Sentences with phrase «with individual clients»

Through work with individual clients as well as myself, I have noticed repeated themes associated with the challenges of standard dieting.
She is now working with individual clients in a provincial law firm.
Along the lines of teaching, I also give group talks on health and wellness, working with my individual clients on meeting their nutrition and lifestyle goals.
The attorneys then meet with their individual clients to discuss the recommendations.
Although the company is large, it is flexible and personable enough to deal with individual clients on a face - to - face basis.
Several websites take targeting one step further and actually try to connect individual lawyers with individual clients.
Consequently, I have a different approach with individual clients regarding their relationships.
It varies widely depending on the working style that evolves with each individual client and the stage of development and marketing of their work.
Since brokers have to overcome a larger hurdle to becoming profitable with any individual client, they're not as eager to give cash to every individual who opens an account.
Note 1: I'm assuming that these issues are more common with individual clients rather than corporate clients.
We are an agency focused on aligning the best company at the best price with each individual client's needs.
These are not the only resume formats we use, it varies with each individual client and depends on their background.
Well - versed in conducting personal fitness workouts in accordance with individual client's needs.
Because we believe in the uniqueness of each individual that we see, we also utilize other counseling techniques that may resonate with the individual clients we see.
My education allows me to work effectively with individual clients, couples, and families, small or extended.
I now use this same curiosity and inquiry with individual clients regarding their complaints about partners (and siblings, coworkers, friends, parents).
Cognitive - behavioral therapy is a backbone of my therapy with individual clients.
I am most interested in working with individual clients who are seeking ways to improve their overall wellness through integration of physical, emotional and spiritual health.
We also have little data on the effectiveness of text, chat, and email - based therapies, though some studies have shown these to improve specific behaviors with individual clients.
One difference between the neutral coach and the allied coach is that most of their work happens with individual clients outside of the attorney joint meetings.
This reputation is, of course, built from the foundational one - on - one interactions with individual clients, but it can also extend to the firm's marketing and communication strategy.
It covers the exact same 5 step program that I use with my individual clients — at a fraction of the cost!
Meet with individual clients, families of various dynamics, or groups to discuss problems, diagnose disorders, and create individualized treatment plans.
In 2011, I decided to focus solely on resume writing since it seemed to be the most helpful to others and allowed me to be the most creative with each individual client as I developed their career success stories.
Not only do we work with individual clients directly but we also work very closely with HR departments supporting their employees with all aspects of their job search and help them to manage the redundancy process.
It is important that I spend a lot of time with each individual client talking to them about what types of benefits are available through workers» comp and answering their questions, because it's a complicated system and they usually have a lot of questions,» she said.
Actually, one of our readers reminded us, there's a 6th reason: email is trackable - that is, you know exactly who opened your emails, and who clicked which links, so your attorneys can follow up appropriately with individual clients based on their demonstrated interests.
Tracy has distinguished herself as a certified Wellness & Quantum Nutrition Practitioner in the South Bay both as a public speaker and working with individual clients targeting specific health issues and guiding them to a life of vitality energy improved flexibility physical transformation mental sharpness restful sleep and peace of mind.
She trained dogs throughout San Diego, CA for the past 5 years working not only with individual clients, but with local rescues in rehabbing their most severe cases.
But Resolution: 4 architecture followed a different model than others, working like a traditional architect with individual clients, and simply using modular prefabrication as another way to build.
Debriefing with the individual client (s) and with the other attorney and / or team members 5.
Does it make a difference to the analysis of the appropriateness of requiring Canadian expeerience, whether the person to be permitted to work here will work for an employer, i.e. under supervision and in a structured framework of practices, or whether the person will be an independent service provider with individual clients from the general public?
When you get a resume, these areas really should only be developed with the individual client and goal in mind, and any resume service that can promises you that these items will present a certain way without seeing your information or knowing your goal, is likely not planning to put any time into strategy development of any kind.
Collaborated with individual clients to assess overall wellness and health condition and develop successful treatment plans consistent with appropriate needs and expectations.
Over four years ago, our Guidance Counsellor began using the Smiling Mind web based tools with individual clients.
However, there are limited resources for psychologists seeking to use DBT skills with individual clients.
Many clinicians who are competent and successful in their work with individual clients avoid working with couples as they do not have adequate training or experience and are ill - equipped to manage the unique challenges that couples can present.
It may be dangerous for us to continue as we are, closeting ourselves mostly with individual clients.
I am wondering if you, David, have ever used it to address sex addictions, whether with individual clients or as part of a couples therapy.
Therapists working with an individual client generally do not hear the equally valid, understandable, and often starkly different story of the client's partner or closest one.
Attending to mind, body and soul, Ciuin works one - on - one with individual clients as well as running seminars and retreats.
As easily and quickly as it has opened the sluice gates, the big green could close down all gambitting permanently, if it finds that staff are having to spend too much time dealing with individual clients.
Goldstein said that while he doesn't feel it is currently an ethical obligation, it is a matter of professional responsibility: «The service I provide to clients is based on presenting the latest, most efficient and cost - effective options that allow me to maximize my experience and knowledge as a lawyer with individual clients
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