Sentences with phrase «with human religion»

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Or to put it more generously, the RFRA is designed to protect religious freedom, and to protect it even when your religion requires you to do something bad, such as violating another human being's right to be treated with dignity and respect.
Anytime one religion interferes with another religion, or the life of humans, I tend to take it a little more seriously, not because I believe in their beliefs, but because their beliefs can cause me death.
They would rather kill me for saying, «muhammad was just another human with illusions of grandeur», then be confident in their religion.
So how do you go from that reasoning to «Since it wasn't accidental then it must have been this ancient male diety named (fill in blank depending on religion) who loves me and knows me and cares for me and wants me to perform rituals that have nothing to do with morality like prayer, not eating certain things, sabaath and many more just because he said so, even though we have no record of him saying anything, just records of humans who wrote things down that they claim he said, but I want to believe it all so badly I will base my beliefs on no other evidence than «it just can't be accident».
The ignorance bred by religion regarding what human beings as containing a ghost in the machine led the way for the misconceptions believed by communists regarding human beings as blank slates, since both religion and communists envisioned human beings in this flawed conceptual manner, denying the evolved components of the brain and the innate nature we are born with due to our genetic make up.
Religions incorporated and codified these basic social values and skills, and quickly learned to take credit for them — as if, without the religion, we would be doomed to not have them — although we see them in every human society, including hunter - gather tribes with no sense of gods as we understand them After many centuries of religious domination, enforced through pain of death, ostracization or other social sanctions, allowing religion to take credit, as well as failing to question other religious claims — has become a cultural habit.
I frankly believe while there is plenty of need to introduce and reinforce ethics in human endevours, and to have frank, open discussions of these endevours, religion is at its bottom line a matter of faith and, while it can be an individual's guiding influence, it is not something that should be associated with science.
Bellah and his colleagues praise religion because they note that religious groups, unlike other groups in our society, are concerned not only with the common good of the nation but also with the common good of all human beings.
The only way to find compatibility in such a worldview is by accepting a religion with no authority on the most meaningful matters of human existence.»
the downfall of human race started with religion and will end with religion.
Still, I can't help voicing that religion here seems to be stealing a perfectly normal, biological, and secular part of the human experience with the silly assertion that «God = Love».
There's a human trait called «sociopathy» and it has nothing to do with religion.
The trial set modernists, who said evolution was consistent with religion, against fundamentalists who said the word of God as revealed in the Bible took priority over all human knowledge.»
Those of the religious agenda keep on telling themselves that whoever this person that wrote it should be more involved with religion and should keep on pushing the «topic of religion» onto dying people instead of just being a human being and focusing on the person's feelings at their last hours on earth.
«The United States stands in solidarity with Pastor Nadarkhani, his family, and all those who seek to practice their religion without fear of persecution - a fundamental and universal human right.»
To maintain its dependency scam, revenue flow, nd unearned privileges and tax dodges, religion tries to force itself into every aspect of life when dying is a time to bask in the glow of loving human, real relationships... and perhaps make a few apologies... like for wasting others; time with ignorant, self - servinge proselytizing.
A concern that atheists have with religion, not just Christianity, but all of them, is that they are created by humans.
These have been formulated in different ways, but a typical list would cite life (including health, safety, and procreation); knowledge (including appreciation of beauty); holiness or religion (in the sense of harmony with ultimate reality); self - integration, justice, friendship (including marriage); and the kind of exercise of skill in work or play that enriches human life.
While convergence does happen in religion from the perspective of the human psyche being adapted through its self - deceptive capabilities (e.g., as a coping mechanism), we didn't land in the new world with the discovery of the same kind of scripture stemming from a singular God.
«Through the UK - Sudan Strategic Dialogue, and our policy of phased engagement, we continue to raise human rights issues with the government of Sudan and make regular representations on freedom of religion or belief, including in relation to reported church demolitions, most recently during the Archbishop of Canterbury's visit to Sudan in July.»
It also made him permanently aware that religion must coexist with other aspects of human life and that its study must coexist with other disciplines.
A world without religion would be one with much less care shown for fellow human beings.
No different than my rambling post agreeing with him and providing even more real life human scenarios that can evoke strong emotions, that can easily cause someone to either A: Seek out religion, even if it's only for some semblance of accepttion and / or explanation of the unknown, or B: If they already have a religion, re-embracing it with new enthusiasm.
842 The Church's bond with non-Christian religions is in the first place the common origin and end of the human race: All nations form but one community.
Throughout his life, these essays on Judaism and the Jews provided Kristol with a forum both familiar and provocative enough for exploring his thoughts on religion, society, and human nature as a whole.
to Jake, in every era or times in the past, humans have different perception of reality, because our knowledge improves or changes toward sophistication, For example during the times of Jesus, there was no science yet as what we have today, since the religion in the past corresponds to their needs, it is true for them in the past, but today we already knew many new ideas and facts, so what is applicable in the past is no longer today, like religion, we have also to change to conform with todays knowledge.The creation or our origin for example is now explained beyond doubt by science as the big bang and evolution is the reason we become humans, is in contrast to creation in the bibles genesis,.
Every people has its culture, whether primitive or advanced, and this culture is discerned in the folkways and moral standards, forms of family life, economic enterprises, laws and modes of dealing with lawbreakers, forms of recreation, religion, art, education, science, and philosophy that constitute the social aspects of human existence as contrasted with the bare biological fact of living.
Anyway, if we didn't have to put up with religion, it would undoubtedly be much nicer because it would be one less difference that humans would have to focus on and get all uppity about.
