Sentences with phrase «with human language»

You can make your resume more compelling and human - sounding by rooting out and replacing the boring corporate - speak phrases that litter it, and replacing them with human language - things that people like you or I would actually say.
Working with human language is much harder for a computer.
«Birdsong has a lot in common with human language, even though it evolved separately.
Past studies comparing the language - learning abilities of humans and other primates have looked at what monkeys can do with human language.
These three skills are best learned through repeated and varied experiences of hearing and interacting with human language.

Not exact matches

Chatbots are artificial intelligence - powered robots with natural language processing that are able to communicate with humans.
If you're familiar with the works of Steven Pinker, you'll recognize the incredible importance that language has played in human history in the preservation of information (stories being used to because they were... * SURPRISE!
Gone are the days with numerous file exported, niche - language human translators and separate files created for each language that need to be reimported into the distribution platform to finalize their formatting.
Here is where marketing, corporate communications and human resources departments need to be closely aligned in developing a rollout plan and guidelines that are engaging, easy and clear, including parameters on social posts, special offers to share with family and friends and key messages (in simple, clever language) about the product or campaign.
I don't mean this literally: The «from» line might still be your company's name, but the content should feel as if it comes from a human being, speaking in the first person (using «I» or «we» and addressing the recipient as «you»), with natural - sounding language.
If an alien species manipulates objects, interacts with its peers and combines concepts, the cognitive approach therefore predicts there might be enough mental architecture in common to make its language accessible to humans.
So Primer offers to take the load off humans by doing the digging, the compiling, and the summarizing for them with its natural language processing tech.
It argues that humans come with an inbuilt universal grammar that has a specific number of settings - each corresponding to the acceptable order in which words and parts of words can be arranged in a given language system.
For Nadella, using «the power of human language» to communicate with machines will be as profound as the development of the Internet and the use of touchscreens on mobile devices.
Zuckerberg explained that with the combination of AI, NLP (natural language processing), and some human help, that people would now be able to talk to Messenger bots as if they were talking to a friend.
Based in Toronto, Ontario, Whirlscape is a Canadian high - technology startup with roots in human - computer interaction (HCI), machine learning, and natural language processing.
Some elements of human rights can also be dealt with through language on labour and gender in an agreement.
So while I agree with her that political life may help renew faith in human dignity and so make human rights believable, the politics of human rights is conducted through liberal language that is extremely partial, that leaves out at least half of the human experience.
And how do you even defend yourself against such a barrage when someone thinks it's their human right to foul the air with any kind of language they «damn well» please, anytime they feel like it?
And with the legal and language barriers, social isolation and employment challenges that immigrants often face, many are also at risk of exploitation and human trafficking.
In language that hinted at what was to come, it declared: «We believe that planned parenthood, practiced with respect for human life, fulfills rather than violates the will of God....
Thus, metaphors and models of God are understood to be discovered as well as created, to relate to God's reality not in the sense of being literally in correspondence with it, but as versions or hypotheses of it that the community (in this case, the church) accepts as relatively adequate.16 Hence, models of God are not simply heuristic fictions; the critical realist does not accept the Feuerbachian critique that language about God is nothing but human projection.
And though there is the language of God, it has more to do with the human institution and what people in that insituttion are comfortable with about what they want God to be?
While couched in different language, Catholic social teaching has much in common with this approach, in its overriding concern to safeguard the unique dignity of every human person, created in the image and likeness of God, and in its emphasis on the duty of civil authority to foster the common good.
Secondly, human existence will no longer be lived exclusively within one culture with its own identity and language.
Jesus» language in all its vigorous overstatement still reflects a sense of divine fury over the failure of the divine purpose to work itself out in the actions of human beings that does not compute with our urbane, 20th - century middle - class liberal Christianity.
The erosion by stealth of a common language defining the innate dignity of human sexuality has been clear for those with eyes to see.
All that we can say with confidence, however, is that our earliest knowledge of humankind takes us back only to the point where humans were already scattered into groups, living a tribal existence, each with its own language and culture.
Long before humans had language complex enough to spin stories of heaven, our distant ancestors had to deal with their own problems on earth.
For Jesus» language in all its vigorous overstatement still reflects a sense of divine fury over the failure of the divine purpose to work itself out in the actions of human beings that does not compute with our urbane, 20th - century middle - class liberal Christianity.
Even if one can not agree with the particular amalgam of East and West which he is evolving, one can not deny the importance of the task to which he has committed himself nor its usefulness as a stimulus to the overall task of arriving at a new language — or languages — which can communicate to man once again both divine and fully human existence, the goal we are all seeking.
