Sentences with phrase «with jottings»

I have a notebook and countless sticky notes with jotted down ideas for articles.
In the midst of this sifting, spare yet crystalline images serve as points of clarity, like these beautifully refined verbal visuals from a poem called «Panacea»: «A club moss / and a cube of ice / tinted with a jot / of Berlin blue.»
In Kaamos, the most all - over abstraction, with the canvas treated explicitly as a two - dimensional surface covered with jots of blue and white paint, there are sections that are clearly birches, or pieces of birches.
I don't agree with every jot and tittle of Landsburg's piece, but I think it helps elucidate the complexity of climate change policy, even before one considers specific policy proposals and issues of institutional design.
You can start with jotting down on a paper everything you have done whether in your career or in personal life.

Not exact matches

This is just a page for each person I interact with a lot, where I jot down things I need to talk to them about as they occur to me in between meetings or conversations.
Jot your goals on an index card to carry with you for easy reference.
If you jotted down a note to deal with a conflict or to finish a report, decide to focus on that task and make sure you are intentional about addressing it.
In addition, our employees use 15Five as a way to communicate with managers and executives — the idea being that all staffers should take 15 minutes each week to jot down feedback to a supervisor that takes just five minutes to read.
Keep a pen and paper next to your pillow when you sleep and an inventor's handbook with you throughout the day to jot down notes.
Jotting down descriptions like «went to work, played with kid, made dinner» will suffice.
J.K. Rowling says she was too shy to ask anyone for a pen to jot down ideas for the Harry Potter series when she first came up with the concept.
As the company meets one - on - one with institutional money managers, their tentative commitments to buy given numbers of shares — known as «indications of interest» — are jotted down in the book.
Jot down their ideas for the next meeting's agenda, or make plans to meet with them one - on - one after the meeting, and then move on.
So some of the deans jotted down the school when asked to name those with the best EMBA programs.
An unyielding reverence to this book, leading to endless squabbles with and contempt for all who differ on any «jot or tittle», represents the single most defining characteristic of religion in my life.
«Then at least,» I wrote at the time, «left to ourselves, we will be able, under the guidance of a new Holy Father (who will, I hope and pray, see it as his aim to complete the work of the pontificate which has just come to such an unexpected end), and with God's help, return in the light of a new Eastertide to the business of building up the Church once more, free of the attentions of the roving media protagonists who so rarely care a jot about what, for a week or so, is currently attracting their fitful attention.»
In plateau times, when life goes fiat, it helps to return to these jottings and enjoy reliving the peak experience of a child's smile, a breathtaking sunset, a moving encounter with a person, a sexual high, a majestic strain of music, a feeling of connectedness with the flow of life and with the Spirit of the universe.
I shall never forget the impact on my ministry when I sat down a few years ago and jotted on paper «the great rocky facts of being» (Augustus Hopkins Strong): some elementary but elemental truths I felt certain of, with certainty defined as «no doubt about it» but as «convictions by and for which one lives and dies.»
Your name being but a jot tells me you don't want to be known of with clarity.
Despite the immense popularity the aged Argentine has won since his election last year, not a jot of doctrine has changed, nor has the Catholic Church swelled with American converts.
Won't impress me with a quickly jotted down or churned out saying or hip new phrase (WWJD, John 3:16 on garment bags... etc etc etc).
But Katie spoke up, and there was usually some young man jotting down the table talk — openly, and with the approval of the master who sometimes gave a specific direction about what to write.
But his urgent desire to fuse his faith with his poetic loyalty to every jot and tittle of life leads him in this direction.
I discovered long ago that being part of that system means I must keep my mouth shut, agree with all that is taught and said, or be attacked by the keepers of the right doctrine for daring question one jot or tittle.
Standing back, then, amid the mob, She saw the white square had been daubed With the pained portrait of his looks, As if to prove, in every prayer Our airy words melt at his stare, And his words jotted in our books Are nothing to the fact of flesh, The thorn - pricked head, the eyes impressed Upon a piece of woven cloth.
Dominicans, loitering outside, jotted down some of the angry words, shouted apparently on the other side of the door, joined these with some sharp sentences from the Sermon on the Ban and published the resulting concoction.
I jotted down some notes and came up with a final recipe based on the spices I had in my cupboard.
That is when I started Delishhh, my pet project, to not only jot down my recipes, but to document and be able to share with others.
I love to saute my greens with a little sesame oil or bacon fat, and lacto - fermented jot peppers.
Whether I'm brainstorming for a week's worth of meals with the pilot, recipe developing for the blog, testing said recipes, jotting down random ideas in my handy dandy notebook, or writing up my completed masterpieces for the blog... recipes are kind of my thing.
I have about a million variations jotted down, but with the big game a few short days away, I felt obligated to make my annual buffalo chicken contribution to the world.
I once bought a package of said cookies and jotted down the ingredient list with a plan to try to recreate them at home.
When not in the kitchen, she can be found with her head in a book or jotting down recipe ideas!
I first made them over a year ago, with the recipe jotted down in recipe development / blogging book.
A lot of my classic recipes on here are ones that I grew up with and come straight from her, usually by way of a phone call requesting her to sit down and read me the ENTIRE recipe, often repeating lines and ingredients, while I jot it down.
I dutifully jotted down everyone's suggestions and recipes for crazy things to do with zucchini.
For every recipe I am able to share with you here, another five originals get jotted down.
It's usually a bit of a slap - dash approach and we rarely follow a recipe, but it usually turns out pretty well so next time we crave a homemade curry, I'll be sure to jot down the recipe to share with you here.
I have a big moleskine notebook where I messily jot down things I want to create in the kitchen: ideas I have for combining whole foods to get a certain effect, flavour combinations, sticky notes with ambiguous notation, restaurant dishes I want to have at home, simple techniques with big results that I want to share with you, and the like.
If I don't at least jot down a general list of what I'm going to make for each meal of the week, I basically run around like a chicken with my head chopped off, feeding my kids whatever I can quickly grab without thinking too much about it.
Will the Newcastle manager live to regret getting this player's name wrong in an interview, or would it not have mattered a jot, with the midfielder wanting to jump ship a long time ago?
It was Andy Warhol who in the early 1960s first put the virus under the microscope, identified what we're really dealing with and jotted down his findings in his diary before infecting the collective water supply:
You do jot need to slag ofnither fans with different views to state your points.
And again, if you were to jot down the requirements for a title - winning manager, it's unlikely you'd come up with Ranieri's CV.
I jotted the permutations of Little League lineups on Post-it notes, diagrammed basketball plays on pages torn out of my reporter's notebook and littered the house with what I considered my brilliance.
For today I have racked my brain (sounds worse than it was) trying to think of all the players I've ever seen in a West Ham shirt whose surnames begin with G. I've managed to jot down 12 names, but they wouldn't make the best team as three of them, Green, Grotier, and Gregory (who was the first Hammers keeper I ever saw) were goalkeepers.
I usually start with an idea jotted down in a sketch book, then it might take a while to develop, sometimes several months of making and solving any technical issues.
Whether on the go with my phone, in my office on my PC or on the couch with my tablet — I can jot down ideas and information on the fly and those notes sync instantly across all my other devices through the cloud so I'm never without.
When you're packaging up at - home leftovers, write the date on containers in dry - erase marker (you can even buy containers with erasable tags); in restaurants, jot the date on the doggie bag.
a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z