Sentences with phrase «with large holes»

The glass - walled building features four circular floors with a large hole in the center.
As your baby gets older, buy nipples with larger holes.
An open crumb structure with large holes is a sign that the bread has had a long natural fermentation and that the dough was treated gently.
Our recommendation is to avoid blankets with large holes.
We're given «tourist» paddles with a large hole to make it easier for us.
The result is like a grass carpet with large holes, which allows enough water for the plants in such a formation.
Young children's brains are like colanders with large holes trying to retain these little pieces of memory.
They can be worn with trousers (as shown in my today's styling, they look also great worn under jeans with large holes) and of course with dresses and skirts (but with those you have to be very careful, not to look trashy).
Any toy that has been filled with catnip — some kind of dried herb that cats go crazy over — is destined to keep him amused for hours, but often the most entertaining of all for kitty is a box with large holes cut into it that he can jump in and out of.
Alternately, grate with the large holes of a box grater (peeled persimmons are slippery — watch your fingers!)
If you don't have a food processor, you can use the box grater (the side with the largest holes).
The grating disk with the largest holes gives much larger shreds than any food processor attachment has done for me.
Grate your sweet potato with the large hole grater side (my grater has small or large).
1 If possible, use the spiral slicer blade with the larger holes to create thicker «noodles.»
This can cause a high, narrow, arched hard palate, and sometimes encourage a tongue thrust swallow, if the baby uses the tongue as a «stop» to cut down the flow of milk from a teat with a larger hole.
This wooden construction toy comes complete with a jumbo - sized toy wrench, screwdriver, nuts and bolts, and wooden planks with large holes.
«These are big mountains with a large hole in their summit, and on Earth that generally means one thing — a volcano,»
Ones with large holes are perfect for this kind of rocker - chic outfit.
An animal rescue staff member, Peyton Gaudiosi, took this stray dog home from the shelter to give Pez some extra attention and to see if anything can help with the large hole in his mouth.
You will need to start with larger holes and slowly progress to more complex puzzle toys and feeders.
It is a huge domed building of equal height and width with a large hole in the centre of the roof to let in light and air.
Then this summer we started a kitchen remodel, which left our original wood floors with large holes and other damage when we removed a section of cabinetry and plumbing from the middle of the room.
The right sample look porous with larger holes and a 10-fold increase in their number.
In its official art, a fading jenny resembles a parsnip with a large hole in the middle of the root, going clear through it.
A damaged nipple, nipple with larger hole or discolored nipple should be replaced immediately.
Drain again in that sieve or colander; if you're using a standard colander with larger holes, line it with cheesecloth or paper towels so you don't lose the fennel seeds.
They can be worn with trousers (as shown in my today's styling, they look also great worn under jeans with large holes) and of course with dresses and skirts (but -LSB-...]
If you have a cat or a small dog, place them in their crate or as a second option place them in a box with large holes (big enough that you can see them)-- this may help reduce stress.
Picard15 wrote that in order to stop the abundant flow of milk from a bottle with an artificial nipple (with a large hole in the end), the infant was forced to hold the tongue up against the hole in the nipple to prevent the formula from gushing forth.
Next switch to the shredding blade (with the larger holes) and insert into the food processor to shred the cheeses.
I like them with larger holes.
Trade it for a nipple with a larger hole and your baby will have an easier time feeding.
Try a variety of nipples, avoiding those with larger holes that can cause milk to flow too fast.
However, depending on how sturdy the white threads are, over time they generally wear down and there is the risk of ending up with larger holes.
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