Sentences with phrase «with learning objects»

Before you work with learning objects, ask yourself these questions: · What educational problem are you trying to solve?
The greatest benefit of working with learning objects is, without any doubt, reusability.
Consider this: you have a Learning Management System (LMS) as part of your Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) and you want to know what, where, when, and who interacted with your learning object.
This encourages interaction with the learning object.

Not exact matches

With Bixby Vision, users can learn details about objects and locations, find out how to purchase items they see in the real world, and translate languages, among many other tasks.
Baxter, on the other hand, would have to perform any of a range of tasks with whatever object was placed in front of it, and it would have to learn one of those tasks in just minutes.
This web of associations develops over time as you use an object (think of how experts recommend that you don't use your bed for nearly anything besides sleep so that your body learns to associate the space with rest and begins to unwind as soon as you lie down).
However, while the learned objected, the people of God, with their inspired sense of right doctrine, continued to promote the doctrine of Mary's singular privilege.
They manage to destroy another Horcrux with Gryffindor's sword, and they become excited again as they begin to learn about a mysterious trio of magical objects called the Deathly Hallows.
Such creatures — who belong both in Narnia and in Aslan's country, and who must simply learn to live with such dual membership — are the object of Christian vision.
The reason children require a number of years to develop mastery of certain basic concepts, according to some child psychologists, is not that they are slow in learning the words — they actually know the words quite early — but that they have to start experiencing the world in a new, more simplified way that corresponds with the classifications suggested by these words.4 For example, young children may know the words spoon, teaspoon, silver, knife, and metal but find it difficult for several years to apply them appropriately to objects in their environment, the reason being partly that these words form multiple and overlapping classifications.
We learn to speak of objects or societies with these familiar properties as having mass long before we ever appreciate mass as a physical parameter.
In 2012 the lines between the sacred and the profane will get even more blurry: Scientists will religiously maintain their search for the elusive God particle (they won't find it); evangelical sports superhero and Denver Bronco quarterback Tim Tebow will continue to be both an inspiration to the faithful and an object of scorn to skeptics (he will be watching, not playing in, the Super Bowl); at least one well - known religious leader or leading religious politician will be brought down by a sex scandal (let's hope all our leaders have learned a lesson from former Rep. Anthony Weiner and stay away from sexting); and the «nones» - those who don't identify with one religion - will grow even more numerous and find religious meanings in unexpected places (what TV show will become this season's «Lost»?)
Although technology has evolved, film has become a niche, and time has clouded much of what I learned back then, one thing is still the same: the science of light and the way it wraps around an object, enveloping it with its invisible yet transformative qualities.
We split the shoots into different product types and we'll be showing the results on the blog over the next few weeks, along with tips for photographing different types of objects — from cards, prints and notebooks, to cushions, jewellery and glass — to help other makers pick up practical tips and learn how to get the best results for each product.
Babies learn to associate this word with objects they shouldn't touch, and you're setting the stage for rules later on.
Together with a talented team at BCIT, they created some 3 - D learning objects to insert into online perinatal nursing courses.
Since this represents the first steps toward learning to talk, I've been looking for simple baby books that associate names with pictures of objects.
Babies quickly learn that they can play with anything within reach, and it's not hard for them to swipe a small object which will in turn become a choking hazard.
Upper body weight shifting is a HUGE skill learned during tummy time that allows babies to learn how to support themselves on one arm while they reach for an object (such as a favorite toy or Daddy's nose) with the other.
As mother held him / her close, the baby's span of gazing enlarges since the baby have already learned to focus on a certain object with both eyes visually.
It is deeply unfortunate that your stories serve as object lessons of the dangers of homebirth, but, in my judgment, the loss is compounded if we refuse to learn from these deaths, if we refuse to acknowledge just how common they are, if we let substandard self - proclaimed «midwives» continue practicing, and if we allow organizations like MANA (the Midwives Alliance of North America) to get away with hiding serial «babyslaugher,» the newborn equivalent of unintentional manslaughter deaths.
