Sentences with phrase «with immediate consequences»

If you have a down month, you can make a reduced payment or skip it altogether with no immediate consequences.
Some may see taking out a loan as free money — funds that allow you to purchase what you want when you want it, with no immediate consequences.
Those who score high on the trait scale tend to be very worried about the future impacts of their actions, while those with lower scores are more concerned with immediate consequences.
Follow through with immediate consequences if your child becomes aggressive.
When rules are broken, follow through with an immediate consequence.

Not exact matches

So you're saying that a preacher giving you the choice with the warning of eternal afterlife consequences is as convincing as the mafia coming to you with a choice warning of bodily harm or immediate harm to your home and family?
Indeed, the plight of indigenous peoples and of the nonhuman species with whom we share the planet should touch our consciences as too high a price for us to be paying even in terms of immediate consequences.
White - head has shown us the powerful effects over two millenia of Plato's doctrine of the soul, especially as it was combined with Biblical ideas.36 The relevance of his thought, judged by immediate consequences, was all too limited.
It is likely that a second reason for Paul's using homosexuality as his illustration of the immediate consequence of idolatry is that its public manifestations were typically associated with pagan temples.
Of course, if a government punishes sexual promiscuity in a certain segment of the population with death the people will become less promiscuous since it focuses everyone's attention on the reality that aside from the immediate pleasure, there can be serious negative consequences.
When they enter our school most of our students are more concerned with what is immediate â $» rewards and consequences.
As with all birth choices, tests, procedures, and treatments, your care team should go through all the benefits (the advantages of delayed vs immediate cord clamping), the risks (the disadvantages of delayed vs immediate cord clamping), implications (associated risks) and possible future consequences, in order for you to make an informed decision.
Another strength is that our results provide a more complete assessment of socioeconomic inequalities in breastfeeding rates, by estimating both relative and absolute inequalities, than common practice in inequality assessments.23 Finally, our study analysed effects of the intervention not only on an immediate, direct outcome (breastfeeding) but also on a long - term consequence of breastfeeding (child cognitive ability) that is associated with important health and behavioural outcomes in later life.27
«As a consequence of these vigorous engagements and as cultured people with a tradition of respect for our national values, leaders and elders, we are today pleased to announce the immediate suspension of the relocation clause otherwise referred to as the quit notice from the Kaduna Declaration.»
The National Health Service will crash within two years with catastrophic consequences unless the government orders an immediate multibillion pound cash injection, the former minister in charge of care services says.
«As a consequence of the above, you are to hand over all party property in your possession to the Zonal Vice-Chairman, Bayelsa Central Senatorial District with immediate effect, while the National Vice-Chairman, South - South, shall coordinate the state chapter of the party.»
This is a much subtler variant on the economics of scarcity, one with three components — the immediate financial rewards of misusing fragile ecosystems, the fact that the consequences of such misuse can be reported far and wide, and the desire of many Westerners to see, to commune with, the planet's remaining wild places and its inhabitants, whatever the cost.
Some of the immediate consequences of bad food combinations are digestive un-ease, gas, bloating, stomach ache, nausea, fatigue, and problems with elimination.
This is a national challenge and we are asking the DfE, parents, head teachers and school governors, Ofsted, higher education institutions and the Arts Council to act now and reverse these consequences with immediate effect.
I emphasize such approaches as using boundaries with positive consequences, and good and immediate follow - through.
Moms and dads, moreover, are focusing in their discussions with their children, on the immediate consequences of drinking alcohol (for instance, the danger of getting into a car accident while drunk), rather than the long - term effects generated by what alcohol does to a young child's developing brain.
In traffic, we are largely anonymous, secure in our own enclosures, and there is little actual human contact or immediate consequence for our actions - at least until that guy with the gun rack on the pickup truck you gave the finger to pulls up alongside you at the traffic light!
These bills can be a bit tricky: while you may not feel any immediate negative consequences for skipping out on your payments, at some point, your bills will catch up with you and the negative impact will take its toll.
Sadly, the immediate consequence of this was a console that went to launch without some of its most touted features, such as the ability to share digital libraries with family members.
In addition to broadly engaging with subjects such as the dystopian character of the contemporary city, the consequences of industrialization, or the lack of cultural and public spaces, this group of artworks also leads us to explore and question the role that an institution, such as Fundación / Colección Jumex, can potentially play in its immediate surrounding, in this case, Ecatepec.»
Granted Judith's error (I agree with you and James) was of no immediate scientific consequence.
A difficulty with the Ebola thing is that issues with potentially immediate and horrific personal consequences (at least within the imagination) can invoke multiple effects, not least fear.
For example, rising sea level increases the likelihood that a storm surge will overtop a levee or damage other coastal infrastructure, such as coastal roads, sewage treatment plants, or gas lines — all with potentially large, expensive, and immediate consequences (Nordhaus, 2010).
Also, the rise in CO2 seems to proceed temp rise by hundreds of years (figure 2), but we are currently supposed to be experiencing CO2 rise with near immediate consequences.
We may also conduct interviews with other medical and vocational professionals who are knowledgeable in the immediate and long - lasting consequences of knee injuries.
The immediate consequences, before formal court proceedings are initiated and despite the presumption of innocence can be crushing: a night spent in custody awaiting bail, immediate court orders to stay away from one's home and forbidden contact with spouses and kids.
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Montreal, QC — This Wednesday, May 4, the Canadian Civil Liberties Association (CCLA) will launch a new report in Canada on the health consequences of crowd control weapons, published in collaboration with Physicians for Human Rights (PHR) and the International Network of Civil Liberties Organizations (INCLO) of which CCLA is a member.
Other types of lies may seem easier to get away with, and the consequences are unlikely to be immediate.
As an immediate consequence of such phenomena, many new investors along with a few experienced traders are investing their money in lesser - known cryptocurrencies.
And if you have ever wondered what happens after the victorious hero rides into the sunset, now you can experience how he deals with the dire consequences of his great triumph... and as an added bonus, you'll also get an immediate resolution to the biggest cliffhanger in the history of Action - RPGs!
The behavior, besides the immediate sexual gratification, leaves the person feeling guilty and shameful, and compounds itself with consequences and unmanageability in the person's life.
The court will take into consideration any immediate and specific tax consequences resulting from or connected with the divorce or legal separation, when determining spousal support.
The rider took effect beginning with the 2006 funding cycle, and the consequences were immediate: That year alone, more than 41,000 fewer women were provided with reproductive health care funded by three main pots of federal money — Title V (the Maternal & Child Health Block Grant), Title XX (the Social Services Block Grant), and Title X; together, the three provide services for women not eligible for Medicaid.
Children often focus on their immediate wants and struggle without considering long term consequences — this ability develops over time and with support.
Dealing with the immediate and long - term consequences of child abuse and neglect is estimated at $ 80 billion per year in the United States.
Talk with your teenager about the immediate and long - term consequences of whatever behaviour is worrying you.
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