For several decades, Charlie was probably the most widely known and beloved figure in the world — not only because he was a master clown communicating through the universal language of pantomime, but because he grappled comically with universal human problems.
(5) We are sexual creatures, in a much deeper sense than other creatures; in Christian language, «Male and female created [God] them» and «Human existence is a seeking of intimate relationships with others.»
After Jimmy Carter defeated Jackson for the 1976 Democratic presidential nomination and bested President Ford in the subsequent general election, the Carter administration adopted the language of an assertive human - rights policy but filled it with New Left content, aiming its criticism primarily at authoritarian American allies rather than at America's totalitarian enemies.
But because the early church inherited from Hellenistic culture the love of penetrating into the truth by intellectual enquiry, the Christian thinkers of the West have too commonly concluded that they could define and delineate the being of God in the forms of human language with some confidence.
You can say whatever you want to... Al Quran teaches that God created human in different nationality, ethnicity, language so that one can interact with other and then HE gave free will to every single one of the human... and every one of us will be held accountable for the using of this «free will»....
In our generation there is danger and hope — danger that these noncognitive accouterments will lose their aesthetic harmony and hypnotic power when integrated with the basic prehensions of science, and be reverted into impotent and empty symbols, jarring, ugly, and without force in final satisfactions: hope that the power of Jesus as lure will reassert itself in an aesthetic context devoid of supernaturalism, a context such that (the language now picks up echoes of van Buren) the vision of Jesus, the free man, free from authority, free from fear, «free to give himself to others, whoever they were «1 — such that this vision in its earthly, human purity will lure our aims to a harmonious concrescence, integrating scientific insight and moral vision and producing a modern, intensely fulfilling human satisfaction.
The spectrum of views is sometimes startling: Elizabeth Achtemeier denounces women for divinizing the human when they use female language for God, whereas Hopko holds that deification of the human is a positive outcome of relationship with the triune God.
There are four affirmations about Jesus Christ that historically have been stressed in Christian faith: (1) Jesus is truly human, bone of our bone and flesh of our flesh, living a human life under the same human conditions any one of us faces — thus Christology, statement of the significance of Jesus, must start «from below,» as many contemporary theologians are insisting; (2) Jesus is that one in whom God energizes in a supreme degree, with a decisive intensity; in traditional language he has been styled «the Incarnate Word of God»; (3) for our sake, to secure human wholeness of life as it moves onward toward fulfillment, Jesus not only lived among us but also was crucified for us — this is the point of talk about atonement wrought in and by him; (4) death was not the end for him, so it is not as if he never existed at all; in some way he triumphed over death, or was given victory over it, so that now and forever he is a reality in the life of God and effective among humankind.
While classification freed directors to use explicit language in marvelous films like Platoon and Something Wild and has allowed films like Out of Africa and Children of a Lesser God to explore the complex nature of human sexuality, it has also given us a series of slasher films — Friday the 13th, with its many parts; The Texas Chainsaw Massacre, parts one and two — and films like Brian DePalma's artistically significant but deplorably explicit Body Double.
(2) Human existence is an unfulfilled existence, with potentialities that may be realized or made actual; in Christian language, «God has made us toward himself.»
A useful way of approaching the varied structures of human existence is through reflection on the meaning of «I.» The use of the first person singular in some way is probably coterminous with language, but its meaning varies widely.
Studies in language, mathematics, science, art, history, and philosophy are not made liberal merely by recognizing and calling attention to the creative factors in these disciplines and in the human activities with which they deal.
Because human words are no longer in harmony with the Word of God, languages become separate and then diversity in accordance with their subordination to different realities.
Let us begin with language, perhaps the most fundamental of all studies because of the fact that speech is so clearly a distinguishing feature of human beings within the whole created order and because it is so essential to the effective conduct of all human affairs, including every aspect of education.
Symbol - making is a characteristic mark of human spirituality, about which more will be said in the next chapter in connection with language.
First of all is the biological organism with its big brain, its upright posture, its hand and opposed thumb, its vocal organs making possible enormous variety in vocalization so that language and other symbols can develop to expand indefinitely the range of meaning, entering into human life.
To begin with, because human beings possess highly developed faculties of reason, language, and memory, a man's sense of what is «his» is not limited to himself, his family, or even those with whom he regularly interacts.
I do believe in good leadership — by good human beings — with goals — but I guess its down to language is isn't it?
It needs only a slight acquaintance with the traditional Jewish eschatology to recognize that these writers are all using language which implies that the eschaton, the final and decisive act of God, has already entered human experience.
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