Sentences with phrase «with individual cases»

Chances are this might not help with your individual case, but it could shut down a real scam company.
The amount of vegetable juice one is able to consume will differ with each individual case.
We can not offer legal advice or assistance with individual cases, but we do try to answer questions on general topics.
The judiciary and the executive see issues from opposite ends of the telescope: judges are influenced by their experience with individual cases.
According to the report, if companies begin to develop autonomous weapons, the ethics council would «consider dealing with individual cases under the conduct - based criteria.»
A Senior Lecturer in the Faculty of Education, Hopkins has been working with individual case studies of children in Years 2 - 8, monitoring the strategies that they use as they practise solving simple addition problems every day for extended periods of time.
My personal conviction is that these people must have a chance to create a clinical setting and work personally with individual cases, although, in a pioneering situation they must, in addition, do educational work and act as organizers.
I have also assisted residents with individual cases requesting transfers and retrofitting apartments to be ADA - compliant and accommodate their needs.
In 2011, he got a stay - of - removal and has since been subject to prosecutorial discretion, which lets an agency or officer determine how to deal with individual cases on an annual basis — and which staved off his deportation in March.
Sleaze affects the reputation of all politicians, not just the party concerned with an individual case.
They are familiar with each individual case and are aware of the state and federal mandates concerning radiation safety and are in constant contact with the veterinary radiologist / radiation oncologist that oversees the treatment regimen.
Judicial case management was premised on judges becoming much more actively involved with individual cases than ever before.
No matter how the Austrian Supreme Court decides the case, Facebook will have to deal either with an individual case from Schrems, or with class action cases from across the globe, said Danny O'Brien, international director of EFF.
Possessing excellent knowledge of legal terminology along with a keen sense of managing research work associated with individual cases, I am confident that I have it in me to be an asset to your company.
Not when dealing with individual cases, which Ms Widdecombe says have turned MPs into «glorified social workers».
Consultants provide customized insights to help with your individual case.
Please note that this time varies with each individual case and so much of the timing can be effected by you or by circumstances beyond anyone's control.
I have presented workshops at the ISST conferences in New York (2012), Istanbul (2014) and Vienna (2016) in which I have tried to present my understandings of how to deal with the conceptual and practical challenges raised by work with individual cases and how this leads to advanced applications of the mode model.
In other words, addressing the problem of sexual assault requires us to go beyond dealing with individual cases to challenge «belief systems» about «gender stereotypes,» to expose the «privileges of male identity formation and the relationship with violence,» and to work toward «social justice.»
The DfE has a number of school - complaint case managers who deal with individual cases, but the customer satisfaction survey from this year revealed that just under two thirds of complainants were «dissatisfied overall» with how they were treated.
You can complain to the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA), but the FCA can not deal with your individual case.
But if you focus on doing the best job you can with every single thing that's in front of you with every individual case, and treat every client and every case as your most important client and your most important case, and do it within the bounds of ethics, you'll do fine.
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