To make them simple, not cluttered with other objects in the picture (that's for learning other info than reading).
Around the age of twelve months, a baby begins to learn that his caregivers have associated specific sounds with objects and people.
When your baby starts to play more with objects, he begins to learn the significance of cause and effect (if I drop this, mom will pick it up) and problem solving (how do I get this into this?).
Newborns are just learning to follow moving objects with their eyes (called visual tracking), so wait for baby to find the object and then move it a bit more.
Constructive play allows children to experiment with objects; find out combinations that work and don't work; and learn basic knowledge about stacking, building, drawing, making music and constructing.
She's learning to reach out and grasp objects with both hands, often passing them from hand to hand.
As you point out shapes and differences in objects, you are helping your baby with future alphabet learning.
Once your baby is a fairly confident sitter, put toys and other intriguing objects just out of reach — they'll hold his attention as he learns to balance with his arms.
Learns concepts such as size, shape and weight as he / she moves and plays with objects in the environment.
During this period babies learn to respond to their names, may pause when they hear «no,» and will start to associate words with familiar objects.
One set of colorful wooden nesting bowls from Little Spruce Organics: This beautiful, durable set of wooden nesting bowls is made with safe, water - based dyes and is perfect for babies and toddlers who are just learning how to place objects inside of one another and stack.
Kids love to learn by engaging all of their senses (which is also why I have a slight obsession with sensory play), by touching objects and using gross motor skills while acquiring information, their little brains are just firing like crazy.
Newborn babies are unfamiliar with their environment and you will need to guide them to enjoy and learn more about objects that surround them.
Young children learn by engaging in hands - on activities with real objects.
Why: As your toddler mimics actions she's seen you perform with these objects, she's learning about their purpose.
During this time, the class will learn about a certain topic (for example, water, weather, animals, plants, and nature) through the use of books, demonstrations with actual objects, explorations outside, or interactive activities.
By seven months old, your baby has learnt the differences in colour, their vision has become less blurry as they have gained focus, they understand and are aware of depth perception and they follow objects across the room with their eyes.
To learn as much as possible about distant objects, astronomers observe them with telescopes that «see» in various wavelengths.
Playing with objects may help dogs learn about their environment, similar to how it helps human infants.
HERA will not be able to directly analyze the chemical composition of those early objects (such work is done with a technique called spectroscopy), but Hewitt said it will be possible to learn something about the characteristics of those early objects by studying their interaction with the hydrogen that surrounded them.
These failed stars, or brown dwarfs, inhabit a peculiar gray area between large planets and small stars, and their split personalities are providing scientists with new ways to learn about both kinds of objects.
To find out, they devised an experiment in which people learned to associate particular adjectives with particular objects and scenes.
Professor Bischofberger and co-investigators Stefanie Heigele, PhD, and Leoni Bolz tested two groups of mice, which were housed either without (sedentary) or with running wheels (voluntarily running) using a novel object recognition (NOR) task to assess learning and long - term memory.
Already this has shown that schizophrenia patients have particular problems noticing what has changed in a previously learned scene in which an object has been moved, but do better at recognising when the object has been replaced with something else.
The game will use principles derived from existing programmes used in adults with visual field loss, whereby patients have to search for hard - to - find objects on a computer screen (a «visual search» task), but the game will be modified to make the task more stimulating and fun for children and structured to maximise the efficiency of learning.
The robot had learned to use a perceptual model to recognize and classify objects — and it could rely on this model to estimate how similar two objects were with only the sounds they made to guide it.
The enhanced mice masterfully memorized new objects, swiftly learned to link certain sounds or situations to an unpleasant foot shock, and displayed un-usually savvy maze navigation — signs of mental acuity that surpassed skills exhibited by either typical mice or mice transplanted with glial progenitor cells from their own species.
Google made an AI program that combined recently learned objects (animals) with older information (clouds) to create artwork.
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