give it mechanical explanation.
Every man has two hands each of which is a greater work of art than anything else that human ingenuity has created; but men are so obsessed with their own doings that they acclaim every human creation and make a great display over it, yet fail to discern God's miraculous deeds.
In this issue, the editors and I are pleased to close out the year by sharing with you a special report that showcases the wonders wrought by human ingenuity.
For now we will have to rely on human ingenuity to come up with the tools needed to see planets bathed in urban light.
There you'll join the ranks of a lost human commune, known as Survivors, resisting The Watcher threat with salvage and ingenuity.
And it invests Mowgli with a touch of optimistic environmentalist fantasy: where human mastery of fire and tools was presented in earlier films as a threat, and Mowgli's fated exit from the jungle as an unfortunate necessity, in this film the boy is shown using his ingrained ingenuity to solve problems beyond the capabilities of his animal pals, as when he builds a rappel and pulley system to help Baloo claim honey from a cliffside beehive he's been coveting.
The heart of the film focuses on the sea journey, during which the human demonstrates that he can think with great ingenuity and the tiger shows that it can learn.
The monsters are giant wormlike creatures with sharp teeth, gaping maws, and pendulous appendages that humans can't outrun or out power without some ingenuity.
This effort has resulted in the development of a highly complex defense system that utilizes alien technologies secured from the past onslaught along with the latest in human ingenuity.
By various intervals — always compact, but ranging from five minutes to a little over a half - hour — the author guides us through a single day, opening windows and doors to historic tableaux (both public and private) wherein human beings have demonstrated ingenuity and grace in giving substance to the flow of time, effectively killing time's passage by investing it with meaningful stuff.
So many vendors offer seven or eight inch models, with so little visible differentiation, that it is a little depressing to contemplate the waste of human ingenuity that has gone into their creation.
As James A. Secord points out, they served an almost «utopian» combination of the interests of capitalism, science, public education, and art; what allowed them to serve anything at all was their artifice, which brought with it the implication that even the remote beasts of deep time could be exposed, recreated, and conquered by human ingenuity.
We aren't even going to pretend that there is anything green about this picture — isn't it amazing what human ingenuity can come up with these days!
There is another school of thought - that human ingenuity and economic progress will get round the problem, as they have in the past, notably in the Green Revolution that transformed food - scarce countries such as India into lands of abundance, with food exports contributing to the national coffers.
I prefer a carbon tax over legislating cuts in emissions because I believe in the power of markets and human ingenuity to carry out the necessary adaptation with a minimum of cost and disruption.
With rising temperatures and mass migrations in the news, it is comforting to know that human ingenuity has now brought us sixty nine types of coffee machine which use disposable single serving «pods».
And so, «we need to think straight about the dangers ahead and to meet the problem with all the resources of human ingenuity at our disposal.»
This special dispenses with controversy, partisan debates and political stalemates and focuses on the beauty and bounty of the planet, human ingenuity, and the many reasons to be optimistic about our future.
Guided by such knowledge, with enough resources and efforts, and only if done in time, human ingenuity can harness advances in science, technology, engineering, and policy to develop effective solutions for addressing the challenges of environment and climate, population, and development.
I'm sure good ol' human ingenuity could figure out what to do with cheap, clean energy...
Some might say that the community infrastructure levy («CIL») is just a tax on developers to fund infrastructure, but a recent appeal case showed that it's also a handy yardstick with which to measure human ingenuity...
Consequently, regulation of these members of the law profession by the state must, so far as by human ingenuity it can be so designed, be free from state interference, in the political sense, with the delivery of services to the individual citizens in the state, particularly in fields of public and criminal law.
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