What is more, if such a development should take place, AA might set a pattern for a more fundamental cooperation between religion and psychology in dealing with human problems in general.
I write from the standpoint of a Church of England parish priest and many of my examples are from that tradition, but I recognize that the Church of England is one church amongst many churches, just as Christianity is one religion amongst many world religions which are slowly learning to share with each other their spiritual treasures and to work together for peace, the relief of human need and the preservation of the planet.
Otherwise they will be like indolent workmen who find no spur to action in a task to be achieved; or else, if a healthy human instinct overrides their hesitancies or the fallacies they derive from a misunderstanding of religion, they will still be a prey to a fundamental division and frustration within themselves, and it will be said that the sons of heaven can not, on the human level, compete with true conviction and therefore on equal terms with the children of this world.
A religion brooks no rivals, but destroys or converts or lives in uneasy tension with different ways of understanding human life and destiny.
Spanning the entire spectrum of creation, whether in terms of sex, politics, or religion, Christians affirm that God is speaking through the law written on human hearts, with individual consciences picking up the signals, either accusing or excusing them, until that day when God will finally judge all things by the criterion of Jesus Christ (Romans 1:15 — 16).
Every time I interact with a Muslim I am aware that his religion considers me less than human for not sharing his beliefs.
This is especially obvious if you view religion as essentially a source of ethical rules for human behaviour rather than theological truths about God and make the techie assumption that content equals rules; then, if all your churches come up with the same rules, they must all be based on the same content, and thus they must ultimately all be the same.
We need a much more realistic approach to the problem of human evil, and I am perfectly certain that no really effective way of dealing with it will be found apart from the rediscovery of true religion.
Again, the unspoken assumption is that what is important in the differences between religions has nothing to do with how close their theological descriptions of God correspond to reality, either because those differences don't exist or because they are impossible for us to judge, differences too subtle to be detected by us, lost in the «noise» of our human limitations, personal history, genetics, and so on.
In fact, the religion «with a human face» does allow itself to be judged by reason, but by reason guided by its own truth and not just any old reason.»
This is pointed out on another occasion when Bonhoeffer says that to confuse Christ with a particular stage in the «religiousness» of man would be to confuse him with a human law.33 It is to be carefully noted that the introduction of the concepts of law does not imply the identification of religion and law.
[3] The Enlightenment's battle with religion wished to exclude God because the deterministic laws of Newtonian physics rendered Him superfluous; of course such determinism also abolished human freedom.
[3] The Enlightenment's battle with religion wished to exclude God because the deterministic laws of Newtonian physics rendered Himsuperfluous; of course such determinism also abolished human freedom.
actually you do nt have to prove the many deities or Gods that they really exist, because they really had existed in their times, They are part of the evolutionary process for us humans to transcend to higher consciousness.To simplify the analogy, when we were young and we are in the lower grade school, we were taught simple subjects not advance literatures but simple stories even mythicals, The same with religion, thousands of years ago when there was no science yet, primitive people had a religion, of course man made faiths to conform with their state of mind or intellect.But later atfter thousands of years we evolve into a more educated people and so new concept of God again was presented to them, another man made concept, and this go on and on, until a few thiousand years ago.monotheism, Judaism, christianity, islam, buddhism, etc also evolved, But with the accelerated evolution, these faith again is threatend with obsolesencs because of of scientific developments and education.In panthroteistic faith, the future religion needs to conform to evolutionary process, This proves that God is always there guiding the change.And it his will that made this a reality in history since the begining of the universe 13 billion years ago, and this will continue to exist until He will completely fulfill His will to infinity, Thats PANTHROTHEISM, the futue, man made religion under His guidance through scientifiic evoluition after the Bi Bang
It's sad what humans do with the justification of religion.
On the other hand, there is no God of a religious tradition cut off from critical reflection so that «it is wrong for religion's advocate to confound the object of this affirmation with the modalities of the affirmation; it is wrong for him to believe that the transcendence of the divine mystery is extended to the materiality of the expressions that it takes on in human consciousness; with greater reason it is wrong for him to consider that his problematic is canonized by this transcendence.
the purpose why God allowed multiple religions to evolve and exist in the distant and even today is because our minds intellectual capacity has increased tremendously after we became civilized about 10,000 years go.Earlier when we were hunter gatherers our priorities was just to find food to survive, Then we became more knowlegible and our concern includes the intelle tual need to understand the meaning and purpose of our existence, so God allowed the founding and establishment of many religions by humans to conform with their intellectual, social and educational development, Since this is not static, it contiually diversify and change to conform with their times of existince, History showed that this is continuesly improving, so the future expects changes towards Panthrotheism in accordance to His will.
To those impatient political enthusiasts who talk loudly on how futile and impractical religion must always be, and who are bent on legislating human equality into existence, Kierkegaard offers a word of counsel, «Only that which is religious can with the assistance of eternity press the equality of men through to its ultimate conclusions: the reverent, genuine, unworldly, true, the only possible equality between men.
Until the gospel actually enters the historical situation of a certain person, a non-Christian religion contains not only elements of a natural knowledge of God mixed with depravation caused by original sin and human elements, but also supernatural elements of grace.
The secret of all spiritual religion is the union of the human soul with the divine soul, the belief that man's spirit and God's spirit are in their essence one.
In so far as Marx is seeking to bring the idea of «real distress» (as understood by religion) into relation with their human condition of distress (as understood by human beings) so as to transform the human condition, his critique of religion reveals an existential pathos», and it is religiously edifying.
The Renaissance and the Reformation reversed this long process which had led to the resurgence of ancient religion in a Christian dress, and they made way for the emergence of the new world with its renewed emphasis on the human scene.
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