Sentences with phrase «with less cancer»

By supporting Bark For Life (you can even join our fundraising team), you help the American Cancer Society save lives, and that helps all of us move closer to the ultimate goal of a world with less cancer and more birthdays.
In general whole food plant based diets are associated with less cancer for a variety of reasons.

Not exact matches

The senator from Arizona returned Monday to Washington, DC, less than a week after being diagnosed with an aggressive form of brain cancer and less than two weeks after he had brain surgery.
While cancer and Alzheimer's seemingly don't have that much in common, there is one key link that researchers at MD Anderson think could be useful: People with a history of cancer are less likely to get Alzheimer's, while people with Alzheimer's are less likely to get cancer.
It's just instead of a gaping mouthful of full - colour cancer, we're gently reminded to drink less, quit smoking, cut down on salt, exercise more, eat more vegetables and get a check up or we could spend our golden years cold and with wolves after us.
U.S. health regulators on Tuesday granted accelerated approval for Pfizer Inc's immuno - oncology drug Bavencio to treat advanced bladder cancer, marking the second approval in less than two months for the treatment developed along with Germany's Merck KGaA.
Finally, it is true that having no children also increases the risk of breast cancer, for two likely reasons: (1) The breasts never receive the benefit of a full - term pregnancy, which renders the breast tissue more mature and thus less susceptible to cancerous change; (2) The breasts are chronically stimulated with more cyclic surges of estradiol, without interruption by periods of pregnancy and lactation.
Hasker's third proposition is that for the problem of divine non-intervention to be a real problem, «we must be able to identify specific kinds of cases in which God morally ought to intervene but does not» Many critics of (traditional) theism probably already have a more or less vague list of such cases, which might include genocidal events, such as the Nazi holocaust and the Rwandan massacre; wars; large - scale natural disasters; conditions of chronic poverty, in which millions of children die from starvation or are permanently stunted because of inadequate protein; the sexual molestation of children, which often leaves them psychologically scarred for the rest of their lives; death preceded by long, painful illnesses, such as cancer or AIDS, or by mind - destroying conditions, such as Alzheimer's disease; and the kinds of events described by Dostoyevski, such as the soldier using his pistol to get a mother's baby to giggle with delight and then blowing its brains out.
Would u tell someone with cancer or that had heart diease or had COPD or anything to just get up, clean up, get dressed and go out and help someone less fortunate, I hope not because if u did u would need help!!!
In countries with diets high in fibre and wholegrains, diseases such as bowel cancer, diabetes and coronary heart disease are less common.
Laden with antioxidants and containing 80 % less caffeine, it promises to reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke, neurological decline — and even certain cancers.
One less cancer to deal with.
For women who choose to breastfeed there are lower risks associated with breast and ovarian cancer, less chance of hip fractures and osteoporosis in later life, and the added benefit that it helps with getting back to their pre-baby weight.
I am not necessarily pro-circumcision either although both of my boys are... we chose that after reading both sides and decided if there's less risk of cancer and UTIs plus they'll look like most other boys their age that we would go with circumcision.
Given questions about how long the vaccine is effective for, she questioned the efficacy of giving shots to girls as young as 11 years old in parts of the world (such as the U.S.) where women regularly undergo safety Pap screening repeatedly over their lifetimes, saying that the chances of their contracting cervical cancer may be less than the «small» risks associated with the vaccine.
Breastfeeding results in reduced incidence of common infections such as diarrhea, otitis media and pneumonia.5 It is associated with a reduced incidence of childhood - onset diabetes, celiac disease, Crohn's disease and some childhood malignancies.6 More recent work suggests that breastfed infants are less obese in infancy and later childhood.7 Mothers who breastfeed have a more physiologic postpartum recovery and a lower incidence of breast and ovarian cancer, osteoporosis and obesity.8
«Mothers who don't discuss their results with their kids are relatively less satisfied and feel more conflicted,» says Kenneth Tercyak, director of behavioral prevention research at Georgetown Lombardi and lead author of the study published in the journal Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Prevention.
The trial included both proof of acts that clearly met that standard — pushing $ 500,000 in legislative grants for the cancer researcher, and backing real estate legislation for the developers — and lesser favors, like trying to get the researcher's child a job, helping get permits for a charity race and meeting with lobbyists.
«Armand Miele's unique memoir, based on his biography and his musings for the Rockland County Times, tells the American struggle from every angle, from growing up with less than zero in the Depression - era Bronx, to building a successful business, to battling terminal cancer and winning, and surviving the devastating loss of a child.
Panepinto, who won with less than 50 percent of the vote in 2014, said during his announcement that his decision was both personal and professional, citing the cancer battle being fought by his law firm partner, a looming crackdown on lawmakers» outside income and some sort of sexual harassment probe involving his former chief of staff.
Preclinical trials indicate potential for noscapine as a cancer drug with less toxicity to healthy cells than currently available chemotherapies.
«Older women with breast cancer report better cosmetic satisfaction with less radiation, less surgery.»
