Sentences with phrase «with larger brains»

Eating healthy amounts of omega - 3 fatty acids is associated with larger brain volume and better function.
They found that birds with larger brains relative to their body size survived better in nature than birds with small brains.
With the evolution of life, at a certain stage, came the development of animals with a nervous system, and eventually human beings with a large brain.
Blakemore is happy to identify the first individual with this larger brain with the human being commonly referred to as «mitochondrial Eve,» «the mother of all the living.»
Scientists first proposed a relation between social living and brain expansion, or encephalization, nearly three decades ago, when they observed that primate species with larger brains typically lived in bigger groups.
Along with a larger brain, those first members of our genus developed a heavy dependence on scavenging or hunting for meat.
«In animals with larger brains, people have had difficulty getting behavior effects with optogenetics, and one possible reason is that not enough of the tissue is being inhibited,» he says.
The guppies with larger brains had a 9 percent larger brain than the small - brained guppies.
MADISON, WISCONSIN — Larger bodies may come with larger brains, but size means little when it comes to how much DNA an organism can pack in each cell.
Experiments that grew mosquito fish with longer sperm - delivery organs led to females with larger brains — possibly to better avoid male harassment
WE PRIDE ourselves on our big brains, but have lacked hard evidence that individuals with large brains do better than others.
«Our findings provide a mechanism for how our lineage ended up with large brains [in the first place],» she says.
Mammals with larger brains have a more folded cortex, and the human brain is the most wrinkled of all, cramming as much grey matter into our skulls as possible.
«We have shown that species with larger brains relative to their body size experience lower mortality than species with smaller brains, supporting the general importance of the cognitive buffer hypothesis in the evolution of large brains.»
«It's interesting that we are seeing the same modifications to the same groups of genes in lineages with large brains - primates, cetaceans, elephants.
Higher levels of the omega - 3 components known as DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) and EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) are associated with larger brain volume.
One is a superpowered child who flies his mom around the house; the other a spindly blue kid with a large brain, who constructs a deadly Big Wheel out of licence plates and stuff lying around the prison shop.
But before the baby takes over his entire life, John must go back to his hometown after hearing that his mother, Sally (Margo Martindale), is diagnosed with a large brain tumor.
With human geological debris (in the event of a sudden extinction) this would be fairly straightforward — the skulls with the largest brains, the plastic models showing miniature humans using technology, the scale and structural adaptions of the technology (eg cars)... with a much older species, who knows?
Along with a larger brain — about two - thirds the size of ours — came a reduction in the size and projection of the face, including much smaller teeth and jaws than those of Paranthropus (H. erectus's contemporary in Africa) and loss of the skull crest.
The analysis, reported in the Proceedings of the Royal Society B, revealed that birds with large brains have lower circulating levels of the stress hormone, which rise only slightly in response to challenging situations, whereas these values can skyrocket in birds on the opposite end of the «brainy» scale.
A key advantage to this opsin is that it could enable optogenetic studies of animals with larger brains, says Garret Stuber, an assistant professor of psychiatry and cell biology and physiology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
The researchers assume that individuals with larger brains had what they called «superior escape ability.»
Species with larger brains, such as humans, tend to take longer to learn to walk.
The authors point out that «with our larger brains and smaller pelvises, our babies» heads are in danger of growing larger than the mothers» pelvic region can accommodate.»
Wolves, with their larger brains, are more prone to flashes of insight, allowing them to solve problems on their own; dogs, with smaller brains, excel at using humans to help them.
This may explain why, for example, birds with small relative brain sizes, such as pheasants, find it harder to avoid a moving car than those with larger brain size, such as magpies.
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