Sentences with phrase «with immediate relevance»

«With traditional format books, it would be up to a year before we would be able to publish essays or articles relating to a contemporary event, whereas the En Debate series allows us to make works with immediate relevance immediately available,» she says.
It focuses on research with immediate relevance to public policy, rather than basic scientific research.

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But the much more critical concern is that increasingly, of necessity, they need to specialize in areas and products just to stay up with the technologies that are of the most immediate relevance and concern to their current positions.
White - head has shown us the powerful effects over two millenia of Plato's doctrine of the soul, especially as it was combined with Biblical ideas.36 The relevance of his thought, judged by immediate consequences, was all too limited.
While identifying a clear target within the military bureaucracy and demonstrating the value of moral theorizing will likely prove difficult for Dr Leverinhaus's programme, ELAC's clearly defined partnership with a dozen humanitarian agencies and the immediate relevance of ethical principles on decision - making provide a strong mechanism for application.
Yet there is an immediate relevance to all of her films, explicitly so with 2006's Old Joy, which interrupts its early moments of awkward silence with Air America broadcasts in which callers animatedly discuss first the legacy of the Johnson administration's push for civil rights legislation, then the current political divide of the Bush era.
Blended instruction gives students investigation, real - world application, and immediate relevance with each lesson — and even more so because of the educational technology advances that the Common Core will usher in.
In alignment with adult learning theory, content that has relevance and immediate application to educator practices seems to be important to the implementation of information and skills gained within the professional development processes.
Those who have responsibility for the supply of education research, including universities and funding agencies, need to create a pipeline that is primed with practical research of immediate relevance to everyday education decisions.
In short, the education research community needs to prime the pump of evidence - based education with a supply of research findings that are of immediate relevance to workaday decision - making, e.g., recruiting tools that enhance the effectiveness of the workforce; ways to increase the productivity of the central office; and differences in the impact of available curriculum materials for particular types of teachers and students.
This new framework was then be implemented using three strategies: (1) Hmong students» conditions for learning, namely, a relationship and immediate relevance, are accepted and maintained; (2) traditional Hmong learning processes, including cooperation and oral transmission, are gradually combined with formal educational processes, individual achievement and the use of the written word; and (3) activities for learning are initially confined to practice, slowly yielding to analysis of familiar material and finally, analysis of unfamiliar material.
The job title perhaps obscures the immediate relevance of the appointment: as a curator with a reputation for working with cross-disciplinary artists such as performance artist Carolee Schneemann and visionary architectural practice Archigram, as well as curating substantial survey shows, Bayley is being asked to enable an encounter to take place between artists, church and the public.
The project lead often will be called upon to make immediate decisions about relevance or privilege, therefore the lead attorney must be knowledgeable about the facts and issues of the matter and should have experience with similar review projects.
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