In the first study evaluating patient - reported cosmetic outcomes in a population - based cohort of older women with breast cancer, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center researchers found that less radiation was associated with improved cosmetic satisfaction long -cancer, The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center researchers found that less radiation was associated with improved cosmetic satisfaction long -Cancer Center researchers found that less radiation was associated with improved cosmetic satisfaction long - term.
A protein known as arginine methyltransferase 1 (PRMT1) may be a potential therapeutic target for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC), the most common type of pancreatic cancer, and one of the most deadliest with a less than 10 percent, five - year survival rate.
If the cancer is caught at later stages, the prognosis is much less favorable, with a 30 to 60 percent 5 - year survival rate.
The EGF pathway is also implicated in cancer, which suggests that anticancer drugs that interfere with this pathway might increase alcohol sensitivity and make alcohol less appealing.
Inflicting less collateral damage to surrounding organs and healthy tissues, it can minimize side effects and increase cure rates for some cancers — just what patients with small bodies like Jonathan need.
AN EXTRA copy of a gene on chromosome 21 may explain why people with Down's syndrome are less likely to get breast and lung cancer than the rest of the population.
Cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer among women worldwide, with less developed regions suffering a disproportionate burden from the disease.
However, they say, given that NCCN endorsement is linked to reimbursement by many commercial insurers and social insurance schemes, «our results suggest that payers may be covering cancer drugs with varying and scientifically less robust justification.»
When the T cells of your immune system are forced to deal over time with cancer or a chronic infection such as HIV or hepatitis C, they can develop «T cell exhaustion,» becoming less effective and losing their ability to attack and destroy the invaders of the body.
Women with a mental illness (including depression, anxiety and serious mental illnesses) are less likely to be screened for breast cancer, according to new research published in the BJPsych (online first).
«Almost every human being is infected with one or more of these viruses, but most people never develop symptoms, much less breast cancer,» Friedenson said.
For example, lung cancer patients who were injected with killed M. vaccae reported better quality of life and less nausea and pain.
«Depressed men with prostate cancer are diagnosed with later stage disease, and get less effective therapies.»
Women with high levels of FGF1 were less likely to respond to platinum - based drugs, but blocking the gene makes their cells lose their resistance (British Journal of Cancer, DOI: 10.1038 / bjc.2012.410).
«Men with intermediate - or high - risk prostate cancer and a recent diagnosis of depression are less likely to undergo definitive treatment and experience worse overall survival,» Hu said.
Last summer, Italian and Dutch groups separately published papers suggesting that children are at wildly different risks for cancer depending on which defect they carry — with the risk ranging from less than 3 % to about 25 % — and argued that for lower - risk children, screening might not make sense.
«In part, some of the results are explained by more effective treatments for cancer and heart disease, with advances in medicine making such physical illnesses easier to treat, whilst there have been less advances in the treatment of neurological conditions»
«Pancreatic cancer is a deadly disease with long - term survival less than 5 % and better treatments are needed to improve survival.
«The increased death rate is cause for concern, because the prognosis for this tumour is bleak, with less than five percent of pancreatic cancer patients surviving for five years after diagnosis.
The checkers champ was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, which killed him less than a year later.
Depressed men with localized prostate cancer were more likely to be diagnosed with more aggressive prostate cancer, received less effective treatments and survived for shorter times than prostate cancer patients who were not depressed, a UCLA study has found.
An ongoing companion study of GVAX in patients with less advanced prostate cancer should help clarify this issue.
Among postmenopausal women, the women with the highest quartile of HEI - 2010 scores were 43 percent less likely to be diagnosed with ovarian cancer, and the women with the highest quartile AHEI - 2010 scores were 51 percent less likely to be diagnosed with ovarian cancer than the women in the lowest quartile.
Qin said that among all African - American women in the study, those with the highest adherence to an AHEI - 2010 diet were 34 percent less likely to be diagnosed with ovarian cancer than women with the lowest AHEI - 2010 adherence.
In a study recently published in the journal Nature Biotechnology, HSCI researchers at Harvard University and Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH), in collaboration with Boston Children's Hospital and Dana Farber Cancer Institute, have developed a non-toxic transplantation procedure using antibodies to specifically target blood stem cells in mice, an approach they hope will make blood stem cell transplants for these patients far less toxic.
The malignancy often remains undiagnosed until the cancer has spread, leaving patients with a bleak prognosis and a five - year survival rate of less than 30 percent.
After following the patients for an average of 52 months, they found that patients with blood group O were 35 % less likely to have a recurrence of prostate cancer than patient who had blood group A.
Although relatively uncommon — with less than 10,000 new cases each year in the U.S. — it is one of the most frequent cancers in children and young adults.
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